2 research outputs found

    Understanding multispectral imaging of cultural heritage:Determining best practice in MSI analysis of historical artefacts

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    Although multispectral imaging (MSI) of cultural heritage, such as manuscripts, documents and artwork, is becoming more popular, a variety of approaches are taken and methods are often inconsistently documented. Furthermore, no overview of the process of MSI capture and analysis with current technology has previously been published. This research was undertaken to determine current best practice in the deployment of MSI, highlighting areas that need further research, whilst providing recommendations regarding approach and documentation. An Action Research methodology was used to characterise the current pipeline, including: literature review; unstructured interviews and discussion of results with practitioners; and reflective practice whilst undertaking MSI analysis. The pipeline and recommendations from this research will improve project management by increasing clarity of published outcomes, the reusability of data, and encouraging a more open discussion of process and application within the MSI community. The importance of thorough documentation is emphasised, which will encourage sharing of best practice and results, improving community deployment of the technique. The findings encourage efficient use and reporting of MSI, aiding access to historical analysis. We hope this research will be useful to digitisation professionals, curators and conservators, allowing them to compare and contrast current practices

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema multiespectral en el rango ultravioleta, visible e infrarrojo : aplicación al estudio y conservación de obras de arte

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    Multispectral systems have several applications and there are different possible configurations in which they can be implemented. Different characteristics make them useful, but the basic one is the access to spectral information of a scene or sample with high spatial resolution. In this thesis , the main objective has been the design and implementation of a multispectral system that covers part of the UV, the visible, and part of theIR ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum to be applied to artwork studies. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to the design, characterization and application of a multispectral system based on multiplexed illumination using light emitting diodes (LED). This system comprises two modules : Module 1 UV-Vis, with a CCD camera sensitive between 370nm and 930nm , coupled to a source of LEDs with 16 different channels, i.e. 16 wavelengths of emission; and Module 2 IR with an lnGaAs camera with sensitivity between 930nm and 1650nm coupled to an LED source with 7 emission wavelengths. Thus , the complete system covers from 370nm to 1650nm with a total of23 channels obtained with LED illumination. The system elements were characterized and simulations were performed to assess their performance in the reconstruction of spectral reflectance under ideal conditions , and also under conditions of quantization noise and additive noise. Its performance was evaluated using the formula CIEDE2000 color difference, the mean square error (RMSE) and the goodness-of-fit coefficient (GFC) . The simulation results showed a good overall system performance, but with better results for module 1 UV -Vis due to the increased amount of LED channels in its spectral range. Computer programs with their respective graphical interfaces to control the hardware and processing the information provided by the system were implemented. For the spectral reconstruction we employed the method based on direct interpolation using splines , and the methods based on training set of samples with known digital system responses and spectral reflectances: the undetermined pseudo-inverse (PSE -1) and simple pseudo-inverse (PSE). The equipment was evaluated over real samples of the Color Checker Chart CCCR and a series of frescoes patches painted with pigments used in artworks. The results of the metrics CIEDE2000, RMSE and GFC showed that the methods ofthe PSE-1 and PSE have similar performance, with slightly better results for the second one. The interpolation method presented a slightly lower performance, but it has the practical value of not needing training. The results for the PSE method were similar to those obtained through simulation, and proved again that the module 2 IR has lower performance. lt was concluded that overall system performance was good with CIEDE2000 and RMSE average values for the methods based on PSE in the order of 1 unit. The developed system was applied to artworks in the museum ofPedralbes Monastery in Barcelona, and the churches of Sant Pere in Terrassa. Different images of murals of the chapel of San Miguel in the Monastery of Pedralbes were captured. The evaluation of the system performance for this museum application showed similar performance to the reported one in laboratory. We also captured a painting of large format, oil on wood named: La Virgen de la Leche. For this artwork the modular design and easy movement of the system was used to generate a complete picture by composition from several smaller images. At the churches of Sant Pere, we explored wall paintings dating from the Visigoth (VI-VII) and Romance times (XII -XIII) to assess whether there were features in the paintings that were not evident in the visible range, but in other spectral ranges. Enhancement algorithms were implemented for this task. The results obtained in this thesis demonstrate the potential of the developed multispecral system for obtaining spectral information in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions.Los sistemas multiespectrales tienen la característica principal de proporcionar acceso a información espectral de una muestra con alta resolución espacial. En esta tesis, como principal objetivo, se ha diseñado e implementado un sistema multiespectral para aplicarlo al estudio de obras de arte. Este sistema comprende dos módulos: el módulo 1 UV-Vis, con una cámara CCD con sensibilidad entre 370nm y930nm, acoplada a una fuente de diodos emisores de luz (LED) con 16 canales diferentes, es decir 16 1ongitudes de onda de emisión; y el módulo 2 IR, con una cámara lnGaAs con sensibilidad entre 930nm y 1650nm, acoplada a una fuente LED con 7 longitudes de onda de emisión. Por tanto, el sistema completo abarca desde 370nm a 1650nm con un total de 23 canales. Se caracterizaron los elementos del sistema y se han realizado simulaciones para evaluar su rendimiento en la reconstrucción de reflectancias espectrales bajo condiciones ideales, condiciones de ruido de cuantificación y aditivo. Su rendimiento se evaluó empleando la fórmula de diferencia de color CIEDE2000, el error cuadrático medio (RMSE) y el coeficiente de bondad del ajuste (GFC). Los resultados de las simulaciones mostraron un buen rendimiento general del sistema, aunque con mejores resultados para el módulo 1 UV-Vis debido a la mayor cantidad de canales LED en su rango espectral. Paralelamente se implementaron los programas computacionales con sus respectivas interfaces gráficas necesarias para el control del hardware usado y para el procesamiento de la información proporcionada por el sistema. Para la reconstrucción espectral empleamos un método de interpolación directa basado en splines, y los métodos de pseudoinversa indeterminada (PSE-l) y pseudoinversa simple (PSE) que necesitan de un entrenamiento con un conjunto de muestras con respuestas digitales del sistema y reflectancias espectrales conocidas. El equipo se evaluó sobre muestras reales de la carta de colores Color Checker CCCR y sobre un conjunto de pinturas al fresco realizadas con pigmentos comúnmente presentas en obras de arte. Los resultados de las métricas CIEDE2000, RMSE y GFC mostraron que los métodos de la PSE-1 y PSE tienen desempeños similares, con resultados ligeramente mejores para el segundo método. El método de interpolación presentó un rendimiento ligeramente menor, aunque tiene el valor práctico de no necesitar entrenamiento. Los resultados reales para el método del PSE fueron similares a los obtenidos mediante simulación, y se mostró una vez más que el módulo 2 IR tiene un rendimiento inferior. Se concluyó que en general el desempeño del sistema era bueno, con valores CIEDE2000 y RMSE promedio para los métodos basados en PSE del orden de 1 unidad en ambos casos. El sistema desarrollado fue aplicado a obras de arte en el museo de Monasterio de Pedralbes, en Barcelona, y las Iglesias de Sant Pere, en Terrassa. En el Monasterio de Pedralbes se capturaron diferentes imágenes de pinturas murales de la capilla de San Miguel y se evaluó el desempeño del sistema para esta aplicación de museo, mostrando un desempeño similar al reportado en las pruebas de laboratorio. También se accedió a la obra “Virgen de la Leche” que es un óleo en tabla de gran formato. En esta obra se aprovechó el diseño modular y de fácil movimiento del sistema para generar por composición una imagen completa a partir de varias imágenes menores. En las iglesias de Sant Pere se exploraron pinturas murales que se estima datan de las épocas visigoda (siglos VI-VII) y románica (siglos XII-XIII) para evaluar si existían características en las pinturas que no fueran evidentes en el rango visible y que si lo fueran en otros rangos espectrales. Para ello se implementaron algoritmos de realce de la información. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis doctoral ponen de manifiesto las potencialidades del sistema multiespecral desarrollado para la obtención de información espectral en las regiones ultravioleta, visible e infrarroj