5,365 research outputs found

    Adaptive Q-learning-supported Resource Allocation Model in Vehicular Fogs

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    Urban computing has become a significant driver in supporting the delivery and sharing of services, being a strong ally to intelligent transportation. Smart vehicles present computing and communication capabilities that allow them to enable many autonomous vehicular safety and infotainment applications. Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) has already proven to be a technology shifting paradigm harnessing the computation resources from on board units from vehicles to form clustered computing units to solve real world computing problems. However, with the rise of vehicular application use and intermittent network conditions, VCC exhibits many drawbacks. Vehicular Fog computing appears as a new paradigm in enabling and facilitating efficient service and resource sharing in urban environments. Several vehicular resource management works have attempted to deal with the highly dynamic vehicular environment following diverse approaches, e.g. MDP, SMDP, and policy-based greedy techniques. However, the high vehicular mobility causes several challenges compromising consistency, efficiency, and quality of service. RL-enabled adaptive vehicular Fogs can deal with the mobility for properly distributing load and resources over Fogs. Thus, we propose a mobility-based cloudlet dwell time estimation method for accurately estimating vehicular resources in a Fog. Leveraging the CDT estimation model, we devise an adaptive and highly dynamic resource allocation model using mathematical formula for Fog selection, and reinforcement learning for iterative review and feedback mechanism for generating optimal resource allocation policy

    A Review on Energy Consumption Optimization Techniques in IoT Based Smart Building Environments

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    In recent years, due to the unnecessary wastage of electrical energy in residential buildings, the requirement of energy optimization and user comfort has gained vital importance. In the literature, various techniques have been proposed addressing the energy optimization problem. The goal of each technique was to maintain a balance between user comfort and energy requirements such that the user can achieve the desired comfort level with the minimum amount of energy consumption. Researchers have addressed the issue with the help of different optimization algorithms and variations in the parameters to reduce energy consumption. To the best of our knowledge, this problem is not solved yet due to its challenging nature. The gap in the literature is due to the advancements in the technology and drawbacks of the optimization algorithms and the introduction of different new optimization algorithms. Further, many newly proposed optimization algorithms which have produced better accuracy on the benchmark instances but have not been applied yet for the optimization of energy consumption in smart homes. In this paper, we have carried out a detailed literature review of the techniques used for the optimization of energy consumption and scheduling in smart homes. The detailed discussion has been carried out on different factors contributing towards thermal comfort, visual comfort, and air quality comfort. We have also reviewed the fog and edge computing techniques used in smart homes

    Fog Computing: A Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions

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    In recent years, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices/sensors has increased to a great extent. To support the computational demand of real-time latency-sensitive applications of largely geo-distributed IoT devices/sensors, a new computing paradigm named "Fog computing" has been introduced. Generally, Fog computing resides closer to the IoT devices/sensors and extends the Cloud-based computing, storage and networking facilities. In this chapter, we comprehensively analyse the challenges in Fogs acting as an intermediate layer between IoT devices/ sensors and Cloud datacentres and review the current developments in this field. We present a taxonomy of Fog computing according to the identified challenges and its key features.We also map the existing works to the taxonomy in order to identify current research gaps in the area of Fog computing. Moreover, based on the observations, we propose future directions for research

    VirtFogSim: A parallel toolbox for dynamic energy-delay performance testing and optimization of 5G Mobile-Fog-Cloud virtualized platforms

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    It is expected that the pervasive deployment of multi-tier 5G-supported Mobile-Fog-Cloudtechnological computing platforms will constitute an effective means to support the real-time execution of future Internet applications by resource- and energy-limited mobile devices. Increasing interest in this emerging networking-computing technology demands the optimization and performance evaluation of several parts of the underlying infrastructures. However, field trials are challenging due to their operational costs, and in every case, the obtained results could be difficult to repeat and customize. These emergingMobile-Fog-Cloud ecosystems still lack, indeed, customizable software tools for the performance simulation of their computing-networking building blocks. Motivated by these considerations, in this contribution, we present VirtFogSim. It is aMATLAB-supported software toolbox that allows the dynamic joint optimization and tracking of the energy and delay performance of Mobile-Fog-Cloud systems for the execution of applications described by general Directed Application Graphs (DAGs). In a nutshell, the main peculiar features of the proposed VirtFogSim toolbox are that: (i) it allows the joint dynamic energy-aware optimization of the placement of the application tasks and the allocation of the needed computing-networking resources under hard constraints on acceptable overall execution times, (ii) it allows the repeatable and customizable simulation of the resulting energy-delay performance of the overall system; (iii) it allows the dynamic tracking of the performed resource allocation under time-varying operational environments, as those typically featuring mobile applications; (iv) it is equipped with a user-friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI) that supports a number of graphic formats for data rendering, and (v) itsMATLAB code is optimized for running atop multi-core parallel execution platforms. To check both the actual optimization and scalability capabilities of the VirtFogSim toolbox, a number of experimental setups featuring different use cases and operational environments are simulated, and their performances are compared

    Engineering a QoS Provider Mechanism for Edge Computing with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    With the development of new system solutions that integrate traditional cloud computing with the edge/fog computing paradigm, dynamic optimization of service execution has become a challenge due to the edge computing resources being more distributed and dynamic. How to optimize the execution to provide Quality of Service (QoS) in edge computing depends on both the system architecture and the resource allocation algorithms in place. We design and develop a QoS provider mechanism, as an integral component of a fog-to-cloud system, to work in dynamic scenarios by using deep reinforcement learning. We choose reinforcement learning since it is particularly well suited for solving problems in dynamic and adaptive environments where the decision process needs to be frequently updated. We specifically use a Deep Q-learning algorithm that optimizes QoS by identifying and blocking devices that potentially cause service disruption due to dynamicity. We compare the reinforcement learning based solution with state-of-the-art heuristics that use telemetry data, and analyze pros and cons