6 research outputs found

    Density and Distribution Evaluation for Convolution of Independent Gamma Variables

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    Several numerical evaluations of the density and distribution of convolution of independent gamma variables are compared in their accuracy and speed. In application to renewal processes, an efficient formula is derived for the probability mass function of the event count

    Semi-Markov Models for Process Mining in Smart Homes

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    Generally, these days people live longer but often with increased impairment and disabilities; therefore, they can benefit from assistive technologies. In this paper, we focus on the completion of activities of daily living (ADLs) by such patients, using so-called Smart Homes and Sensor Technology to collect data, and provide a suitable analysis to support the management of these conditions. The activities here are cast as states of a Markov-type process, while changes of state are indicated by sensor activations. This facilitates the extraction of key performance indicators (KPIs) in Smart Homes, e.g., the duration of an important activity, as well as the identification of anomalies in such transitions and durations. The use of semi-Markov models for such a scenario is described, where the state durations are represented by mixed gamma models. This approach is illustrated and evaluated using a publicly available Smart Home dataset comprising an event log of sensor activations, together with an annotated record of the actual activities. Results indicate that the methodology is well-suited to such scenarios