11,664 research outputs found

    Controlling chaos in a chaotic neural network

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    The chaotic neural network constructed with chaotic neuron shows the associative memory function, but its memory searching process cannot be stabilized in a stored state because of the chaotic motion of the network. In this paper, a pinning control method focused on the chaotic neural network is proposed. The computer simulation proves that the chaos in the chaotic neural network can be controlled with this method and the states of the network can converge in one of its stored patterns if the control strength and the pinning density are chosen suitable. It is found that in general the threshold of the control strength of a controlled network is smaller at higher pinned density and the chaos of the chaotic neural network can be controlled more easily if the pinning control is added to the variant neurons between the initial pattern and the target pattern

    A Survey of Adaptive Resonance Theory Neural Network Models for Engineering Applications

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    This survey samples from the ever-growing family of adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network models used to perform the three primary machine learning modalities, namely, unsupervised, supervised and reinforcement learning. It comprises a representative list from classic to modern ART models, thereby painting a general picture of the architectures developed by researchers over the past 30 years. The learning dynamics of these ART models are briefly described, and their distinctive characteristics such as code representation, long-term memory and corresponding geometric interpretation are discussed. Useful engineering properties of ART (speed, configurability, explainability, parallelization and hardware implementation) are examined along with current challenges. Finally, a compilation of online software libraries is provided. It is expected that this overview will be helpful to new and seasoned ART researchers

    Transformations in the Scale of Behaviour and the Global Optimisation of Constraints in Adaptive Networks

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    The natural energy minimisation behaviour of a dynamical system can be interpreted as a simple optimisation process, finding a locally optimal resolution of problem constraints. In human problem solving, high-dimensional problems are often made much easier by inferring a low-dimensional model of the system in which search is more effective. But this is an approach that seems to require top-down domain knowledge; not one amenable to the spontaneous energy minimisation behaviour of a natural dynamical system. However, in this paper we investigate the ability of distributed dynamical systems to improve their constraint resolution ability over time by self-organisation. We use a ‘self-modelling’ Hopfield network with a novel type of associative connection to illustrate how slowly changing relationships between system components can result in a transformation into a new system which is a low-dimensional caricature of the original system. The energy minimisation behaviour of this new system is significantly more effective at globally resolving the original system constraints. This model uses only very simple, and fully-distributed positive feedback mechanisms that are relevant to other ‘active linking’ and adaptive networks. We discuss how this neural network model helps us to understand transformations and emergent collective behaviour in various non-neural adaptive networks such as social, genetic and ecological networks

    Associative memory in gene regulation networks

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    The pattern of gene expression in the phenotype of an organism is determined in part by the dynamical attractors of the organism’s gene regulation network. Changes to the connections in this network over evolutionary time alter the adult gene expression pattern and hence the fitness of the organism. However, the evolution of structure in gene expression networks (potentially reflecting past selective environments) and its affordances and limitations with respect to enhancing evolvability is poorly understood in general. In this paper we model the evolution of a gene regulation network in a controlled scenario. We show that selected changes to connections in the regulation network make the currently selected gene expression pattern more robust to environmental variation. Moreover, such changes to connections are necessarily ‘Hebbian’ – ‘genes that fire together wire together’ – i.e. genes whose expression is selected for in the same selective environments become co-regulated. Accordingly, in a manner formally equivalent to well-understood learning behaviour in artificial neural networks, a gene expression network will therefore develop a generalised associative memory of past selected phenotypes. This theoretical framework helps us to better understand the relationship between homeostasis and evolvability (i.e. selection to reduce variability facilitates structured variability), and shows that, in principle, a gene regulation network has the potential to develop ‘recall’ capabilities normally reserved for cognitive systems

    A neural network model of adaptively timed reinforcement learning and hippocampal dynamics

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    A neural model is described of how adaptively timed reinforcement learning occurs. The adaptive timing circuit is suggested to exist in the hippocampus, and to involve convergence of dentate granule cells on CA3 pyramidal cells, and NMDA receptors. This circuit forms part of a model neural system for the coordinated control of recognition learning, reinforcement learning, and motor learning, whose properties clarify how an animal can learn to acquire a delayed reward. Behavioral and neural data are summarized in support of each processing stage of the system. The relevant anatomical sites are in thalamus, neocortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and cerebellum. Cerebellar influences on motor learning are distinguished from hippocampal influences on adaptive timing of reinforcement learning. The model simulates how damage to the hippocampal formation disrupts adaptive timing, eliminates attentional blocking, and causes symptoms of medial temporal amnesia. It suggests how normal acquisition of subcortical emotional conditioning can occur after cortical ablation, even though extinction of emotional conditioning is retarded by cortical ablation. The model simulates how increasing the duration of an unconditioned stimulus increases the amplitude of emotional conditioning, but does not change adaptive timing; and how an increase in the intensity of a conditioned stimulus "speeds up the clock", but an increase in the intensity of an unconditioned stimulus does not. Computer simulations of the model fit parametric conditioning data, including a Weber law property and an inverted U property. Both primary and secondary adaptively timed conditioning are simulated, as are data concerning conditioning using multiple interstimulus intervals (ISIs), gradually or abruptly changing ISis, partial reinforcement, and multiple stimuli that lead to time-averaging of responses. Neurobiologically testable predictions are made to facilitate further tests of the model.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0175, 90-0128); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083); National Science Foundation (IRI-87-16960); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100

    Mapping dynamic interactions among cognitive biases in depression

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    Depression is theorized to be caused in part by biased cognitive processing of emotional information. Yet, prior research has adopted a reductionist approach that does not characterize how biases in cognitive processes such as attention and memory work together to confer risk for this complex multifactorial disorder. Grounded in affective and cognitive science, we highlight four mechanisms to understand how attention biases, working memory difficulties, and long-term memory biases interact and contribute to depression. We review evidence for each mechanism and highlight time- and context-dependent dynamics. We outline methodological considerations and recommendations for research in this area. We conclude with directions to advance the understanding of depression risk, cognitive training interventions, and transdiagnostic properties of cognitive biases and their interactions

    Multilayer optical learning networks

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    A new approach to learning in a multilayer optical neural network based on holographically interconnected nonlinear devices is presented. The proposed network can learn the interconnections that form a distributed representation of a desired pattern transformation operation. The interconnections are formed in an adaptive and self-aligning fashioias volume holographic gratings in photorefractive crystals. Parallel arrays of globally space-integrated inner products diffracted by the interconnecting hologram illuminate arrays of nonlinear Fabry-Perot etalons for fast thresholding of the transformed patterns. A phase conjugated reference wave interferes with a backward propagating error signal to form holographic interference patterns which are time integrated in the volume of a photorefractive crystal to modify slowly and learn the appropriate self-aligning interconnections. This multilayer system performs an approximate implementation of the backpropagation learning procedure in a massively parallel high-speed nonlinear optical network

    The hippocampus and cerebellum in adaptively timed learning, recognition, and movement

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    The concepts of declarative memory and procedural memory have been used to distinguish two basic types of learning. A neural network model suggests how such memory processes work together as recognition learning, reinforcement learning, and sensory-motor learning take place during adaptive behaviors. To coordinate these processes, the hippocampal formation and cerebellum each contain circuits that learn to adaptively time their outputs. Within the model, hippocampal timing helps to maintain attention on motivationally salient goal objects during variable task-related delays, and cerebellar timing controls the release of conditioned responses. This property is part of the model's description of how cognitive-emotional interactions focus attention on motivationally valued cues, and how this process breaks down due to hippocampal ablation. The model suggests that the hippocampal mechanisms that help to rapidly draw attention to salient cues could prematurely release motor commands were not the release of these commands adaptively timed by the cerebellum. The model hippocampal system modulates cortical recognition learning without actually encoding the representational information that the cortex encodes. These properties avoid the difficulties faced by several models that propose a direct hippocampal role in recognition learning. Learning within the model hippocampal system controls adaptive timing and spatial orientation. Model properties hereby clarify how hippocampal ablations cause amnesic symptoms and difficulties with tasks which combine task delays, novelty detection, and attention towards goal objects amid distractions. When these model recognition, reinforcement, sensory-motor, and timing processes work together, they suggest how the brain can accomplish conditioning of multiple sensory events to delayed rewards, as during serial compound conditioning.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225, F49620-86-C-0037, 90-0128); Advanced Research Projects Agency (ONR N00014-92-J-4015); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-92-J-1904); National Institute of Mental Health (MH-42900

    Cortical Dynamics of Contextually-Cued Attentive Visual Learning and Search: Spatial and Object Evidence Accumulation

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    How do humans use predictive contextual information to facilitate visual search? How are consistently paired scenic objects and positions learned and used to more efficiently guide search in familiar scenes? For example, a certain combination of objects can define a context for a kitchen and trigger a more efficient search for a typical object, such as a sink, in that context. A neural model, ARTSCENE Search, is developed to illustrate the neural mechanisms of such memory-based contextual learning and guidance, and to explain challenging behavioral data on positive/negative, spatial/object, and local/distant global cueing effects during visual search. The model proposes how global scene layout at a first glance rapidly forms a hypothesis about the target location. This hypothesis is then incrementally refined by enhancing target-like objects in space as a scene is scanned with saccadic eye movements. The model clarifies the functional roles of neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging data in visual search for a desired goal object. In particular, the model simulates the interactive dynamics of spatial and object contextual cueing in the cortical What and Where streams starting from early visual areas through medial temporal lobe to prefrontal cortex. After learning, model dorsolateral prefrontal cortical cells (area 46) prime possible target locations in posterior parietal cortex based on goalmodulated percepts of spatial scene gist represented in parahippocampal cortex, whereas model ventral prefrontal cortical cells (area 47/12) prime possible target object representations in inferior temporal cortex based on the history of viewed objects represented in perirhinal cortex. The model hereby predicts how the cortical What and Where streams cooperate during scene perception, learning, and memory to accumulate evidence over time to drive efficient visual search of familiar scenes.CELEST, an NSF Science of Learning Center (SBE-0354378); SyNAPSE program of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (HR0011-09-3-0001, HR0011-09-C-0011

    Connectionist simulation of attitude learning: Asymmetries in the acquisition of positive and negative evaluations

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    Connectionist computer simulation was employed to explore the notion that, if attitudes guide approach and avoidance behaviors, false negative beliefs are likely to remain uncorrected for longer than false positive beliefs. In Study 1, the authors trained a three-layer neural network to discriminate "good" and "bad" inputs distributed across a two-dimensional space. "Full feedback" training, whereby connection weights were modified to reduce error after every trial, resulted in perfect discrimination. "Contingent feedback," whereby connection weights were only updated following outputs representing approach behavior, led to several false negative errors (good inputs misclassified as bad). In Study 2, the network was redesigned to distinguish a system for learning evaluations from a mechanism for selecting actions. Biasing action selection toward approach eliminated the asymmetry between learning of good and bad inputs under contingent feedback. Implications for various attitudinal phenomena and biases in social cognition are discussed
