16 research outputs found

    An algorithmic approach to social networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-120).Social networks consist of a set of individuals and some form of social relationship that ties the individuals together. In this thesis, we use algorithmic techniques to study three aspects of social networks: (1) we analyze the "small-world" phenomenon by examining the geographic patterns of friendships in a large-scale social network, showing how this linkage pattern can itself explain the small-world results; (2) using existing patterns of friendship in a social network and a variety of graph-theoretic techniques, we show how to predict new relationships that will form in the network in the near future; and (3) we show how to infer social connections over which information flows in a network, by examining the times at which individuals in the network exhibit certain pieces of information, or interest in certain topics. Our approach is simultaneously theoretical and data-driven, and our results are based upon real experiments on real social-network data in addition to theoretical investigations of mathematical models of social networks.by David Liben-Nowell.Ph.D

    Adaptive Dynamics of Realistic Small-World Networks

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    Continuing in the steps of Jon Kleinberg's and others celebrated work on decentralized search in small-world networks, we conduct an experimental analysis of a dynamic algorithm that produces small-world networks. We find that the algorithm adapts robustly to a wide variety of situations in realistic geographic networks with synthetic test data and with real world data, even when vertices are uneven and non-homogeneously distributed. We investigate the same algorithm in the case where some vertices are more popular destinations for searches than others, for example obeying power-laws. We find that the algorithm adapts and adjusts the networks according to the distributions, leading to improved performance. The ability of the dynamic process to adapt and create small worlds in such diverse settings suggests a possible mechanism by which such networks appear in nature

    An introduction to spectral distances in networks (extended version)

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    Many functions have been recently defined to assess the similarity among networks as tools for quantitative comparison. They stem from very different frameworks - and they are tuned for dealing with different situations. Here we show an overview of the spectral distances, highlighting their behavior in some basic cases of static and dynamic synthetic and real networks

    Scalable Graph Building from Text Data

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose NNCTPH, a new MapReduce algorithm that is able to build an approximate k-NN graph from large text datasets. The algorithm uses a modified version of Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing to bin the input data into buckets, and uses an exhaustive search inside the buckets to build the graph. It also uses multiple stages to join the different unconnected subgraphs. We experimentally test the algorithm on different datasets consisting of the subject of spam emails. Although the algorithm is still at an early development stage, it already proves to be four times faster than a MapReduce implementation of NN-Descent, for the same quality of produced graph

    Contributions to privacy in web search engines

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    Els motors de cerca d’Internet recullen i emmagatzemen informació sobre els seus usuaris per tal d’oferir-los millors serveis. A canvi de rebre un servei personalitzat, els usuaris perden el control de les seves pròpies dades. Els registres de cerca poden revelar informació sensible de l’usuari, o fins i tot revelar la seva identitat. En aquesta tesis tractem com limitar aquests problemes de privadesa mentre mantenim suficient informació a les dades. La primera part d’aquesta tesis tracta els mètodes per prevenir la recollida d’informació per part dels motores de cerca. Ja que aquesta informació es requerida per oferir un servei precís, l’objectiu es proporcionar registres de cerca que siguin adequats per proporcionar personalització. Amb aquesta finalitat, proposem un protocol que empra una xarxa social per tal d’ofuscar els perfils dels usuaris. La segona part tracta la disseminació de registres de cerca. Proposem tècniques que la permeten, proporcionant k-anonimat i minimitzant la pèrdua d’informació.Web Search Engines collects and stores information about their users in order to tailor their services better to their users' needs. Nevertheless, while receiving a personalized attention, the users lose the control over their own data. Search logs can disclose sensitive information and the identities of the users, creating risks of privacy breaches. In this thesis we discuss the problem of limiting the disclosure risks while minimizing the information loss. The first part of this thesis focuses on the methods to prevent the gathering of information by WSEs. Since search logs are needed in order to receive an accurate service, the aim is to provide logs that are still suitable to provide personalization. We propose a protocol which uses a social network to obfuscate users' profiles. The second part deals with the dissemination of search logs. We propose microaggregation techniques which allow the publication of search logs, providing kk-anonymity while minimizing the information loss

    Characterizing and Detecting Unrevealed Elements of Network Systems

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of discovering and characterizing unknown elements in network systems. Klir (1985) provides a general definition of a system as “... a set of some things and a relation among the things (p. 4). A system, where the `things\u27, i.e. nodes, are related through links is a network system (Klir, 1985). The nodes can represent a range of entities such as machines or people (Pearl, 2001; Wasserman & Faust, 1994). Likewise, links can represent abstract relationships such as causal influence or more visible ties such as roads (Pearl, 1988, pp. 50-51; Wasserman & Faust, 1994; Winston, 1994, p. 394). It is not uncommon to have incomplete knowledge of network systems due to either passive circumstances, e.g. limited resources to observe a network, active circumstances, e.g. intentional acts of concealment, or some combination of active and passive influences (McCormick & Owen, 2000, p. 175; National Research Council, 2005, pp. 7, 11). This research provides statistical and graph theoretic approaches for such situations, including those in which nodes are causally related (Geiger & Pearl, 1990, pp. 3, 10; Glymour, Scheines, Spirtes, & Kelly, 1987, pp. 75-86, 178183; Murphy, 1998; Verma & Pearl, 1991, pp. 257, 260, 264-265). A related aspect of this research is accuracy assessment. It is possible an analyst could fail to detect a network element, or be aware of network elements, but incorrectly conclude the associated network system structure (Borgatti, Carley, & Krackhardt, 2006). The possibilities require assessment of the accuracy of the observed and conjectured network systems, and this research provides a means to do so (Cavallo & Klir, 1979, p. 143; Kelly, 1957, p. 968)

    Security and privacy issues in some special-puropse networks

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    This thesis is about providing security and privacy to new emergent applications which are based on special-purpose networks. More precisely, we study different aspects regarding security and privacy issues related to sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc networks and social networks.Sensor networks consist of resource-constrained wireless devices with sensor capabilities. This emerging technology has a wide variety of applications related to event surveillance like emergency response, habitat monitoring or defense-related networks.Ad hoc networks are suited for use in situations where deploying an infrastructure is not cost effective or is not possible for any other reason. When the nodes of an ad hoc network are small mobile devices (e.g. cell phones or PDAs), such a network is called mobile ad hoc network. One of many possible uses of MANETs is to provide crisis management services applications, such as in disaster recovery, where the entire communication infrastructure is destroyed and reestablishing communication quickly is crucial. Another useful situation for MANETs is a scenario without fixed communication systems where there is the need for any kind of collaborative computing. Such situation can occur in both business and military environments.When the mobile nodes of a MANET are embedded in cars, such a network is called Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). This kind of networks can be very useful to increase the road traffic safety and they will be deployed for real use in the forthcoming years. As a proof of that, eight important European vehicle manufacturers have founded the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. This non-profit organisation is dedicated to the objective of further increasing traffic safety and efficiency by means of inter-vehicle communications.Social networks differ from the special-purpose networks commented above in that they are not physical networks. Social networks are applications that work through classic networks. They can be defined as a community of web users where each user can publish and share information and services. Social networks have become an object of study both in computer and social sciences, with even dedicated journals and conferences.The special-purpose networks described above provide a wide range of new services and applications. Even though they are expected to improve the society in several ways, these innovative networks and their related applications bring also security and privacy issues that must be addressed.This thesis solves some security and privacy issues related to such new applications and services. More specifically, it focuses on:·Secure information transmission in many-to-one scenarios with resource-constrained devices such as sensor networks.·Secure and private information sharing in MANETs.·Secure and private information spread in VANETs.·Private resource access in social networks.Results presented in this thesis include four contributions published in ISI JCR journals (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) and Computer Communications) and two contributions published in two international conferences (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).Esta tesis trata diversos problemas de seguridad y privacidad que surgen al implantar en escenarios reales novedosas aplicaciones basadas en nuevos y emergentes modelos de red. Estos nuevos modelos de red difieren significativamente de las redes de computadores clásicas y son catalogadas como redes de propósito especial. Específicamente, en este trabajo se estudian diferentes aspectos relacionados con la seguridad de la información y la privacidad de los usuarios en redes de sensores, redes ad hoc móviles (MANETs), redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANETs) y redes sociales.Las redes de sensores están formadas por dispositivos inalámbricos muy limitados a nivel de recursos (capacidad de computación y batería) que detectan eventos o condiciones del entorno donde se instalan. Esta tecnología tiene una amplia variedad de aplicaciones entre las que destacan la detección de emergencias o la creación de perímetros de seguridad. Una MANET esta formada por nodos móviles conectados entre ellos mediante conexiones inalámbricas y de forma auto-organizada. Este tipo de redes se constituye sin la ayuda de infraestructuras, por ello son especialmente útiles en situaciones donde implantar una infraestructura es inviable por ser su coste demasiado elevado o por cualquier otra razón. Una de las muchas aplicaciones de las MANETs es proporcionar servicio en situaciones críticas (por ejemplo desastres naturales) donde la infraestructura de comunicaciones ha sido destruida y proporcionar conectividad rápidamente es crucial. Otra aplicación directa aparece en escenarios sin sistemas de comunicación fijos donde existe la necesidad de realizar algún tipo de computación colaborativa entre diversas máquinas. Esta situación se da tanto en ámbitos empresariales como militares.Cuando los nodos móviles de una MANET se asocian a vehículos (coches, camiones.), dicha red se denomina red ad hoc vehicular o VANET. Este tipo de redes pueden ser muy útiles para incrementar la seguridad vial y se espera su implantación para uso real en los próximos años. Como prueba de la gran importancia que tiene esta tecnología, los ocho fabricantes europeos más importantes han fundado la CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. Esta organización tiene como objetivo incrementar la seguridad y la eficiencia del tráfico mediante el uso de comunicaciones entre los vehículos.Las redes sociales se diferencian de las redes especiales descritas anteriormente en que éstas no son redes físicas. Las redes sociales son aplicaciones que funcionan a través de las redes de computadores clásicas. Una red de este tipo puede ser definida como una comunidad de usuarios web en donde dichos usuarios pueden publicar y compartir información y servicios. En la actualidad, las redes sociales han adquirido gran importancia ofreciendo un amplio abanico de posibilidades a sus usuarios: trabajar de forma colaborativa, compartir ficheros, búsqueda de nuevos amigos, etc.A continuación se resumen las aplicaciones en las que esta tesis se centra según el tipo de red asociada:·Transmisión segura de información en escenarios muchos-a-uno (múltiples emisores y un solo receptor) donde los dispositivos en uso poseen recursos muy limitados. Este escenario es el habitual en redes de sensores.·Distribución de información de forma segura y preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc móviles.·Difusión de información (con el objeto de incrementar la seguridad vial) fidedigna preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc vehiculares.·Acceso a recursos en redes sociales preservando la privacidad de los usuarios. Los resultados de la tesis incluyen cuatro publicaciones en revistas ISI JCR (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) y Computer Communications) y dos publicaciones en congresos internacionales(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)