5 research outputs found

    WEST: A Web Browser for Small Terminals

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    We describe WEST, a WEb browser for Small Terminals, that aims to solve some of the problems associated with accessing web pages on hand-held devices. Through a novel combination of text reduction and focus+context visualization, users can access web pages from a very limited display environment, since the system will provide an overview of the contents of a web page even when it is too large to be displayed in its entirety. To make maximum use of the limited resources available on a typical hand-held terminal, much of the most demanding work is done by a proxy server, allowing the terminal to concentrate on the task of providing responsive user interaction. The system makes use of some interaction concepts reminiscent of those defined in the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), making it possible to utilize the techniques described here for WAP-compliant devices and services that may become available in the near future

    Conception et évaluation de méthodes de navigation dans des formulaires présentés sur des assistants numériques personnels

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    Revue de littérature -- Les application mobiles : le cas des formulaires électroniques -- Les assistants numériques personnels -- Les techniques de présentation d'informations pour les assistants numériques personnels -- Problématique -- objectifs et hypothèses -- Étude empirique de la tâche d'inspection dans cinq domaines d'applications -- Étude empirique de formulaires papier -- Conception et développement des prototypes d'interface des quatre modèles de présentation pour trois types de formulaires sur PDA -- Études expérimentale -- Mesure du temps de déplacement du stylet sur un PDA -- Étude expérimentale sur la performance des quatre modèles de présentation de formulaires

    An Alternative to Scrollbars on Small Screens

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    This paper describes a web-browser based on the focus+context technique Flip Zooming. A prototype was developed and evaluated against an ordinary web-browser that used scrollbars on a small screen with a resolution of 160*160 pixels. A preliminary evaluation show that the prototype provides better overview and makes searching for specific items easier compared to the traditional browser. These findings indicate that there are constraints that have to be acknowledged when designing the user interface on small screens. Keywords Information Visualization, Focus+Context techniques, Small Screens, Flip Zooming INTRODUCTION The dramatically increased growth of mobile information technology, such as personal digital assistants (PDA:s) and cellular phones, raises new questions about interface usability. On web-browsers developed for ordinary screens, scrollbars are used in order to enable users to explore a page too large to fit into the screen. Is this strategy useful when designing for s..