609 research outputs found

    The Use of Firewalls in an Academic Environment

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    Real Time Gas Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network

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    Miner’s safety is the main issue in the present era. Miner’s health is affected by many means which includes unstable and cumbersome underground activities and awkward loads, heavy tools and equipment, exposure to toxic dust and chemicals, gas or dust explosions, improper use of explosives, gas intoxications, collapsing of mine structures, electrical burn, fires, flooding, rock falls from roofs and side walls workers stumbling/slipping/falling, or errors from malfunctioning or improperly used mining equipment. In earlier days for detection of gases canary and small animals are used but they didn’t provide the exact condition of the mines so safety in the mine in not guaranteed. Hence, there is a need of monitoring system which utilised the ZigBee wireless sensor network technology. There are two units of the monitoring system Sensor unit and Monitoring unit. Sensor unit will be placed in the underground section and Monitoring unit will be placed in the above the mines from where monitoring is done. Firstly, the Sensor unit is placed in the underground section of the mine. Where input is taken from the sensors in terms of Methane (CH4) i.e. MQ-2 sensor, Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) i.e. MQ-136 sensor, and Natural Gases i.e. MQ-5 sensor. Then they are compared with their threshold value by the Microcontroller Module and if the value is above the threshold value, the Buzzer starts ringing meanwhile data is displayed in the Display module and sent to the Wireless Communication Module of the Monitor unit i.e. ends device or coordinator through the Wireless Communication Module of the Sensor unit i.e. router. In this way, the study can help the miners get relief from any casualty and ultimately save their lives. The device encompasses a large range of networking. The data can also be stored for future investigation. The device is also durable and costs effective with a price of approx. Rs. 6,500 to 7,000/-

    Optimizing energy-efficiency for multi-core packet processing systems in a compiler framework

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    Network applications become increasingly computation-intensive and the amount of traffic soars unprecedentedly nowadays. Multi-core and multi-threaded techniques are thus widely employed in packet processing system to meet the changing requirement. However, the processing power cannot be fully utilized without a suitable programming environment. The compilation procedure is decisive for the quality of the code. It can largely determine the overall system performance in terms of packet throughput, individual packet latency, core utilization and energy efficiency. The thesis investigated compilation issues in networking domain first, particularly on energy consumption. And as a cornerstone for any compiler optimizations, a code analysis module for collecting program dependency is presented and incorporated into a compiler framework. With that dependency information, a strategy based on graph bi-partitioning and mapping is proposed to search for an optimal configuration in a parallel-pipeline fashion. The energy-aware extension is specifically effective in enhancing the energy-efficiency of the whole system. Finally, a generic evaluation framework for simulating the performance and energy consumption of a packet processing system is given. It accepts flexible architectural configuration and is capable of performingarbitrary code mapping. The simulation time is extremely short compared to full-fledged simulators. A set of our optimization results is gathered using the framework

    Parallel network protocol stacks using replication

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    Computing applications demand good performance from networking systems. This includes high-bandwidth communication using protocols with sophisticated features such as ordering, reliability, and congestion control. Much of this protocol processing occurs in software, both on desktop systems and servers. Multi-processing is a requirement on today\u27s computer architectures because their design does not allow for increased processor frequencies. At the same time, network bandwidths continue to increase. In order to meet application demand for throughput, protocol processing must be parallel to leverage the full capabilities of multi-processor or multi-core systems. Existing parallelization strategies have performance difficulties that limit their scalability and their application to single, high-speed data streams. This dissertation introduces a new approach to parallelizing network protocol processing without the need for locks or for global state. Rather than maintain global states, each processor maintains its own copy of protocol state. Therefore, updates are local and don\u27t require fine-grained locks or explicit synchronization. State management work is replicated, but logically independent work is parallelized. Along with the approach, this dissertation describes Dominoes, a new framework for implementing replicated processing systems. Dominoes organizes the state information into Domains and the communication into Channels. These two abstractions provide a powerful, but flexible model for testing the replication approach. This dissertation uses Dominoes to build a replicated network protocol system. The performance of common protocols, such as TCP/IP, is increased by multiprocessing single connections. On commodity hardware, throughput increases between 15-300% depending on the type of communication. Most gains are possible when communicating with unmodified peer implementations, such as Linux. In addition to quantitative results, protocol behavior is studied as it relates to the replication approach

    34th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems-Final Program

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    Organized by the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California. Cosponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Symposium Organizing Committee: General Chairman-Sherif Michael, Technical Program-Roberto Cristi, Publications-Michael Soderstrand, Special Sessions- Charles W. Therrien, Publicity: Jeffrey Burl, Finance: Ralph Hippenstiel, and Local Arrangements: Barbara Cristi

    A study on the utilization of advanced composites in commercial aircraft wing structure

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    A study was conducted to define the technology and data needed to support the introduction of advanced composite materials in the wing structure of future production aircraft. The study accomplished the following: (1) definition of acceptance factors, (2) identification of technology issues, (3) evaluation of six candidate wing structures, (4) evaluation of five program options, (5) definition of a composite wing technology development plan, (6) identification of full-scale tests, (7) estimation of program costs for the total development plan, (8) forecast of future utilization of composites in commercial transport aircraft and (9) identification of critical technologies for timely program planning

    Complex Systems: Nonlinearity and Structural Complexity in spatially extended and discrete systems

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    Resumen Esta Tesis doctoral aborda el estudio de sistemas de muchos elementos (sistemas discretos) interactuantes. La fenomenología presente en estos sistemas esta dada por la presencia de dos ingredientes fundamentales: (i) Complejidad dinámica: Las ecuaciones del movimiento que rigen la evolución de los constituyentes son no lineales de manera que raramente podremos encontrar soluciones analíticas. En el espacio de fases de estos sistemas pueden coexistir diferentes tipos de trayectorias dinámicas (multiestabilidad) y su topología puede variar enormemente dependiendo de dos parámetros usados en las ecuaciones. La conjunción de dinámica no lineal y sistemas de muchos grados de libertad (como los que aquí se estudian) da lugar a propiedades emergentes como la existencia de soluciones localizadas en el espacio, sincronización, caos espacio-temporal, formación de patrones, etc... (ii) Complejidad estructural: Se refiere a la existencia de un alto grado de aleatoriedad en el patrón de las interacciones entre los componentes. En la mayoría de los sistemas estudiados esta aleatoriedad se presenta de forma que la descripción de la influencia del entorno sobre un único elemento del sistema no puede describirse mediante una aproximación de campo medio. El estudio de estos dos ingredientes en sistemas extendidos se realizará de forma separada (Partes I y II de esta Tesis) y conjunta (Parte III). Si bien en los dos primeros casos la fenomenología introducida por cada fuente de complejidad viene siendo objeto de amplios estudios independientes a lo largo de los últimos años, la conjunción de ambas da lugar a un campo abierto y enormemente prometedor, donde la interdisciplinariedad concerniente a los campos de aplicación implica un amplio esfuerzo de diversas comunidades científicas. En particular, este es el caso del estudio de la dinámica en sistemas biológicos cuyo análisis es difícil de abordar con técnicas exclusivas de la Bioquímica, la Física Estadística o la Física Matemática. En definitiva, el objetivo marcado en esta Tesis es estudiar por separado dos fuentes de complejidad inherentes a muchos sistemas de interés para, finalmente, estar en disposición de atacar con nuevas perspectivas problemas relevantes para la Física de procesos celulares, la Neurociencia, Dinámica Evolutiva, etc..

    Optimal sensor placement for vibration measurements of a masonry arch bridge

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    Los puentes de arco de fábrica (MAB) desempeñan un papel crucial en las redes de carreteras y ferrocarriles de todo el mundo, especialmente en Europa. A pesar del papel fundamental que desempeñan estas infraestructuras, son algunas de las partes más vulnerables de las redes de transporte existentes. Por ello, es vital poder contar con un sistema que ayude a la monitorización, detección y alerta temprana de problemas para su seguridad estructural. Esta tesis, titulada "Ubicación óptima de los sensores para medir las vibraciones de un puente de arco de fábrica” se centra en el desarrollo y análisis de una investigación de Optimal Sensor Placement (OSP) para el Viaducto de la Joncadella. El trabajo realizado en esta tesis tiene como objetivo llenar el vacío existente en la literatura actual con respecto a la colocación óptima de sensores en puentes arco de fábrica, con la esperanza de mejorar la aplicación de sistemas de Monitorización de la Salud Estructural (SHM). El desarrollo de un modelo numérico 3D se lleva a cabo a través de una investigación histórica del puente. Se realiza un análisis modal de estos modelos para identificar los modos dominantes y evaluar las frecuencias y formas modales. Para lograr configuraciones óptimas de colocación de sensores, se codifica en MATLAB un algoritmo sencillo que utiliza el método de la independencia efectiva (EFI). A través de esta investigación, se implementan diferentes tipos de sensores, como sensores uniaxiales y triaxiales, y tres enfoques de análisis diferentes para analizar las entradas de desplazamiento modal. La reconstrucción de la forma modal se lleva a cabo para evaluar la calidad de los datos obtenidos a partir de las colocaciones de los sensores seleccionados. Se concluye que una configuración óptima de 14 sensores triaxiales captura adecuadamente el comportamiento global de la estructura, ya que reconstruye con precisión las formas modales, ofreciendo así información sobre el comportamiento del puente. AdeMasonry arch bridges (MAB) play a crucial role in road and railway networks worldwide, especially in Europe. Despite the critical role these pieces of infrastructure play, they are some of the most vulnerable parts of the existing transportation networks. As such, it is vital to be able to have a system in place which aids in the monitoring, detection and early warning of problems to their structural safety. This thesis, titled “Optimal sensor placement for vibration measurements of a masonry arch bridge” focuses on the development and analysis of an Optimal Sensor Placement (OSP) investigation for the Joncadella Viaduct. The work done in this thesis aims to fill the gap in current literature regarding the Optimal Sensor Placement on masonry arch bridges, in hopes to improve the implementation of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems. The development of a 3D numerical model is accomplished through a historical research of the bridge. Modal analysis is performed on these models to identify dominant modes and evaluate modal frequencies and shapes. To achieve optimal sensor placement configurations, a simple algorithm using the Effective Independence (EFI) method is coded in MATLAB. Through this investigation, different sensor types, such as uniaxial and triaxial sensors, and three different analysis approaches are implemented to analyze the inputs of modal displacement. Modal shape reconstruction is conducted to assess the quality of data obtained from the selected sensor placements. It is concluded that an optimal sensor configuration of 14 triaxial sensors adequately captures the global behavior of the structure, as it accurately reconstructs the modal shapes thus offering insights into the bridge’s behavior. In addition, this thesis concludes with recommendations for a temporary configuration of rotating sensor placement, demonstrating the ability to capture multiple points along the bridge, allowing for global monitoring of the bridge