28,170 research outputs found

    A distributed-memory package for dense Hierarchically Semi-Separable matrix computations using randomization

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    We present a distributed-memory library for computations with dense structured matrices. A matrix is considered structured if its off-diagonal blocks can be approximated by a rank-deficient matrix with low numerical rank. Here, we use Hierarchically Semi-Separable representations (HSS). Such matrices appear in many applications, e.g., finite element methods, boundary element methods, etc. Exploiting this structure allows for fast solution of linear systems and/or fast computation of matrix-vector products, which are the two main building blocks of matrix computations. The compression algorithm that we use, that computes the HSS form of an input dense matrix, relies on randomized sampling with a novel adaptive sampling mechanism. We discuss the parallelization of this algorithm and also present the parallelization of structured matrix-vector product, structured factorization and solution routines. The efficiency of the approach is demonstrated on large problems from different academic and industrial applications, on up to 8,000 cores. This work is part of a more global effort, the STRUMPACK (STRUctured Matrices PACKage) software package for computations with sparse and dense structured matrices. Hence, although useful on their own right, the routines also represent a step in the direction of a distributed-memory sparse solver

    Scalable and distributed constrained low rank approximations

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    Low rank approximation is the problem of finding two low rank factors W and H such that the rank(WH) << rank(A) and A ≈ WH. These low rank factors W and H can be constrained for meaningful physical interpretation and referred as Constrained Low Rank Approximation (CLRA). Like most of the constrained optimization problem, performing CLRA can be computationally expensive than its unconstrained counterpart. A widely used CLRA is the Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) which enforces non-negativity constraints in each of its low rank factors W and H. In this thesis, I focus on scalable/distributed CLRA algorithms for constraints such as boundedness and non-negativity for large real world matrices that includes text, High Definition (HD) video, social networks and recommender systems. First, I begin with the Bounded Matrix Low Rank Approximation (BMA) which imposes a lower and an upper bound on every element of the lower rank matrix. BMA is more challenging than NMF as it imposes bounds on the product WH rather than on each of the low rank factors W and H. For very large input matrices, we extend our BMA algorithm to Block BMA that can scale to a large number of processors. In applications, such as HD video, where the input matrix to be factored is extremely large, distributed computation is inevitable and the network communication becomes a major performance bottleneck. Towards this end, we propose a novel distributed Communication Avoiding NMF (CANMF) algorithm that communicates only the right low rank factor to its neighboring machine. Finally, a general distributed HPC- NMF framework that uses HPC techniques in communication intensive NMF operations and suitable for broader class of NMF algorithms.Ph.D

    Tensor Decomposition in Multiple Kernel Learning

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    Modern data processing and analytic tasks often deal with high dimensional matrices or tensors; for example: environmental sensors monitor (time, location, temperature, light) data. For large scale tensors, efficient data representation plays a major role in reducing computational time and finding patterns. The thesis firstly studies about fundamental matrix, tensor decomposition algorithms and applications, in connection with Tensor Train decomposition algorithm. The second objective is applying the tensor perspective in Multiple Kernel Learning problems, where the stacking of kernels can be seen as a tensor. Decomposition this kind of tensor leads to an efficient factorization approach in finding the best linear combination of kernels through the similarity alignment. Interestingly, thanks to the symmetry of the kernel matrix, a novel decomposition algorithm for multiple kernels is derived for reducing the computational complexity. In term of applications, this new approach allows the manipulation of large scale multiple kernels problems. For example, with P kernels and n samples, it reduces the memory complexity of O(P^2n^2) to O(P^2r^2+ 2rn) where r < n is the number of low-rank components. This compression is also valuable in pair-wise multiple kernel learning problem which models the relation among pairs of objects and its complexity is in the double scale. This study proposes AlignF_TT, a kernel alignment algorithm which is based on the novel decomposition algorithm for the tensor of kernels. Regarding the predictive performance, the proposed algorithm can gain an improvement in 18 artificially constructed datasets and achieve comparable performance in 13 real-world datasets in comparison with other multiple kernel learning algorithms. It also reveals that the small number of low-rank components is sufficient for approximating the tensor of kernels

    Butterfly Factorization

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    The paper introduces the butterfly factorization as a data-sparse approximation for the matrices that satisfy a complementary low-rank property. The factorization can be constructed efficiently if either fast algorithms for applying the matrix and its adjoint are available or the entries of the matrix can be sampled individually. For an N×NN \times N matrix, the resulting factorization is a product of O(logN)O(\log N) sparse matrices, each with O(N)O(N) non-zero entries. Hence, it can be applied rapidly in O(NlogN)O(N\log N) operations. Numerical results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the butterfly factorization and its construction algorithms