14 research outputs found

    The Development of Emotional Flexible Spine Humanoid Robots

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    Distributed control for an anthropomimetic robot

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    A Variable Stiffness Actuator Module With Favorable Mass Distribution for a Bio-inspired Biped Robot

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    Achieving human-like locomotion with humanoid platforms often requires the use of variable stiffness actuators (VSAs) in multi-degree-of-freedom robotic joints. VSAs possess 2 motors for the control of both stiffness and equilibrium position. Hence, they add mass and mechanical complexity to the design of humanoids. Mass distribution of the legs is an important design parameter, because it can have detrimental effects on the cost of transport. This work presents a novel VSA module, designed to be implemented in a bio-inspired humanoid robot, Binocchio, that houses all components on the same side of the actuated joint. This feature allowed to place the actuator's mass to more proximal locations with respect to the actuated joint instead of concentrating it at the joint level, creating a more favorable mass distribution in the humanoid. Besides, it also facilitated it's usage in joints with centralized multi-degree of freedom (DoF) joints instead of cascading single DoF modules. The design of the VSA module is presented, including it's integration in the multi-DoFs joints of Binocchio. Experiments validated the static characteristics of the VSA module to accurately estimate the output torque and stiffness. The dynamic responses of the driving and stiffening mechanisms are shown. Finally, experiments show the ability of the actuation system to replicate the envisioned human-like kinematic, torque and stiffness profiles for Binocchio

    Bio­-inspired approaches to the control and modelling of an anthropomimetic robot

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    Introducing robots into human environments requires them to handle settings designed specifically for human size and morphology, however, large, conventional humanoid robots with stiff, high powered joint actuators pose a significant danger to humans. By contrast, “anthropomimetic” robots mimic both human morphology and internal structure; skeleton, muscles, compliance and high redundancy. Although far safer, their resultant compliant structure presents a formidable challenge to conventional control. Here we review, and seek to address, characteristic control issues of this class of robot, whilst exploiting their biomimetic nature by drawing upon biological motor control research. We derive a novel learning controller for discovering effective reaching actions created through sustained activation of one or more muscle synergies, an approach which draws upon strong, recent evidence from animal and humans studies, but is almost unexplored to date in musculoskeletal robot literature. Since the best synergies for a given robot will be unknown, we derive a deliberately simple reinforcement learning approach intended to allow their emergence, in particular those patterns which aid linearization of control. We also draw upon optimal control theories to encourage the emergence of smoother movement by incorporating signal dependent noise and trial repetition. In addition, we argue the utility of developing a detailed dynamic model of a complete robot and present a stable, physics-­‐‑based model, of the anthropomimetic ECCERobot, running in real time with 55 muscles and 88 degrees of freedom. Using the model, we find that effective reaching actions can be learned which employ only two sequential motor co-­‐‑activation patterns, each controlled by just a single common driving signal. Factor analysis shows the emergent muscle co-­‐‑activations can be reconstructed to significant accuracy using weighted combinations of only 13 common fragments, labelled “candidate synergies”. Using these synergies as drivable units the same controller learns the same task both faster and better, however, other reaching tasks perform less well, proportional to dissimilarity; we therefore propose that modifications enabling emergence of a more generic set of synergies are required. Finally, we propose a continuous controller for the robot, based on model predictive control, incorporating our model as a predictive component for state estimation, delay-­‐‑ compensation and planning, including merging of the robot and sensed environment into a single model. We test the delay compensation mechanism by controlling a second copy of the model acting as a proxy for the real robot, finding that performance is significantly improved if a precise degree of compensation is applied and show how rapidly an un-­‐‑compensated controller fails as the model accuracy degrades

    From walking to running: robust and 3D humanoid gait generation via MPC

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    Humanoid robots are platforms that can succeed in tasks conceived for humans. From locomotion in unstructured environments, to driving cars, or working in industrial plants, these robots have a potential that is yet to be disclosed in systematic every-day-life applications. Such a perspective, however, is opposed by the need of solving complex engineering problems under the hardware and software point of view. In this thesis, we focus on the software side of the problem, and in particular on locomotion control. The operativity of a legged humanoid is subordinate to its capability of realizing a reliable locomotion. In many settings, perturbations may undermine the balance and make the robot fall. Moreover, complex and dynamic motions might be required by the context, as for instance it could be needed to start running or climbing stairs to achieve a certain location in the shortest time. We present gait generation schemes based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) that tackle both the problem of robustness and tridimensional dynamic motions. The proposed control schemes adopt the typical paradigm of centroidal MPC for reference motion generation, enforcing dynamic balance through the Zero Moment Point condition, plus a whole-body controller that maps the generated trajectories to joint commands. Each of the described predictive controllers also feature a so-called stability constraint, preventing the generation of diverging Center of Mass trajectories with respect to the Zero Moment Point. Robustness is addressed by modeling the humanoid as a Linear Inverted Pendulum and devising two types of strategies. For persistent perturbations, a way to use a disturbance observer and a technique for constraint tightening (to ensure robust constraint satisfaction) are presented. In the case of impulsive pushes instead, techniques for footstep and timing adaptation are introduced. The underlying approach is to interpret robustness as a MPC feasibility problem, thus aiming at ensuring the existence of a solution for the constrained optimization problem to be solved at each iteration in spite of the perturbations. This perspective allows to devise simple solutions to complex problems, favoring a reliable real-time implementation. For the tridimensional locomotion, on the other hand, the humanoid is modeled as a Variable Height Inverted Pendulum. Based on it, a two stage MPC is introduced with particular emphasis on the implementation of the stability constraint. The overall result is a gait generation scheme that allows the robot to overcome relatively complex environments constituted by a non-flat terrain, with also the capability of realizing running gaits. The proposed methods are validated in different settings: from conceptual simulations in Matlab to validations in the DART dynamic environment, up to experimental tests on the NAO and the OP3 platforms

    Humanoid Robot Soccer Locomotion and Kick Dynamics: Open Loop Walking, Kicking and Morphing into Special Motions on the Nao Robot

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    Striker speed and accuracy in the RoboCup (SPL) international robot soccer league is becoming increasingly important as the level of play rises. Competition around the ball is now decided in a matter of seconds. Therefore, eliminating any wasted actions or motions is crucial when attempting to kick the ball. It is common to see a discontinuity between walking and kicking where a robot will return to an initial pose in preparation for the kick action. In this thesis we explore the removal of this behaviour by developing a transition gait that morphs the walk directly into the kick back swing pose. The solution presented here is targeted towards the use of the Aldebaran walk for the Nao robot. The solution we develop involves the design of a central pattern generator to allow for controlled steps with realtime accuracy, and a phase locked loop method to synchronise with the Aldebaran walk so that precise step length control can be activated when required. An open loop trajectory mapping approach is taken to the walk that is stabilized statically through the use of a phase varying joint holding torque technique. We also examine the basic princples of open loop walking, focussing on the commonly overlooked frontal plane motion. The act of kicking itself is explored both analytically and empirically, and solutions are provided that are versatile and powerful. Included as an appendix, the broader matter of striker behaviour (process of goal scoring) is reviewed and we present a velocity control algorithm that is very accurate and efficient in terms of speed of execution

    Design of high-performance legged robots: A case study on a hopping and balancing robot

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    The availability and capabilities of present-day technology suggest that legged robots should be able to physically outperform their biological counterparts. This thesis revolves around the philosophy that the observed opposite is caused by over-complexity in legged robot design, which is believed to substantially suppress design for high-performance. In this dissertation a design philosophy is elaborated with a focus on simple but high performance design. This philosophy is governed by various key points, including holistic design, technology-inspired design, machine and behaviour co-design and design at the performance envelope. This design philosophy also focuses on improving progress in robot design, which is inevitably complicated by the aspire for high performance. It includes an approach of iterative design by trial-and-error, which is believed to accelerate robot design through experience. This thesis mainly focuses on the case study of Skippy, a fully autonomous monopedal balancing and hopping robot. Skippy is maximally simple in having only two actuators, which is the minimum number of actuators required to control a robot in 3D. Despite its simplicity, it is challenged with a versatile set of high-performance activities, ranging from balancing to reaching record jump heights, to surviving crashes from several meters and getting up unaided after a crash, while being built from off-the-shelf technology. This thesis has contributed to the detailed mechanical design of Skippy and its optimisations that abide the design philosophy, and has resulted in a robust and realistic design that is able to reach a record jump height of 3.8m. Skippy is also an example of iterative design through trial-and-error, which has lead to the successful design and creation of the balancing-only precursor Tippy. High-performance balancing has been successfully demonstrated on Tippy, using a recently developed balancing algorithm that combines the objective of tracking a desired position command with balancing, as required for preparing hopping motions. This thesis has furthermore contributed to several ideas and theories on Skippy's road of completion, which are also useful for designing other high-performance robots. These contributions include (1) the introduction of an actuator design criterion to maximize the physical balance recovery of a simple balancing machine, (2) a generalization of the centre of percussion for placement of components that are sensitive to shock and (3) algebraic modelling of a non-linear high-gravimetric energy density compression spring with a regressive stress-strain profile. The activities performed and the results achieved have been proven to be valuable, however they have also delayed the actual creation of Skippy itself. A possible explanation for this happening is that Skippy's requirements and objectives were too ambitious, for which many complications were encountered in the decision-making progress of the iterative design strategy, involving trade-offs between exercising trial-and-error, elaborate simulation studies and the development of above-mentioned new theories. Nevertheless, from (1) the resulting realistic design of Skippy, (2) the successful creation and demonstrations of Tippy and (3) the contributed theories for high-performance robot design, it can be concluded that the adopted design philosophy has been generally successful. Through the case study design project of the hopping and balancing robot Skippy, it is shown that proper design for high physical performance (1) can indeed lead to a robot design that is capable of physically outperforming humans and animals and (2) is already very challenging for a robot that is intended to be very simple

    Neues Konzept zur Bewegungsanalyse und -synthese fĂŒr Humanoide Roboter basierend auf Vorbildern aus der Biologie

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    Es werden neue Methoden zur Bewegungsgenerierung und -analyse von humanoiden Robotern vorgestellt und zur Anwendung gebracht. Als Vorbild dienen zum Einen menschliche Reflexe, zum Anderen zentrale neuronale Mustergeneratoren (CPG) fĂŒr zyklische Bewegungen. Mit Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuronen wird ein generisches Reflexmodell erstellt und fĂŒr konkrete Reflexe realisiert. Die erstellten CPGs dienen sowohl der Bewegungsanalyse als auch der -generierung fĂŒr einen zweibeinigen Demonstrator