680 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of a beacon-less routing protocol for large volume content dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Largevolumecontentdisseminationispursuedbythegrowingnumberofhighquality applications for Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks(VANETs), e.g., the live road surveillance service and the video-based overtaking assistant service. For the highly dynamical vehicular network topology, beacon-less routing protocols have been proven to be efficient in achieving a balance between the system performance and the control overhead. However, to the authors’ best knowledge, the routing design for large volume content has not been well considered in the previous work, which will introduce new challenges, e.g., the enhanced connectivity requirement for a radio link. In this paper, a link Lifetime-aware Beacon-less Routing Protocol (LBRP) is designed for large volume content delivery in VANETs. Each vehicle makes the forwarding decision based on the message header information and its current state, including the speed and position information. A semi-Markov process analytical model is proposed to evaluate the expected delay in constructing one routing path for LBRP. Simulations show that the proposed LBRP scheme outperforms the traditional dissemination protocols in providing a low end-to-end delay. The analytical model is shown to exhibit a good match on the delay estimation with Monte Carlo simulations, as well

    CMD: A Multi-Channel Coordination Scheme for Emergency Message Dissemination in IEEE 1609.4

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    In the IEEE 1609.4 legacy standard for multi-channel communications in vehicular ad hoc networks(VANETs), the control channel (CCH) is dedicated to broadcast safety messages while the service channels (SCH's) are dedicated to transmit infotainment service content. However, the SCH can be used as an alternative to transmit high priority safety messages in the event that they are invoked during the service channel interval (SCHI). This implies that there is a need to transmit safety messages across multiple available utilized channels to ensure that all vehicles receive the safety message. Transmission across multiple SCH's using the legacy IEEE 1609.4 requires multiple channel switching and therefore introduces further end-to-end delays. Given that safety messaging is a life critical application, it is important that optimal end-to-end delay performance is derived in multi-channel VANET scenarios to ensure reliable safety message dissemination. To tackle this challenge, three primary contributions are in this article: first, a channel coordinator selection approach based on the least average separation distance (LAD) to the vehicles that expect to tune to other SCH's and operates during the control channel interval (CCHI) is proposed. Second, a model to determine the optimal time intervals in which CMD operates during the CCHI is proposed. Third, a contention back-off mechanism for safety message transmission during the SCHI is proposed. Computer simulations and mathematical analysis show that CMD performs better than the legacy IEEE 1609.4 and a selected state-of-the-art multi-channel message dissemination schemes in terms of end-to-end delay and packet reception ratio.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 7 table

    EBP: An Efficient Broadcast Protocol for Warning Message Dissemination in VANETs

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) enable vehicle-to-vehicle communications to share relevant road information with various applications. Road safety is one of the main objectives of VANETs that has attracted great interest from researchers. Other so-called comfort applications have also been studied which can improve driving experience and passenger safety. In all these applications, sharing of warning messages can help drivers minimize accidents and congestions, and plan better itinerary during the congestion situations or the anticipation of potential and highly hazardous events. In this paper, we present an efficient broadcast protocol (EBP) for broadcasting warning messages in VANETs. As an improved strategy for alert data dissemination, EBP can be applied in whatever the nature of the risk, with a particular focus on mobile dangers. We first conduct an in-depth analysis and evaluation, under different conditions, of the existing approaches and mechanisms used for information dissemination in VANETs. Then, we point out their drawbacks and design the EBP to avoid these drawbacks. As a result, the EBP is an improved, well-justified and more effective protocol. We validate it by simulation experiments under various scenarios

    SDDV: scalable data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    An important challenge in the domain of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) is the scalability of data dissemination. Under dense traffic conditions, the large number of communicating vehicles can easily result in a congested wireless channel. In that situation, delays and packet losses increase to a level where the VANET cannot be applied for road safety applications anymore. This paper introduces scalable data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (SDDV), a holistic solution to this problem. It is composed of several techniques spread across the different layers of the protocol stack. Simulation results are presented that illustrate the severity of the scalability problem when applying common state-of-the-art techniques and parameters. Starting from such a baseline solution, optimization techniques are gradually added to SDDV until the scalability problem is entirely solved. Besides the performance evaluation based on simulations, the paper ends with an evaluation of the final SDDV configuration on real hardware. Experiments including 110 nodes are performed on the iMinds w-iLab.t wireless lab. The results of these experiments confirm the results obtained in the corresponding simulations

    Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled "Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”. These works expose the readership to the latest solutions and techniques for MANETs and VANETs. They cover interesting topics such as power-aware optimization solutions for MANETs, data dissemination in VANETs, adaptive multi-hop broadcast schemes for VANETs, multi-metric routing protocols for VANETs, and incentive mechanisms to encourage the distribution of information in VANETs. The book demonstrates pioneering work in these fields, investigates novel solutions and methods, and discusses future trends in these field

    Efficient Message Dissemination on Curve Road in Vehicular Networks

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    Effective emergency message dissemination is a great importance on a specific road in vehicular networks (VN). The existing methods are not most efficient solutions for message dissemination on the curve road, which primarily focus on highway and urban road. In order to improve the efficiency of message dissemination on the curved road, the paper proposed a message dissemination method based on bidirectional relay nodes. The message can be disseminated in two directions simultaneously. The paper designed a relay node selection method based on the neighbor nodes’ coverage length of the road. Different waiting delays are assigned to the neighbor nodes according to the cover capability of the road in which the message has not arrived. Simulation results demonstrated that the efficiency of the proposed method is superior to the common solutions in terms of the contention delay and the propagation velocity

    The Study "Insightroads: Exploration of Data Dissemination Techniques for Ensuring Safety in Vanets"

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    Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are ad hoc networks created for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in which vehicles communicate with one another to improve driving effectiveness and traffic safety without depending on a centralised infrastructure. To increase road safety, efficiency, and comfort, these networks allow vehicles to communicate data via sensors, GPS, and communication systems. By assuring accurate message transmission and lowering delivery delays, data dissemination mechanisms used in VANETs serve to further improve driver and passenger safety, productivity, and comfort. The existing literature on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) includes a variety of proposed mechanisms for data dissemination. This paper aims to conduct literature review to examine the data dissemination techniques for safety applications in VANETs

    Dynamic speed adaptive classified (D-SAC) data dissemination protocol for improving autonomous robot performance in VANETs

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    In robotics, mechanized and computer simulation for accurate and fast crash detection between general geometric models is a fundamental problem. The explanation of this problem will gravely improve driver safety and traffic efficiency, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been employed in many scenarios to provide road safety and for convenient travel of the people. They offer self-organizing decentralized environments to disseminate traffic data, vehicle information and hazardous events. In order to avoid accidents during roadway travels, which are a major burden to the society, the data, such as traffic data, vehicle data and the road condition, play a critical role. VANET is employed for disseminating the data. Still the scalability issues occur when the communication happens under high-traffic regime where the vehicle density is high. The data redundancy and packet collisions may be high which cause broadcast storm problems. Here the traffic regime in the current state is obtained from the speed of the vehicle. Thus the data reduction is obtained. In order to suppress the redundant broadcast D-SAC data, dissemination protocol is presented in this paper. Here the data are classified according to its criticality and the probability is determined. The performance of the D-SAC protocol is verified through conventional methods with simulation
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