2 research outputs found

    Intelligent reconfiguration of large mobile networks using complex organic distributed architecture

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    This paper presents a possible solution to the intelligent evolution of mobile systems using a Complex Organic Distributed Architecture (CODA), which supports intelligent reconfiguration of all system components. A key feature of this architecture is the deployment of multiple warehouses. The warehouses store data in a variety of ways depending on the type of intelligence required. On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) software is used to monitor and control data in the system. An effective system of filters and wrappers ensures that data is secure. A system of feedback loops ensures that information travels through the system quickly and effectively

    A reflective architecture to support dynamic software evolution

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    This thesis presents work which is concerned with the run-time evolution of component-based software systems. In particular, the main result of the research presented here is a framework which is used to model and control the architecture of a software system. This framework allows the run-time manipulation of the components which make up a software system. The framework makes the architecture of software systems visible, and allows interaction with it, using a reflective meta-object protocol. The motivating objectives of this work are providing a framework to support architectural flexibility, higher-level intervention, safe changes, and architectural visibility in software systems. The framework's behaviour and structure was motivated by a set of case-studies which have been used to guide its development and enhancement. The framework was developed iteratively, using each case-study in turn to evaluate its capabilities and to prompt the direction of development. A detailed set of evaluation criteria are developed, and the framework is evaluated with respect to these. The framework was found to meet each of the four objectives fully, with the exception of the aim to allow only safe changes which is only partly satisfied. Ways in which the framework can be improved in order to more fully satisfy its objectives are suggested, as are other extensions to its behaviour