3 research outputs found

    Integração do paradigma de cloud computing com a infraestrutura de rede do operador

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaThe proliferation of Internet access allows that users have the possibility to use services available directly through the Internet, which translates in a change of the paradigm of using applications and in the way of communicating, popularizing in this way the so-called cloud computing paradigm. Cloud computing brings with it requirements at two different levels: at the cloud level, usually relying in centralized data centers, where information technology and network resources must be able to guarantee the demand of such services; and at the access level, i.e., depending on the service being consumed, different quality of service is required in the access network, which is a Network Operator (NO) domain. In summary, there is an obvious network dependency. However, the network has been playing a relatively minor role, mostly as a provider of (best-effort) connectivity within the cloud and in the access network. The work developed in this Thesis enables for the effective integration of cloud and NO domains, allowing the required network support for cloud. We propose a framework and a set of associated mechanisms for the integrated management and control of cloud computing and NO domains to provide endto- end services. Moreover, we elaborate a thorough study on the embedding of virtual resources in this integrated environment. The study focuses on maximizing the host of virtual resources on the physical infrastructure through optimal embedding strategies (considering the initial allocation of resources as well as adaptations through time), while at the same time minimizing the costs associated to energy consumption, in single and multiple domains. Furthermore, we explore how the NO can take advantage of the integrated environment to host traditional network functions. In this sense, we study how virtual network Service Functions (SFs) should be modelled and managed in a cloud environment and enhance the framework accordingly. A thorough evaluation of the proposed solutions was performed in the scope of this Thesis, assessing their benefits. We implemented proof of concepts to prove the added value, feasibility and easy deployment characteristics of the proposed framework. Furthermore, the embedding strategies evaluation has been performed through simulation and Integer Linear Programming (ILP) solving tools, and it showed that it is possible to reduce the physical infrastructure energy consumption without jeopardizing the virtual resources acceptance. This fact can be further increased by allowing virtual resource adaptation through time. However, one should have in mind the costs associated to adaptation processes. The costs can be minimized, but the virtual resource acceptance can be also reduced. This tradeoff has also been subject of the work in this Thesis.A proliferação do acesso à Internet permite aos utilizadores usar serviços disponibilizados diretamente através da Internet, o que se traduz numa mudança de paradigma na forma de usar aplicações e na forma de comunicar, popularizando desta forma o conceito denominado de cloud computing. Cloud computing traz consigo requisitos a dois níveis: ao nível da própria cloud, geralmente dependente de centros de dados centralizados, onde as tecnologias de informação e recursos de rede têm que ser capazes de garantir as exigências destes serviços; e ao nível do acesso, ou seja, dependendo do serviço que esteja a ser consumido, são necessários diferentes níveis de qualidade de serviço na rede de acesso, um domínio do operador de rede. Em síntese, existe uma clara dependência da cloud na rede. No entanto, o papel que a rede tem vindo a desempenhar neste âmbito é reduzido, sendo principalmente um fornecedor de conectividade (best-effort) tanto no dominio da cloud como no da rede de acesso. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta Tese permite uma integração efetiva dos domínios de cloud e operador de rede, dando assim à cloud o efetivo suporte da rede. Para tal, apresentamos uma plataforma e um conjunto de mecanismos associados para gestão e controlo integrado de domínios cloud computing e operador de rede por forma a fornecer serviços fim-a-fim. Além disso, elaboramos um estudo aprofundado sobre o mapeamento de recursos virtuais neste ambiente integrado. O estudo centra-se na maximização da incorporação de recursos virtuais na infraestrutura física por meio de estratégias de mapeamento ótimas (considerando a alocação inicial de recursos, bem como adaptações ao longo do tempo), enquanto que se minimizam os custos associados ao consumo de energia. Este estudo é feito para cenários de apenas um domínio e para cenários com múltiplos domínios. Além disso, exploramos como o operador de rede pode aproveitar o referido ambiente integrado para suportar funções de rede tradicionais. Neste sentido, estudamos como as funções de rede virtualizadas devem ser modeladas e geridas num ambiente cloud e estendemos a plataforma de acordo com este conceito. No âmbito desta Tese foi feita uma avaliação extensa das soluções propostas, avaliando os seus benefícios. Implementámos provas de conceito por forma a demonstrar as mais-valias, viabilidade e fácil implantação das soluções propostas. Além disso, a avaliação das estratégias de mapeamento foi realizada através de ferramentas de simulação e de programação linear inteira, mostrando que é possível reduzir o consumo de energia da infraestrutura física, sem comprometer a aceitação de recursos virtuais. Este aspeto pode ser melhorado através da adaptação de recursos virtuais ao longo do tempo. No entanto, deve-se ter em mente os custos associados aos processos de adaptação. Os custos podem ser minimizados, mas isso implica uma redução na aceitação de recursos virtuais. Esta compensação foi também um tema abordado nesta Tese

    An Architecture For Adaptation Of Virtual Networks On Clouds

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    Virtual networks are a new research topic advocated to increase flexibility, manageability and isolation in the Internet. However they introduce many open issues to become practical in real scenarios. On the other hand, cloud computing provides elasticity, where availability scales up on demand, with resources being offered frequently as virtualized services over the Internet. The use of virtual networks as a mechanism in cloud computing can aggregate traffic isolation, improving security and facilitating pricing. Also, it allows us to act in cases where the performance is not in accordance with the contract for services between the customer and the provider of the cloud. In this paper we propose an architecture for the deployment of clouds over virtualized networks. In addition, we experimentally evaluate how the virtual network manager can benefit from different virtual network configurations to improve users' quality of service. © 2011 IEEE.Mell, P., Grance, T., (2009) The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing, 15. , http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SNS/cloud-computing/cloud-def-v15.doc, Tech. Rep., July [Online]. AvailableAnderson, T., Peterson, L., Shenker, S., Turner, J., Overcoming the internet impasse through virtualization (2005) Computer, 38 (4), pp. 34-41. , DOI 10.1109/MC.2005.136Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Chen, X., Huo, X., Cloud computing research and development trend (2010) ICFN '10, pp. 93-97. , Proceedings of the 2010 Second International Conference on Future Networks, ser. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer SocietyArmbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A.D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A., Lee, G., Zaharia, M., A view of cloud computing (2010) Communications of the ACM, 53, pp. 50-58. , AprilBuyya, R., Yeo, C.S., Venugopal, S., Broberg, J., Brandic, I., Cloud computing and emerging it platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility (2009) Future Generation Computer Systems, 25, pp. 599-616. , June(2011) Horizon Project: A New Horizon to the Internet, , http://www.gta.ufrj.br/horizon, [Online]. AvailableFeamster, N., Gao, L., Rexford, J., How to lease the internet in your spare time (2007) SIGCOMM Computing Communication Review, 37, pp. 61-64. , http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1198255.1198265, January [Online]. 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    A Multi-agent Architecture For Autonomic Management Of Virtual Networks

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    Network virtualization is a viable solution to interconnect virtual resources providing isolation and to promote the architecture pluralism for the Future Internet. The virtualization causes an increase of complexity that could be handled by autonomic computing. We developed a multi-agent architecture for autonomic management of virtual networks in infrastructure providers. A prototype system focusing on self-healing was implemented and evaluated on real and simulated environments. The experimental results show the ability of the system to quickly self-heal virtual networks in the presence of failure with a marginal impact on resource allocation. © 2012 IEEE.11831186Anderson, T., Peterson, L., Shenker, S., Turner, J., Overcoming the Internet impasse through virtualization (2005) Computer, 38 (4), pp. 34-41. , AprilSenna, C., Soares, M., Bittencourt, L., Madeira, E., An architecture for adaptation of virtual networks on clouds 7th Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS), Quito, 2011Dobson, S., Denazis, S., Fernndez, A., Gati, D., Gelenbe, E., Massacci, F., Nixon, P., Zambonelli, F., A survey of autonomic communications (2006) ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst., 1, pp. 223-259. , DecemberFajjari, I., Ayari, M., Braham, O., Pujolle, G., Zimmermann, H., Towards an Autonomic Piloting Virtual Network Architecture 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2011, pp. 1-5Pujolle, G., An autonomic architecture for network management and control (2008) UPGRADE, 9, pp. 36-40. , http://www.cepis.org/upgrade/files/pujolle-VI-08.pdf, December Online. AvailableHouidi, I., Louati, W., Zeghlache, D., Papadimitriou, P., Mathy, L., Adaptive virtual network provisioning (2010) VISA '10, pp. 41-48. , 2nd ACM SIGCOMM workshop on virtualized infrastructure systems and architectures (VISA), ser. New York, NY, USA: ACMMarquezan, C., Granville, L., Nunzi, G., Brunner, M., Distributed autonomic resource management for network virtualization IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2010, pp. 463-470Senna, C., Soares, M., Batista, D., Madeira, E., Fonseca, N., Experiments with a self-management system for virtual networks II Workshop de Pesquisa Experimental Da Internet Do Futuro (WPEIF), Campo Grande, 2011(2008) Ginkgo Distributed Network Piloting System. White Paper, , http://www.ginkgo-networks.com/IMG/pdf/WP_Ginkgo_DNPSv1_1.pdf, Online. AvailableFajjari, I., Aitsaadi, N., Pujolle, G., Zimmermann, H., VNE-AC: Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Metaheuristic IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2011, pp. 1-