38,137 research outputs found

    Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Parameter Prediction Using a Convolutional Neural Network

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    The Quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a quantum-classical hybrid algorithm aiming to produce approximate solutions for combinatorial optimization problems. In the QAOA, the quantum part prepares a quantum parameterized state that encodes the solution, where the parameters are optimized by a classical optimizer. However, it is difficult to find optimal parameters when the quantum circuit becomes deeper. Hence, there is numerous active research on the performance and the optimization cost of QAOA. In this work, we build a convolutional neural network to predict parameters of depth QAOA instance by the parameters from the depth QAOA counterpart. We propose two strategies based on this model. First, we recurrently apply the model to generate a set of initial values for a certain depth QAOA. It successfully initiates depth 10 QAOA instances, whereas each model is only trained with the parameters from depths less than 6. Second, the model is applied repetitively until the maximum expected value is reached. An average approximation ratio of 0.9759 for Max-Cut over 264 Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graphs is obtained, while the optimizer is only adopted for generating the first input of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table

    Statistical mechanics approaches to optimization and inference

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    Nowadays, typical methodologies employed in statistical physics are successfully applied to a huge set of problems arising from different research fields. In this thesis I will propose several statistical mechanics based models able to deal with two types of problems: optimization and inference problems. The intrinsic difficulty that characterizes both problems is that, due to the hard combinatorial nature of optimization and inference, finding exact solutions would require hard and impractical computations. In fact, the time needed to perform these calculations, in almost all cases, scales exponentially with respect to relevant parameters of the system and thus cannot be accomplished in practice. As combinatorial optimization addresses the problem of finding a fair configuration of variables able to minimize/maximize an objective function, inference seeks a posteriori the most fair assignment of a set of variables given a partial knowledge of the system. These two problems can be re-phrased in a statistical mechanics framework where elementary components of a physical system interact according to the constraints of the original problem. The information at our disposal can be encoded in the Boltzmann distribution of the new variables which, if properly investigated, can provide the solutions to the original problems. As a consequence, the methodologies originally adopted in statistical mechanics to study and, eventually, approximate the Boltzmann distribution can be fruitfully applied for solving inference and optimization problems. The structure of the thesis follows the path covered during the three years of my Ph.D. At first, I will propose a set of combinatorial optimization problems on graphs, the Prize collecting and the Packing of Steiner trees problems. The tools used to face these hard problems rely on the zero-temperature implementation of the Belief Propagation algorithm, called Max Sum algorithm. The second set of problems proposed in this thesis falls under the name of linear estimation problems. One of them, the compressed sensing problem, will guide us in the modelling of these problems within a Bayesian framework along with the introduction of a powerful algorithm known as Expectation Propagation or Expectation Consistent in statistical physics. I will propose a similar approach to other challenging problems: the inference of metabolic fluxes, the inverse problem of the electro-encephalography and the reconstruction of tomographic images

    A reusable iterative optimization software library to solve combinatorial problems with approximate reasoning

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    Real world combinatorial optimization problems such as scheduling are typically too complex to solve with exact methods. Additionally, the problems often have to observe vaguely specified constraints of different importance, the available data may be uncertain, and compromises between antagonistic criteria may be necessary. We present a combination of approximate reasoning based constraints and iterative optimization based heuristics that help to model and solve such problems in a framework of C++ software libraries called StarFLIP++. While initially developed to schedule continuous caster units in steel plants, we present in this paper results from reusing the library components in a shift scheduling system for the workforce of an industrial production plant.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures; for a project overview see http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/proj/StarFLIP
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