6 research outputs found

    Expanding tangible tabletop interfaces beyond the display

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    L’augment de popularitat de les taules i superfĂ­cies interactives estĂ  impulsant la recerca i la innovaciĂł en una gran varietat d’àrees, incloent-­‐hi maquinari, programari, disseny de la interacciĂł i noves tĂšcniques d’interacciĂł. Totes, amb l’objectiu de promoure noves interfĂ­cies dotades d’un llenguatge mĂ©s ric, potent i natural. Entre totes aquestes modalitats, la interacciĂł combinada a sobre i per damunt de la superfĂ­cie de la taula mitjançant tangibles i gestos Ă©s actualment una Ă rea molt prometedora. Aquest document tracta d’expandir les taules interactives mĂ©s enllĂ  de la superfĂ­cie per mitjĂ  de l’exploraciĂł i el desenvolupament d’un sistema o dispositiu enfocat des de tres vessants diferents: maquinari, programari i disseny de la interacciĂł. Durant l’inici d’aquest document s’estudien i es resumeixen els diferents trets caracterĂ­stics de les superfĂ­cies interactives tangibles convencionals o 2D i es presenten els treballs previs desenvolupats per l’autor en solucions de programari que acaben resultant en aplicacions que suggereixen l’Ășs de la tercera dimensiĂł a les superfĂ­cies tangibles. Seguidament, es presenta un repĂ s del maquinari existent en aquest tipus d’interfĂ­cies per tal de concebre un dispositiu capaç de detectar gestos i generar visuals per sobre de la superfĂ­cie, per introduir els canvis realitzats a un dispositiu existent, desenvolupat i cedit per Microsoft Reseach Cambridge. Per tal d’explotar tot el potencial d’aquest nou dispositiu, es desenvolupa un nou sistema de visiĂł per ordinador que estĂ©n el seguiment d’objectes i mans en una superfĂ­cie 2D a la detecciĂł de mans, dits i etiquetes amb sis graus de llibertat per sobre la superfĂ­cie incloent-­‐hi la interacciĂł tangible i tĂ ctil convencional a la superfĂ­cie. Finalment, es presenta una eina de programari per a generar aplicacions per al nou sistema i es presenten un seguit d’aplicacions per tal de provar tot el desenvolupament generat al llarg de la tesi que es conclou presentant un seguit de gestos tant a la superfĂ­cie com per sobre d’aquesta i situant-­‐los en una nova classificaciĂł que alhora recull la interacciĂł convencional 2D i la interacciĂł estesa per damunt de la superfĂ­cie desenvolupada.The rising popularity of interactive tabletops and surfaces is spawning research and innovation in a wide variety of areas, including hardware and software technologies, interaction design and novel interaction techniques, all of which seek to promote richer, more powerful and more natural interaction modalities. Among these modalities, combined interaction on and above the surface, both with gestures and with tangible objects, is a very promising area. This dissertation is about expanding tangible and tabletops surfaces beyond the display by exploring and developing a system from the three different perspectives: hardware, software, and interaction design. This dissertation, studies and summarizes the distinctive affordances of conventional 2D tabletop devices, with a vast literature review and some additional use cases developed by the author for supporting these findings, and subsequently explores the novel and not yet unveiled potential affordances of 3D-­‐augmented tabletops. It overviews the existing hardware solutions for conceiving such a device, and applies the needed hardware modifications to an existing prototype developed and rendered to us by Microsoft Research Cambridge. For accomplishing the interaction purposes, it is developed a vision system for 3D interaction that extends conventional 2D tabletop tracking for the tracking of hand gestures, 6DoF markers and on-­‐surface finger interaction. It finishes by conceiving a complete software framework solution, for the development and implementation of such type of applications that can benefit from these novel 3D interaction techniques, and implements and test several software prototypes as proof of concepts, using this framework. With these findings, it concludes presenting continuous tangible interaction gestures and proposing a novel classification for 3D tangible and tabletop gestures

    Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Family Systems Functioning

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    Designing Effective Interfaces for Older Users

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    The thesis examines the factors that need to be considered in order to undertake successful design of user interfaces for older users. The literature on aging is surveyed for age related changes that are of relevance to interface design. The findings from the literature review are extended and placed in a human context using observational studies of older people and their supporters as these older people attempted to learn about and use computers. These findings are then applied in three case studies of interface design and product development for older users. These case studies are reported and examined in depth. For each case study results are presented on the acceptance of the final product by older people. These results show that, for each case study, the interfaces used led to products that the older people evaluating them rated as unusually suitable to their needs as older users. The relationship between the case studies and the overall research aims is then examined in a discussion of the research methodology. In the case studies there is an evolving approach used in developing the interface designs. This approach includes intensive contribution by older people to the shaping of the interface design. This approach is analyzed and is presented as an approach to designing user interfaces for older people. It was found that a number of non-standard techniques were useful in order to maximize the benefit from the involvement of the older contributors and to ensure their ethical treatment. These techniques and the rationale behind them are described. Finally the interface design approach that emerged has strong links to the approach used by the UTOPIA team based at the university of Dundee. The extent to which the thesis provides support for the UTOPIA approach is discussed

    "In the pipeline" : a qualitative study of general nurse training

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    This thesis reports on the exploration of a problem in nurse training, the failure of nurses to fulfil a health education role. This problem is explored using a qualitative methodology which incorporates unstructured Interviewing and participant observation. The study population comprised both student nurses and significant others in the hospital setting. The study is particularly concerned with the experiences of the student nurse as she progresses through training. Because she is both learner and worker, her experiences both in the wards and the school of nursing are considered. These experiences are explored within the framework of occupational socialization studies, with the assumption that both 'objective' and 'subjective' reality must be explored if the socialization process is to be understood. Although a framework for reporting is imposed in constructing this account of training, a theoretical model is not imposed in the process of data collection or data assembly. Data are presented in such a way that student nurses are allowed to 'tell their story'.\ud This study identifies a hidden curriculum in the hospital training schools studied. Accounts suggest that student nurses experience powerlessness, uncertainty and depersonalization; this experience is conceptualized as 'pipeline status'. It is suggested that this results in a compliance and a conformity on the part of individuals as they depend on existing structures and routines to 'get-by'. This 'pipeline status' has repercussions for health education and indeed for any development of the nursing role as it prepares the nurse for a very specific work role in a particular type of organization. The report concludes with a discussion of the implications of 'pipeline status' for a nursing role In health education and for the future training of nurses. \u