10 research outputs found

    Lossy compression of discrete sources via Viterbi algorithm

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    We present a new lossy compressor for discrete-valued sources. For coding a sequence xnx^n, the encoder starts by assigning a certain cost to each possible reconstruction sequence. It then finds the one that minimizes this cost and describes it losslessly to the decoder via a universal lossless compressor. The cost of each sequence is a linear combination of its distance from the sequence xnx^n and a linear function of its kthk^{\rm th} order empirical distribution. The structure of the cost function allows the encoder to employ the Viterbi algorithm to recover the minimizer of the cost. We identify a choice of the coefficients comprising the linear function of the empirical distribution used in the cost function which ensures that the algorithm universally achieves the optimum rate-distortion performance of any stationary ergodic source in the limit of large nn, provided that kk diverges as o(logn)o(\log n). Iterative techniques for approximating the coefficients, which alleviate the computational burden of finding the optimal coefficients, are proposed and studied.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On the Information Rates of the Plenoptic Function

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    The {\it plenoptic function} (Adelson and Bergen, 91) describes the visual information available to an observer at any point in space and time. Samples of the plenoptic function (POF) are seen in video and in general visual content, and represent large amounts of information. In this paper we propose a stochastic model to study the compression limits of the plenoptic function. In the proposed framework, we isolate the two fundamental sources of information in the POF: the one representing the camera motion and the other representing the information complexity of the "reality" being acquired and transmitted. The sources of information are combined, generating a stochastic process that we study in detail. We first propose a model for ensembles of realities that do not change over time. The proposed model is simple in that it enables us to derive precise coding bounds in the information-theoretic sense that are sharp in a number of cases of practical interest. For this simple case of static realities and camera motion, our results indicate that coding practice is in accordance with optimal coding from an information-theoretic standpoint. The model is further extended to account for visual realities that change over time. We derive bounds on the lossless and lossy information rates for this dynamic reality model, stating conditions under which the bounds are tight. Examples with synthetic sources suggest that in the presence of scene dynamics, simple hybrid coding using motion/displacement estimation with DPCM performs considerably suboptimally relative to the true rate-distortion bound.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions in Information Theor

    Mismatched Rate-Distortion Theory: Ensembles, Bounds, and General Alphabets

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    In this paper, we consider the mismatched rate-distortion problem, in which the encoding is done using a codebook, and the encoder chooses the minimum-distortion codeword according to a mismatched distortion function that differs from the true one. For the case of discrete memoryless sources, we establish achievable rate-distortion bounds using multi-user coding techniques, namely, superposition coding and expurgated parallel coding. We give examples where these attain the matched rate-distortion trade-off but a standard ensemble with independent codewords fails to do so. On the other hand, in contrast with the channel coding counterpart, we show that there are cases where structured codebooks can perform worse than their unstructured counterparts. In addition, in view of the difficulties in adapting the existing and above-mentioned results to general alphabets, we consider a simpler i.i.d.~random coding ensemble, and establish its achievable rate-distortion bounds for general alphabets

    Rate-Distortion via Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    We propose an approach to lossy source coding, utilizing ideas from Gibbs sampling, simulated annealing, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The idea is to sample a reconstruction sequence from a Boltzmann distribution associated with an energy function that incorporates the distortion between the source and reconstruction, the compressibility of the reconstruction, and the point sought on the rate-distortion curve. To sample from this distribution, we use a `heat bath algorithm': Starting from an initial candidate reconstruction (say the original source sequence), at every iteration, an index i is chosen and the i-th sequence component is replaced by drawing from the conditional probability distribution for that component given all the rest. At the end of this process, the encoder conveys the reconstruction to the decoder using universal lossless compression. The complexity of each iteration is independent of the sequence length and only linearly dependent on a certain context parameter (which grows sub-logarithmically with the sequence length). We show that the proposed algorithms achieve optimum rate-distortion performance in the limits of large number of iterations, and sequence length, when employed on any stationary ergodic source. Experimentation shows promising initial results. Employing our lossy compressors on noisy data, with appropriately chosen distortion measure and level, followed by a simple de-randomization operation, results in a family of denoisers that compares favorably (both theoretically and in practice) with other MCMC-based schemes, and with the Discrete Universal Denoiser (DUDE).Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Adaptive scalar quantization without side information

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for adaptive scalar quantization. Adaptivity is useful in applica- tions, including image compression, where the statistics of the source are either not known a priori or will change over time. Our algorithm uses previously quantized samples to estimate the distribution of the source, and does not require that side information be sent in order to adapt to changing source statistics. Our quantization scheme is thus backward adaptive. We propose that an adaptive quantizer can be separated into two building blocks, namely, model estimation and quantizer design. The model estimation produces an estimate of the changing source probability density function, which is then used to redesign the quantizer using standard techniques. We introduce non- parametric estimation techniques that only assume smoothness of the input distribution. We discuss the various sources of error in our estimation and argue that, for a wide class of sources with a smooth probability density function (pdf), we provide a good approximation to a “universal” quantizer, with the approximation becoming better as the rate increases. We study the performance of our scheme and show how the loss due to adaptivity is minimal in typical scenarios. In particular, we provide examples and show how our technique can achieve signal- to-noise ratios (SNR’s) within 0.05 dB of the optimal Lloyd–Max quantizer (LMQ) for a memoryless source, while achieving over 1.5 dB gain over a fixed quantizer for a bimodal source

    Average Redundancy for Known Sources: Ubiquitous Trees in Source Coding

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    Analytic information theory aims at studying problems of information theory using analytic techniques of computer science and combinatorics. Following Hadamard's precept, these problems are tackled by complex analysis methods such as generating functions, Mellin transform, Fourier series, saddle point method, analytic poissonization and depoissonization, and singularity analysis. This approach lies at the crossroad of computer science and information theory. In this survey we concentrate on one facet of information theory (i.e., source coding better known as data compression), namely the redundancy rate\textit{redundancy rate} problem. The redundancy rate problem determines by how much the actual code length exceeds the optimal code length. We further restrict our interest to the average\textit{average} redundancy for known\textit{known} sources, that is, when statistics of information sources are known. We present precise analyses of three types of lossless data compression schemes, namely fixed-to-variable (FV) length codes, variable-to-fixed (VF) length codes, and variable-to-variable (VV) length codes. In particular, we investigate average redundancy of Huffman, Tunstall, and Khodak codes. These codes have succinct representations as trees\textit{trees}, either as coding or parsing trees, and we analyze here some of their parameters (e.g., the average path from the root to a leaf)

    An algorithm for source coding subject to a fidelity criterion, based on string matching

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    Information-Theoretic Foundations of Mismatched Decoding

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    Shannon's channel coding theorem characterizes the maximal rate of information that can be reliably transmitted over a communication channel when optimal encoding and decoding strategies are used. In many scenarios, however, practical considerations such as channel uncertainty and implementation constraints rule out the use of an optimal decoder. The mismatched decoding problem addresses such scenarios by considering the case that the decoder cannot be optimized, but is instead fixed as part of the problem statement. This problem is not only of direct interest in its own right, but also has close connections with other long-standing theoretical problems in information theory. In this monograph, we survey both classical literature and recent developments on the mismatched decoding problem, with an emphasis on achievable random-coding rates for memoryless channels. We present two widely-considered achievable rates known as the generalized mutual information (GMI) and the LM rate, and overview their derivations and properties. In addition, we survey several improved rates via multi-user coding techniques, as well as recent developments and challenges in establishing upper bounds on the mismatch capacity, and an analogous mismatched encoding problem in rate-distortion theory. Throughout the monograph, we highlight a variety of applications and connections with other prominent information theory problems.Comment: Published in Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory (Volume 17, Issue 2-3

    Nouvelles techniques de quantification vectorielle algébrique basées sur le codage de Voronoi : application au codage AMR-WB+

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    L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de la quantification (vectorielle) par réseau de points et de son application au modèle de codage audio ACELP/TCX multi-mode. Le modèle ACELP/TCX constitue une solution possible au problème du codage audio universel---par codage universel, on entend la représentation unifiée de bonne qualité des signaux de parole et de musique à différents débits et fréquences d'échantillonnage. On considère ici comme applications la quantification des coefficients de prédiction linéaire et surtout le codage par transformée au sein du modèle TCX; l'application au codage TCX a un fort intérêt pratique, car le modèle TCX conditionne en grande partie le caractère universel du codage ACELP/TCX. La quantification par réseau de points est une technique de quantification par contrainte, exploitant la structure linéaire des réseaux réguliers. Elle a toujours été considérée, par rapport à la quantification vectorielle non structurée, comme une technique prometteuse du fait de sa complexité réduite (en stockage et quantité de calculs). On montre ici qu'elle possède d'autres avantages importants: elle rend possible la construction de codes efficaces en dimension relativement élevée et à débit arbitrairement élevé, adaptés au codage multi-débit (par transformée ou autre); en outre, elle permet de ramener la distorsion à la seule erreur granulaire au prix d'un codage à débit variable. Plusieurs techniques de quantification par réseau de points sont présentées dans cette thèse. Elles sont toutes élaborées à partir du codage de Voronoï. Le codage de Voronoï quasi-ellipsoïdal est adapté au codage d'une source gaussienne vectorielle dans le contexte du codage paramétrique de coefficients de prédiction linéaire à l'aide d'un modèle de mélange gaussien. La quantification vectorielle multi-débit par extension de Voronoï ou par codage de Voronoï à troncature adaptative est adaptée au codage audio par transformée multi-débit. L'application de la quantification vectorielle multi-débit au codage TCX est plus particulièrement étudiée. Une nouvelle technique de codage algébrique de la cible TCX est ainsi conçue à partir du principe d'allocation des bits par remplissage inverse des eaux