7 research outputs found


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    Quantum entanglement is one of key concepts in quantum communication engineering. Ordering the quantum systems according to their entanglement measures is a popular problem of the field. For two level (qubit) systems of two particles, state ordering has been studied with respect to well-known entanglement measures such as Concurrence, Negativity and Relative Entropy of Entanglement (REE) [1-5]. In this work, we study the state ordering of the two-qubit systems with respect to Quantum Fisher Information vs. Concurrence. In particular, constructing 1K random states and calculating their Concurrences and Negativities, we obtain the orderings of the states by comparing these results with Quantum Fisher Information values and present our results which are interesting when compared to that of two-level systems


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    22nd IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) -- APR 23-25, 2014 -- Karadeniz Teknik Univ, Trabzon, TURKEYWOS: 000356351400059Quantum entanglement is one of key concepts in quantum communication engineering. Ordering the quantum systems according to their entanglement measures is a popular problem of the field. For two level (qubit) systems of two particles, state ordering has been studied with respect to well-known entanglement measures such as Concurrence, Negativity and Relative Entropy of Entanglement (REE) [1-5]. In this work, we study the state ordering of the two-qubit systems with respect to Quantum Fisher Information vs. Concurrence. In particular, constructing 1K random states and calculating their Concurrences and Negativities, we obtain the orderings of the states by comparing these results with Quantum Fisher Information values and present our results which are interesting when compared to that of two-level systems.IEEE, Karadeniz Tech Univ, Dept Comp Engn & Elect & Elect Eng

    An analysis of concurrence entanglement measure and quantum Fisher information of quantum communication networks of two-qubits

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    Kuantum dolanıklık, kuantum haberleşme mühendisliğinin en temel kavramlarından biridir. Kuantum sistemlerin dolanıklık ölçütlerine göre sıralanması günümüzde oldukça çok çalışılan konulardan birisidir. İki parçacıklı iki seviyeli sistemlerin (qubit) sıralaması konusu, çok bilinen Eş Zamanlılık (Concurrence), Negatiflik (Negativity) ve Dolanıklığın Göreceli Entropisi (REE) ölçütlerine göre çeşitli araştırmacılar tarafından çalışılmıştır[1-5]. Biz bu çalışmada, iki qubit kuantum sistemlerin sıralamasını Kuantum Fisher Bilgisi ve Eş Zamanlılık dolanıklık ölçütünü karşılaştıracak şekilde analiz etmekteyiz. Çalışma özelinde, bin adet rastgele türetilmiş iki qubit sistemin Eş Zamanlılık değerleri hesaplanmakta; elde ettiğimiz bu sonuçların iki qubit sistemlerde Kuantum Fisher Bilgisi ile karşılaştırılması yapılmakta ve aralarındaki ilginç farklar gözlemlenmektedir.Quantum entanglement is one of key concepts in quantum communication engineering. Ordering the quantum systems according to their entanglement measures is a popular problem of the field. For two level (qubit) systems of two particles, state ordering has been studied with respect to well-known entanglement measures such as Concurrence, Negativity and Relative Entropy of Entanglement (REE) [1-5]. In this work, we study the state ordering of the two-qubit systems with respect to Quantum Fisher Information vs. Concurrence. In particular, constructing 1K random states and calculating their Concurrences and Negativities, we obtain the orderings of the states by comparing these results with Quantum Fisher Information values and present our results which are interesting when compared to that of two-level systems.Publisher's Versio

    An analysis of concurrence entanglement measure and quantum fisher information of quantum communication networks of two-qubits [Iki qubit'lik kuantum haberleşme aglarinin eş zamanlilik donaniklik ölçütü ile kuantum fisher bilgisinin analizi]

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    2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2014 -- 23 April 2014 through 25 April 2014 -- Trabzon -- 106053Quantum entanglement is one of key concepts in quantum communication engineering. Ordering the quantum systems according to their entanglement measures is a popular problem of the field. For two level (qubit) systems of two particles, state ordering has been studied with respect to well-known entanglement measures such as Concurrence, Negativity and Relative Entropy of Entanglement (REE) [1-5]. In this work, we study the state ordering of the two-qubit systems with respect to Quantum Fisher Information vs. Concurrence. In particular, constructing 1K random states and calculating their Concurrences and Negativities, we obtain the orderings of the states by comparing these results with Quantum Fisher Information values and present our results which are interesting when compared to that of two-level systems. © 2014 IEEE