3 research outputs found

    Highly-cited papers in software engineering: The top 100

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    Context: According to the search reported in this paper, as of this writing (May 2015), a very large number of papers (more than 70,000) have been published in the area of Software Engineering (SE) since its inception in 1968. Citations are crucial in any research area to position the work and to build on the work of others. Identification and characterization of highly-cited papers are common and are regularly reported in various disciplines. Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the papers in the area of SE that have influenced others the most as measured by citation count. Studying highly-cited SE papers helps researchers to see the type of approaches and research methods presented and applied in such papers, so as to be able to learn from them to write higher quality papers which will likely receive high citations. Method: To achieve the above objective, we conducted a study, comprised of five research questions, to identify and classify the top-100 highly-cited SE papers in terms of two metrics: total number of citations and average annual number of citations. Results: By total number of citations, the top paper is "A metrics suite for object-oriented design", cited 1,817 times and published in 1994. By average annual number of citations, the top paper is "QoS-aware middleware for Web services composition", cited 154.2 times on average annually and published in 2004. Conclusion: It is concluded that it is important to identify the highly-cited SE papers and also to characterize the overall citation landscape in the SE field. We hope that this paper will encourage further discussions in the SE community towards further analysis and formal characterization of the highly-cited SE papers.Vahid Garousi was partially supported by several internal grants provided by the Hacettepe University. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments


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    ABSTRAK Permasalahan lingkungan global semakin kompleks akibat penggunaan teknologi modern membutuhkan pengembangan metodologi pembelajaran pada pendidikan lingkungan berorietasi masalah. Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan model pembelajaran Science Technology and Society (STS) tentang lingkungan berlandaskan nilai-nilai kebangsaan dan prinsip-prinsip etika lingkungan melalui hasil analisis bibliometrik dalam mengembangkan kesadaran lingkungan. Hasil analisis bibliometrik diperlukan untuk memberikan arahan dan peluang yang diperlukan dalam pengembangan model pembelajaran STS berdasarkan pemikiran peneliti sebelumnya. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis bibliometrik untuk menganalisis data bibliografi studi STS terindeks Scopus periode tahun 1970-2021. Hasil penelitian, yaitu: 1) perkembangan studi STS dari 480 dokumen dipublikasikan sejak tahun 1981-2021 (11 buku, 28 buku chapter, 90 artikel konferensi, dan 351 artikel jurnal); 2) perkembangan studi STS pada pendidikan lingkungan dari 48 dokumen dipublikasikan sejak 1985-2021 (4 buku chapter, 4 artikel konferensi, dan 40 artikel jurnal); 3) perkembangan artikel jurnal studi STS dari 351 dokumen dipublikasikan sejak tahun 1981-2021, dikutip sebanyak 6.854, dan artikel terbanyak dikutip ditulis Zeidler dkk (2005); 4) perkembangan artikel jurnal studi STS pada pendidikan lingkungan dari 40 dokumen dipublikasikan sejak tahun 1985-2021, dikutip sebanyak 1.058, dan artikel terbanyak dikutip ditulis Hodson (2003); 5) istilah judul dan abstrak terbanyak menggunakan istilah “science”; istilah kata kunci terbanyak digunakan “science education”; 6) artikel jurnal rujukan model pembelajaran yaitu: Rubba dan Wiesenmayer (1985), dan J. M. Ramsey dan Kronholm (1991); 7) sintaks pengembangan model pembelajaran STS, yaitu: 1) pondasi STS, 2) kesadaran terhadap isu STS, 3) investigasi isu STS, dan 4) pengembangan keterampilan aksi STS. Kata Kunci: Science Technology and Society (STS), pendidikan lingkungan, kesadaran lingkungan, analisis bibliometrik ABSTRACT Global environmental problems are increasingly complex effect use of modern technology need development of learning methodologies problem-oriented environmental education. Research aims develop a Science Technology and Society (STS) learning model on the environment based national values and environmental ethical principles through results of bibliometric analysis in developing environmental awareness. Results of the bibliometric analysis are needed to provide necessary direction and opportunities in development of the STS learning model based on the thoughts of previous researchers. Research method uses descriptive quantitative approach using bibliometric analysis to analyze bibliographic data of the Scopus indexed STS study for period 1970-2021. Results of research, namely: 1) development STS study from 480 documents published since 1981-2021 (11 books, 28 chapter books, 90 conference articles, and 351 journal articles); 2) development of STS study on environmental education from 48 documents published since 1985-2021 (4 chapter books, 4 conference articles, and 40 journal articles); 3) development of STS study journal articles from 351 documents published since 1981-2021, cited as many as 6,854, and most cited articles were written by Zeidler et al (2005); 4) development of STS study journal articles on environmental education from 40 documents published from 1985-2021, cited as many as 1,058, and most cited articles were written by Hodson (2003); 5) term title and abstract mostly use term “science”; most used keyword term is “science education”; 6) learning model reference journal articles, namely: Rubba and Wiesenmayer (1985), and J. M. Ramsey and Kronholm (1991); 7) syntax for developing STS learning model, namely: 1) STS foundation, 2) STS issues awareness, 3) STS issue investigation, and 4) STS action skills development. Keyword: Science Technology and Society (STS), environmental education, environmental awareness, bibliometric analysi