4 research outputs found

    Rule based heuristic approach for minimizing total flow time in permutation flow shop scheduling

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    Programiranje radova u proizvodnji je od bitne važnosti u planiranju i funkcioniranju proizvodnog sustava. Unaprijeđeni sustav programiranja značajno utječe na smanjenje troÅ”kova i minimalni broj radnih postupaka. U ovom se radu razmatra problem programiranja n/m/F/Ī£Ci primjenom Decision Tree (DT) algoritma. Budući da je ovaj problem poznat kao veoma NP-hard, u radu se za njegovo rjeÅ”enje predlaže metodologija temeljena na heuristici. Prednosti DT-a su u tome Å”to je pravilo otpreme u obliku If-then else pravila koja radnici u radionici lako razumiju. Predloženi je pristup testiran na repernim problemima dostupnim u literaturi i uspoređen. Predloženi rad je dodatak tradicionalnim metodama.Production scheduling plays a vital role in the planning and operation of a manufacturing system. Better scheduling system has a significant impact on cost reduction and minimum work-in-process inventory. This work considers the problem of scheduling n/m/F/Ī£Ci using Decision Tree (DT) algorithm. Since this problem is known to be strongly NP-hard, this work proposes heuristic based methodology to solve it. The advantages of DTā€™s are that the dispatching rule is in the form of If-then else rules which are easily understandable by the shop floor people. The proposed approach is tested on benchmark problems available in the literature and compared. The proposed work is a complement to the traditional methods

    Evolutionary algorithms for scheduling operations

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    While business process automation is proliferating through industries and processes, operations such as job and crew scheduling are still performed manually in the majority of workplaces. The linear programming techniques are not capable of automated production of a job or crew schedule within a reasonable computation time due to the massive sizes of real-life scheduling problems. For this reason, AI solutions are becoming increasingly popular, specifically Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). However, there are three key limitations of previous studies researching application of EAs for the solution of the scheduling problems. First of all, there is no justification for the selection of a particular genetic operator and conclusion about their effectiveness. Secondly, the practical efficiency of such algorithms is unknown due to the lack of comparison with manually produced schedules. Finally, the implications of real-life implementation of the algorithm are rarely considered. This research aims at addressing all three limitations. Collaborations with DBSchenker,the rail freight carrier, and Garnett-Dickinson, the printing company,have been established. Multi-disciplinary research methods including document analysis, focus group evaluations, and interviews with managers from different levels have been carried out. A standard EA has been enhanced with developed within research intelligent operators to efficiently solve the problems. Assessment of the developed algorithm in the context of real life crew scheduling problem showed that the automated schedule outperformed the manual one by 3.7% in terms of its operating efficiency. In addition, the automatically produced schedule required less staff to complete all the jobs and might provide an additional revenue opportunity of Ā£500 000. The research has also revealed a positive attitude expressed by the operational and IT managers towards the developed system. Investment analysis demonstrated a 41% return rate on investment in the automated scheduling system, while the strategic analysis suggests that this system can enable attainment of strategic priorities. The end users of the system, on the other hand, expressed some degree of scepticism and would prefer manual methods