1,427 research outputs found

    Category-measure duality: convexity, mid-point convexity and Berz sublinearity

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    Category-measure duality concerns applications of Baire-category methods that have measure-theoretic analogues. The set-theoretic axiom needed in connection with the Baire category theorem is the Axiom of Dependent Choice, DC rather than the Axiom of Choice, AC. Berz used the Hahn–Banach theorem over Q to prove that the graph of a measurable sublinear function that is Q+ -homogeneous consists of two half-lines through the origin. We give a category form of the Berz theorem. Our proof is simpler than that of the classical measure-theoretic Berz theorem, our result contains Berz’s theorem rather than simply being an analogue of it, and we use only DC rather than AC. Furthermore, the category form easily generalizes: the graph of a Baire sublinear function defined on a Banach space is a cone. The results are seen to be of automatic-continuity type. We use Christensen Haar null sets to extend the category approach beyond the locally compact setting where Haar measure exists. We extend Berz’s result from Euclidean to Banach spaces, and beyond. Passing from sublinearity to convexity, we extend the Bernstein–Doetsch theorem and related continuity results, allowing our conditions to be ‘local’—holding off some exceptional set

    Expansions of subfields of the real field by a discrete set

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    Let K be a subfield of the real field, D be a discrete subset of K and f : D^n -> K be a function such that f(D^n) is somewhere dense. Then (K,f) defines the set of integers. We present several applications of this result. We show that K expanded by predicates for different cyclic multiplicative subgroups defines the set of integers. Moreover, we prove that every definably complete expansion of a subfield of the real field satisfies an analogue of the Baire Category Theorem

    The random graph

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    Erd\H{o}s and R\'{e}nyi showed the paradoxical result that there is a unique (and highly symmetric) countably infinite random graph. This graph, and its automorphism group, form the subject of the present survey.Comment: Revised chapter for new edition of book "The Mathematics of Paul Erd\H{o}s

    Additivity, subadditivity and linearity: automatic continuity and quantifier weakening

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    We study the interplay between additivity (as in the Cauchy functional equation), subadditivity and linearity. We obtain automatic continuity results in which additive or subadditive functions, under minimal regularity conditions, are continuous and so linear. We apply our results in the context of quantifier weakening in the theory of regular variation completing our programme of reducing the number of hard proofs there to zero.Comment: Companion paper to: Cauchy's functional equation and extensions: Goldie's equation and inequality, the Go{\l}\k{a}b-Schinzel equation and Beurling's equation Updated to refer to other developments and their publication detail
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