217 research outputs found

    A Different Look at Lenin's Legacy: Trust, Risk, Fairness and Cooperativeness in the Two Germanies

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    What are the long-term effects of Communism on economically relevant notions such as social trust? To answer this question, we use the reunification of Germany as a natural experiment and study the post-reunification trajectory of convergence with regard to individualsā€™ trust and risk, as well as perceived fairness and cooperativeness. Our hypotheses are derived from a model of German reunification that incorporates individual responses both to incentives and to values inherited from earlier generations as recently suggested in the literature. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we find that despite twenty years of reunification East Germans are still characterized by a persistent level of social distrust. In comparison to West Germans, they are also less inclined to see others as fair or helpful. Implied trajectories can be interpreted as evidence for the passing of cultural traits across generations and for cooperation being sustained by values rather than by reputation. Moreover, East Germans are found to be more risk loving than West Germans. In contrast to trust and fairness, full convergence in risk attitude is reached in recent years.social trust, risk attitudes, political regimes, German reunification

    A Different Look at Lenin's Legacy: Trust, Risk, Fairness and Cooperativeness in the Two Germanies

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    What are the long-term effects of Communism on economically relevant notions such as social trust? To answer this question, we use the reunification of Germany as a natural experiment and study the post-reunification trajectory of convergence with regard to individuals' trust and risk, as well as perceived fairness and cooperativeness. Our hypotheses are derived from a model of German reunification that incorporates individual responses both to incentives and to values inherited from earlier generations as recently suggested in the literature. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we find that despite twenty years of reunification East Germans are still characterized by a persistent level of social distrust. In comparison to West Germans, they are also less inclined to see others as fair or helpful. Implied trajectories can be interpreted as evidence for the passing of cultural traits across generations and for cooperation being sustained by values rather than by reputation. Moreover, East Germans are found to be more risk loving than West Germans. In contrast to trust and fairness, full convergence in risk attitude is reached in recent years.Social trust, risk attitudes, political regimes, German reunification

    A Different Look at Lenin's Legacy: Trust, Risk, Fairness and Cooperativeness in the two Germanies

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    What are the long-term effects of Communism on economically relevant notions such as social trust? To answer this question, we use the reunification of Germany as a natural experiment and study the post-reunification trajectory of convergence with regard to individualsā€™ trust and risk, as well as perceived fairness and cooperativeness. Our hypotheses are derived from a model of German reunification that incorporates individual responses both to incentives and to values inherited from earlier generations as recently suggested in the literature. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we find that despite twenty years of reunification East Germans are still characterized by a persistent level of social distrust. In comparison to West Germans, they are also less inclined to see others as fair or helpful. Implied trajectories can be interpreted as evidence for the passing of cultural traits across generations and for cooperation being sustained by values rather than by reputation. Moreover, East Germans are found to be more risk loving than West Germans. In contrast to trust and fairness, full convergence in risk attitude is reached in recent years.social trust, risk attitudes, political regimes, German reunification

    Logic Programming Applications: What Are the Abstractions and Implementations?

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    This article presents an overview of applications of logic programming, classifying them based on the abstractions and implementations of logic languages that support the applications. The three key abstractions are join, recursion, and constraint. Their essential implementations are for-loops, fixed points, and backtracking, respectively. The corresponding kinds of applications are database queries, inductive analysis, and combinatorial search, respectively. We also discuss language extensions and programming paradigms, summarize example application problems by application areas, and touch on example systems that support variants of the abstractions with different implementations

    Social practice on Facebook: Critical discourse analysis in the process of text production

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    The study aims to identify the ways to produce text production process by Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN, or State Islamic University) students in Padang on Facebook. Documentations, observations, and in depth-interviews were used to collect data. There were 1,214 discourses found on group and personal accounts of 27 informants, and 400 discourses were taken as data of the research. The analysis was conducted by following Faircloughā€™s Critical Discourse Analysis, (CDA), with the Critical Linguistics approach. The research findings show that the text production process by UIN students on Facebook were done in three ways, namely producing their own text, spreading other peopleā€™s texts that are shared from the site, and producing text as a result of consumption of other texts. Producing text itself is a way of producing text by creating its own status as a form of expression of thoughts, feelings, and experiences, without referring to other texts or texts that have been published on other walls. The form of production by spreading text from other website is the most common form of text production. Production status is a form of the authorā€™s reaction to the text he or she understood.


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    This paper gives a critical overview of analytical approaches dominating the field of discourse studies in the last three decades, from the perspective of their philosophical and formative bases: social constructionism and linguistics. It explores different conceptions of the theoretical nexus between these two bases leading to the emergence of three distinct yet complementary strands of thought (iā€“iii). The paper starts with poststructuralist views of discourse salient in (i) Laclau and Mouffeā€™s Discourse Theory. Laclau and Mouffeā€™s assumption that no discourse is a closed entity but rather transformed through contact with other discourses is taken as the introductory premise to present a large family of (ii) critical discourse studies, characterized as text-analytical practices explaining how discourse partakes in the production and negotiations of ideological meanings. Finally, the paper discusses (iii) three recent discourse analytical models: Discourse Space Theory, Critical Metaphor Analysis, and Legitimization-Proximization Model. These new theories make a further (and thus far final) step toward consolidation of the social-theoretical and linguistic bases in contemporary discourse studies. The empirical benefits of this consolidation are discussed in the last part of the paper, which includes a case study where the new models are used in the analysis of Polish anti-immigration discourse.Rad donosi kritički pregled najzastupljenijih analitičkih pristupa u području proučavanja diskursa u posljednja tri desetljeća, i to iz perspektive njihovih filozofskih i formativnih ishodiÅ”ta: druÅ”tvenog konstruktivizma i lingvistike. Razmatraju se različite koncepcije teorijskih poveznica između ova dva ishodiÅ”ta Å”to dovodi do pojave tri različita, ali komplementarna pravca miÅ”ljenja (i-iii). Rad započinje poststrukturalističkim prikazima diskursa koji prevladavaju u (i) Laclauovoj i Mouffeovoj teoriji diskursa. Laclauova i Mouffeova pretpostavka da nijedan diskurs nije zatvorena cjelina, već se mijenja kroz kontakt s drugim diskursima, uzeta je kao uvodna premisa za predstavljanje velike obitelji (ii) kritičkih studija diskursa, koje su predstavljene kao tekstualno-analitički postupci s pomoću kojih se objaÅ”njava kako diskurs sudjeluje u stvaranju i dogovaranju ideoloÅ”kih značenja. Naposljetku, u radu se razmatraju (iii) tri nova modela analize diskursa: teorija diskursnih prostora, kritička analiza metafore i model legitimizacije i proksimizacije. Te nove teorije čine joÅ” jedan (i dosad najsnažniji) korak ka konsolidaciji druÅ”tveno-teorijskih i lingvističkih temelja u suvremenim proučavanjima diskursa. Empirijske prednosti ove konsolidacije razmatraju se u posljednjem dijelu rada, koji uključuje studiju slučaja u kojoj se u analizi poljskog antiimigracijskog diskursa koriste spomenuti novi modeli

    Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL

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    INTUITEL is a research project that was co-financed by the European Commission with the aim to advance state-of-the-art e-learning systems via addition of guidance and feedback for learners. Through a combination of pedagogical knowledge, measured learning progress and a broad range of environmental and background data, INTUITEL systems will provide guidance towards an optimal learning pathway. This allows INTUITEL-enabled learning management systems to offer learners automated, personalised learning support so far only provided by human tutors INTUITEL is - in the first place - a design pattern for the creation of adaptive e-learning systems. It focuses on the reusability of existing learning material and especially the annotation with semantic meta data. INTUITEL introduces a novel approach that describes learning material as well as didactic and pedagogical meta knowledge by the use of ontologies. Learning recommendations are inferred from these ontologies during runtime. This way INTUITEL solves a common problem in the field of adaptive systems: it is not restricted to a certain field. Any content from any domain can be annotated. The INTUITEL research team also developed a prototype system. Both the theoretical foundations and how to implement your own INTUITEL system are discussed in this book

    TME Volume 10, Numbers 1 and 2

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    Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL

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    INTUITEL is a research project that was co-financed by the European Commission with the aim to advance state-of-the-art e-learning systems via addition of guidance and feedback for learners. Through a combination of pedagogical knowledge, measured learning progress and a broad range of environmental and background data, INTUITEL systems will provide guidance towards an optimal learning pathway. This allows INTUITEL-enabled learning management systems to offer learners automated, personalised learning support so far only provided by human tutors INTUITEL is - in the first place - a design pattern for the creation of adaptive e-learning systems. It focuses on the reusability of existing learning material and especially the annotation with semantic meta data. INTUITEL introduces a novel approach that describes learning material as well as didactic and pedagogical meta knowledge by the use of ontologies. Learning recommendations are inferred from these ontologies during runtime. This way INTUITEL solves a common problem in the field of adaptive systems: it is not restricted to a certain field. Any content from any domain can be annotated. The INTUITEL research team also developed a prototype system. Both the theoretical foundations and how to implement your own INTUITEL system are discussed in this book
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