8,293 research outputs found

    Parameter-unaware autocalibration for occupancy mapping

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    People localization and occupancy mapping are common and important tasks for multi-camera systems. In this paper, we present a novel approach to overcome the hurdle of manual extrinsic calibration of the multi-camera system. Our approach is completely parameter unaware, meaning that the user does not need to know the focal length, position or viewing angle in advance, nor will these values be calibrated as such. The only requirement to the multi-camera setup is that the views overlap substantially and are mounted at approximately the same height, requirements that are satisfied in most typical multi-camera configurations. The proposed method uses the observed height of an object or person moving through the space to estimate the distance to the object or person. Using this distance to backproject the lowest point of each detected object, we obtain a rotated and anisotropically scaled view of the ground plane for each camera. An algorithm is presented to estimate the anisotropic scaling parameters and rotation for each camera, after which ground plane positions can be computed up to an isotropic scale factor. Lens distortion is not taken into account. The method is tested in simulation yielding average accuracies within 5cm, and in a real multi-camera environment with an accuracy within 15cm

    Towards Multi-class Object Detection in Unconstrained Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Automatic multi-class object detection in remote sensing images in unconstrained scenarios is of high interest for several applications including traffic monitoring and disaster management. The huge variation in object scale, orientation, category, and complex backgrounds, as well as the different camera sensors pose great challenges for current algorithms. In this work, we propose a new method consisting of a novel joint image cascade and feature pyramid network with multi-size convolution kernels to extract multi-scale strong and weak semantic features. These features are fed into rotation-based region proposal and region of interest networks to produce object detections. Finally, rotational non-maximum suppression is applied to remove redundant detections. During training, we minimize joint horizontal and oriented bounding box loss functions, as well as a novel loss that enforces oriented boxes to be rectangular. Our method achieves 68.16% mAP on horizontal and 72.45% mAP on oriented bounding box detection tasks on the challenging DOTA dataset, outperforming all published methods by a large margin (+6% and +12% absolute improvement, respectively). Furthermore, it generalizes to two other datasets, NWPU VHR-10 and UCAS-AOD, and achieves competitive results with the baselines even when trained on DOTA. Our method can be deployed in multi-class object detection applications, regardless of the image and object scales and orientations, making it a great choice for unconstrained aerial and satellite imagery.Comment: ACCV 201

    Broadcasting Convolutional Network for Visual Relational Reasoning

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    In this paper, we propose the Broadcasting Convolutional Network (BCN) that extracts key object features from the global field of an entire input image and recognizes their relationship with local features. BCN is a simple network module that collects effective spatial features, embeds location information and broadcasts them to the entire feature maps. We further introduce the Multi-Relational Network (multiRN) that improves the existing Relation Network (RN) by utilizing the BCN module. In pixel-based relation reasoning problems, with the help of BCN, multiRN extends the concept of `pairwise relations' in conventional RNs to `multiwise relations' by relating each object with multiple objects at once. This yields in O(n) complexity for n objects, which is a vast computational gain from RNs that take O(n^2). Through experiments, multiRN has achieved a state-of-the-art performance on CLEVR dataset, which proves the usability of BCN on relation reasoning problems.Comment: Accepted paper at ECCV 2018. 24 page

    Multi-view Face Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this paper we consider the problem of multi-view face detection. While there has been significant research on this problem, current state-of-the-art approaches for this task require annotation of facial landmarks, e.g. TSM [25], or annotation of face poses [28, 22]. They also require training dozens of models to fully capture faces in all orientations, e.g. 22 models in HeadHunter method [22]. In this paper we propose Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD), a method that does not require pose/landmark annotation and is able to detect faces in a wide range of orientations using a single model based on deep convolutional neural networks. The proposed method has minimal complexity; unlike other recent deep learning object detection methods [9], it does not require additional components such as segmentation, bounding-box regression, or SVM classifiers. Furthermore, we analyzed scores of the proposed face detector for faces in different orientations and found that 1) the proposed method is able to detect faces from different angles and can handle occlusion to some extent, 2) there seems to be a correlation between dis- tribution of positive examples in the training set and scores of the proposed face detector. The latter suggests that the proposed methods performance can be further improved by using better sampling strategies and more sophisticated data augmentation techniques. Evaluations on popular face detection benchmark datasets show that our single-model face detector algorithm has similar or better performance compared to the previous methods, which are more complex and require annotations of either different poses or facial landmarks.Comment: in International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2015 (ICMR

    On The Continuous Steering of the Scale of Tight Wavelet Frames

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    In analogy with steerable wavelets, we present a general construction of adaptable tight wavelet frames, with an emphasis on scaling operations. In particular, the derived wavelets can be "dilated" by a procedure comparable to the operation of steering steerable wavelets. The fundamental aspects of the construction are the same: an admissible collection of Fourier multipliers is used to extend a tight wavelet frame, and the "scale" of the wavelets is adapted by scaling the multipliers. As an application, the proposed wavelets can be used to improve the frequency localization. Importantly, the localized frequency bands specified by this construction can be scaled efficiently using matrix multiplication
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