23 research outputs found

    Permutation-based Recombination Operator to Node-depth Encoding

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    AbstractThe node-depth encoding is a representation for evolutionary algorithms applied to tree problems. Its represents trees by storing the nodes and their depth in a proper ordered list. The original formulation of the node-depth encoding has only mutation operators as the search mechanism. Although the representation has this restriction, it has obtained good results with low convergence. Then, this work proposes a specific recombination operator to improve the convergence of the node-depth encoding representation. These operators are based on recombination for permutation representations. An investigation into the bias and heritability of the proposed recombination operator shows that it has a bias towards stars and low heritability. The performance of node-depth encoding with the proposed operator is investigated for the optimal communication spanning tree problem. The results are presented for benchmark instances in the literature. The use of the recombination operator results in a faster convergence than with only mutation operators

    Making the Edge-Set Encoding Fly by Controlling the Bias of its Crossover Operator

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    The edge-set encoding is a direct tree encoding which applies search operators directly to trees represented as sets of edges. There are two variants of crossover operators for the edge-set encoding: With heuristics that consider the weights of the edges, or without heuristics. Due to a strong bias of the heuristic crossover operator towards the minimum spanning tree (MST) a population of solutions converges quickly towards the MST and EAs using this operator show low performance when used for tree optimization problems where the optimal solution is not the MST

    OptiNet: Ein Optimierungswerkzeug für baumförmige Netzwerkprobleme

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    Optimierung , Netzwer

    Designing a road network for hazardous materials shipments

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider the problem of designating hazardous materials routes in and through a major population center. Initially, we restrict our attention to a minimally connected network (a tree) where we can predict accurately the flows on the network. We formulate the tree design problem as an integer programming problem with an objective of minimizing the total transport risk. Such design problems of moderate size can be solved using commercial solvers. We then develop a simple construction heuristic to expand the solution of the tree design problem by adding road segments. Such additions provide carriers with routing choices, which usually increase risks but reduce costs. The heuristic adds paths incrementally, which allows local authorities to trade off risk and cost. We use the road network of the city of Ravenna, Italy, to demonstrate the solution of our integer programming model and our path-addition heuristic. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Modelling and optimisation of a product recovery network

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    An appropriate logistics network is an important element of the infrastructure of any product recovery company. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) constitute a major fraction of the product recovery industry with a different business objective and scale of operation from those of original equipment manufacturers. This paper addresses the network design issues for SMEs involved in product recovery activities. A mathematical formulation is presented in an SME context and a subsequent simulation model is developed. A genetic algorithm approach is presented for optimising the network for a single product scenario

    On the Bias and Performance of the Edge-Set Encoding

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    The edge-set encoding is a direct encoding for trees which directly represents trees as sets of edges. In contrast to indirect representations, where usually standard operators are applied to a list of strings and the resulting phenotype is constructed by an appropriate genotype-phenotype mapping, encoding-specific initialization, crossover, and mutation operators have been developed for the edge-set encoding, which are directly applied to trees. There are two different variants of operators: heuristic versions that consider the weights of the edges and non-heuristic versions. An investigation into the bias of the different variants of the operators shows that the heuristic variants are biased towards the minimum spanning tree (MST), that means solutions similar to the MST are favored. In contrast, non-heuristic versions are unbiased. The performance of edgesets is investigated for the optimal communication spanning tree (OCST) problem. Results are presented for randomly created problems as well as for test instances from the literature. Although optimal solutions for the OCST problem are similar to the MST, evolutionary algorithms using the heuristic crossover operator fail if the optimal solution is only slightly different from the MST. The non-heuristic version shows similar performance as the network random key encoding, which is an unbiased indirect encoding and is used as a benchmark. With proper parameter setting the heuristic version of the mutation operator shows good results for the OCST problem as it can make use of the fact that optimal solutions of the OCST problem are similar to the MST. The results suggest that the heuristic crossover operator of the edge-set encoding should not be used for tree problems as its bias towards the MST is too strong

    Solving the optimum communication spanning tree problem

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    This paper presents an algorithm based on Benders decomposition to solve the optimum communication spanning tree problem. The algorithm integrates within a branch-and-cut framework a stronger reformulation of the problem, combinatorial lower bounds, in-tree heuristics, fast separation algorithms, and a tailored branching rule. Computational experiments show solution time savings of up to three orders of magnitude compared to state-of-the-art exact algorithms. In addition, our algorithm is able to prove optimality for five unsolved instances in the literature and four from a new set of larger instances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Developing Efficient Metaheuristics for Communication Network Problems by using Problem-specific Knowledge

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    Metaheuristics, such as evolutionary algorithms or simulated annealing, are widely applicable heuristic optimization strategies that have shown encouraging results for a large number of difficult optimization problems. To show high performance, metaheuristics need to be adapted to the properties of the problem at hand. This paper illustrates how efficient metaheuristics can be developed for communication network problems by utilizing problem-specific knowledge for the design of a high-quality problem representation. The minimum communication spanning tree (MCST) problem finds a communication spanning tree that connects all nodes and satisfies their communication requirements for a minimum total cost. An investigation into the properties of the problem reveals that optimum solutions are similar to the minimum spanning tree (MST). Consequently, a problem-specific representation, the link biased (LB) encoding, is developed, which represents trees as a list of floats. The LB encoding makes use of the knowledge that optimum solutions are similar to the MST, and encodes trees that are similar to the MST with a higher probability. Experimental results for different types of metaheuristics show that metaheuristics using the LB-encoding efficiently solve existing MCST problem instances from the literature, as well as randomly generated MCST problems of different sizes and types