867 research outputs found

    FFTPL: An Analytic Placement Algorithm Using Fast Fourier Transform for Density Equalization

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    We propose a flat nonlinear placement algorithm FFTPL using fast Fourier transform for density equalization. The placement instance is modeled as an electrostatic system with the analogy of density cost to the potential energy. A well-defined Poisson's equation is proposed for gradient and cost computation. Our placer outperforms state-of-the-art placers with better solution quality and efficiency

    High performance algorithms for large scale placement problem

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    Placement is one of the most important problems in electronic design automation (EDA). An inferior placement solution will not only affect the chip’s performance but might also make it nonmanufacturable by producing excessive wirelength, which is beyond available routing resources. Although placement has been extensively investigated for several decades, it is still a very challenging problem mainly due to that design scale has been dramatically increased by order of magnitudes and the increasing trend seems unstoppable. In modern design, chips commonly integrate millions of gates that require over tens of metal routing layers. Besides, new manufacturing techniques bring out new requests leading to that multi-objectives should be optimized simultaneously during placement. Our research provides high performance algorithms for placement problem. We propose (i) a high performance global placement core engine POLAR; (ii) an efficient routability-driven placer POLAR 2.0, which is an extension of POLAR to deal with routing congestion; (iii) an ultrafast global placer POLAR 3.0, which explore parallelism on POLAR and can make full use of multi-core system; (iv) some efficient triple patterning lithography (TPL) aware detailed placement algorithms

    DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP: An Open-Source GPU-Accelerated Macro Placer for Modern FPGAs with Cascade Shapes and Region Constraints

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    FPGA macro placement plays a pivotal role in routability and timing closer to the modern FPGA physical design flow. In modern FPGAs, macros could be subject to complex cascade shape constraints requiring instances to be placed in consecutive sites. In addition, in real-world FPGA macro placement scenarios, designs could have various region constraints that specify boundaries within which certain design instances and macros should be placed. In this work, we present DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP, an open-source GPU-accelerated FPGA macro-placer that efficiently generates legal placements for macros while honoring cascade shape requirements and region constraints. Treating multiple macros in a cascade shape as a large single instance and restricting instances to their respective regions, DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP obtains roughly legal placements. The macros are legalized in multiple steps to efficiently handle cascade shapes and region constraints. Our experimental results demonstrate that DREAMPlaceFPGA-MP is among the top contestants of the MLCAD 2023 FPGA Macro-Placement Contest

    Placement for fast and reliable through-silicon-via (TSV) based 3D-IC layouts

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    The objective of this research is to explore the feasibility of addressing the major performance and reliability problems or issues, such as wirelength, stress-induced carrier mobility variation, temperature, and quality trade-offs, found in three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) that use through-silicon vias (TSVs) at placement stage. Four main works that support this goal are included. In the first work, wirelength of TSV-based 3D ICs is the main focus. In the second work, stress-induced carrier mobility variation in TSV-based 3D ICs is examined. In the third work, temperature inside TSV-based 3D ICs is investigated. In the final work, the quality trade-offs of TSV-based 3D-IC designs are explored. In the first work, a force-directed, 3D, and gate-level placement algorithm that efficiently handles TSVs is developed. The experiments based on synthesized benchmarks indicate that the developed algorithm helps generate GDSII layouts of 3D-IC designs that are optimized in terms of wirelength. In addition, the impact of TSVs on other physical aspects of 3D-IC designs is also studied by analyzing the GDSII layouts. In the second work, the model for carrier mobility variation caused by TSV and STI stresses is developed as well as the timing analysis flow considering the stresses. The impact of TSV and STI stresses on carrier mobility variation and performance of 3D ICs is studied. Furthermore, a TSV-stress-driven, force-directed, and 3D placement algorithm is developed. It exploits carrier mobility variation, caused by stress around TSVs after fabrication, to improve the timing and area objectives during placement. In addition, the impact of keep-out zone (KOZ) around TSVs on stress, carrier mobility variation, area, wirelength, and performance of 3D ICs is studied. In the third work, two temperature-aware global placement algorithms are developed. They exploit die-to-die thermal coupling in 3D ICs to improve temperature during placement. In addition, a framework used to evaluate the results from temperature-aware global placements is developed. The main component of the framework is a GDSII-level thermal analysis that considers all structures inside a TSV-based 3D IC while computing temperature. The developed placers are compared with several state-of-the-art placers published in recent literature. The experimental results indicate that the developed algorithms help improve the temperature of 3D ICs effectively. In the final work, three block-level design styles for TSV-based die-to-wafer bonded 3D ICs are discussed. Several 3D-IC layouts in the three styles are manually designed. The main difference among these layouts is the position of TSVs. Finally, the area, wirelength, timing, power, temperature, and mechanical stress of all layouts are compared to explore the trade-offs of layout quality.PhDCommittee Chair: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Bakir, Muhannad; Committee Member: Kim, Hyesoon; Committee Member: Mukhopadhyay, Saibal; Committee Member: Swaminathan, Madhava

    Analytical Layer Planning for Nanometer VLSI Designs

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    In this thesis, we proposed an intermediate sub-process between placement and routing stage in physical design. The algorithm is for generating layer guidance for post-placement optimization technique especially buffer insertion. This issue becomes critical in nowadays VLSI chip design due to the factor of timing, congestion, and increasingly non-uniform parasitic among different metal layers. Besides, as a step before routing, this layer planning algorithm accounts for routability by considering minimized overlap area between different nets. Moreover, layer directive information which is a crucial concern in industrial design is also considered in the algorithm. The core problem is formulated as nonlinear programming problem which is composed of objective function and constraints. The problem is further solved by conjugate gradient method. The whole algorithm is implemented by C++ under Linux operating system and tested on ISPD2008 Global Routing Contest Benchmarks. The experiment results are shown in the end of this thesis and confirm the effectiveness of our approach especially in routability aspect

    Escaping Local Optima in Global Placement

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    Placement is crucial in the physical design, as it greatly affects power, performance, and area metrics. Recent advancements in analytical methods, such as DREAMPlace, have demonstrated impressive performance in global placement. However, DREAMPlace has some limitations, e.g., may not guarantee legalizable placements under the same settings, leading to fragile and unpredictable results. This paper highlights the main issue as being stuck in local optima, and proposes a hybrid optimization framework to efficiently escape the local optima, by perturbing the placement result iteratively. The proposed framework achieves significant improvements compared to state-of-the-art methods on two popular benchmarks.Comment: Work-in-Progress (WIP) poster of DAC 202

    Analytical Solution of Poisson's Equation with Application to VLSI Global Placement

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    Poisson's equation has been used in VLSI global placement for describing the potential field caused by a given charge density distribution. Unlike previous global placement methods that solve Poisson's equation numerically, in this paper, we provide an analytical solution of the equation to calculate the potential energy of an electrostatic system. The analytical solution is derived based on the separation of variables method and an exact density function to model the block distribution in the placement region, which is an infinite series and converges absolutely. Using the analytical solution, we give a fast computation scheme of Poisson's equation and develop an effective and efficient global placement algorithm called Pplace. Experimental results show that our Pplace achieves smaller placement wirelength than ePlace and NTUplace3. With the pervasive applications of Poisson's equation in scientific fields, in particular, our effective, efficient, and robust computation scheme for its analytical solution can provide substantial impacts on these fields

    Handling the complexity of routing problem in modern VLSI design

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    In VLSI physical design, the routing task consists of using over-the-cell metal wires to connect pins and ports of circuit gates and blocks. Traditionally, VLSI routing is an important design step in the sense that the quality of routing solution has great impact on various design metrics such as circuit timing, power consumption, chip reliability and manufacturability etc. As the advancing VLSI design enters the nanometer era, the routing success (routability issue) has been arising as one of the most critical problems in back-end design. In one aspect, the degree of design complexity is increasing dramatically as more and more modules are integrated into the chip. Much higher chip density leads to higher routing demands and potentially more risks in routing failure. In another aspect, with decreasing design feature size, there are more complex design rules imposed to ensure manufacturability. These design rules are hard to satisfy and they usually create more barriers for achieving routing closure (i.e., generate DRC free routing solution) and thus affect chip time to market (TTM) plan. In general, the behavior and performance of routing are affected by three consecutive phases: placement phase, global routing phase and detailed routing phase in a typical VLSI physical design flow. Traditional CAD tools handle each of the three phases independently and the global picture of the routability issue is neglected. Different from conventional approaches which propose tools and algorithms for one particular design phase, this thesis investigates the routability issue from all three phases and proposes a series of systematic solutions to build a more generic flow and improve quality of results (QoR). For the placement phase, we will introduce a mixed-sized placement refinement tool for alleviating congestion after placement. The tool shifts and relocates modules based on a global routing estimation. For the global routing phase, a very fast and effective global router is developed. Its performance surpasses many peer works as verified by ISPD 2008 global routing contest results. In the detailed routing phase, a tool is proposed to perform detailed routing using regular routing patterns based on a correct-by-construction methodology to improve routability as well as satisfy most design rules. Finally, the tool which integrates global routing and detailed routing is developed to remedy the inconsistency between global routing and detailed routing. To verify the algorithms we proposed, three sets of testcases derived from ISPD98 and ISPD05/06 placement benchmark suites are proposed. The results indicate that our proposed methods construct an integrated and systematic flow for routability improvement which is better than conventional methods