116 research outputs found

    Control tools for rapid broadband nanomechanical spectroscopy using scanning probe microscope

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    The identification of frequency dependent material property at nanoscale has been extensively studied and played an important role in the failure analysis of materials, wound healing, and polymer formation mechanism. In this dissertation, the development of a suite of control tools to nanoscale broadband viscoelastic spectroscopy is presented. The combination of novel iterative control techniques with the integration of system identification and optimal input design techniques together can enable rapid measurement of nanomechanical properties of soft materials over a broad frequency band. SPM and nanoindenter have become enabling tools to quantitatively measure the mechanical properties of a wide variety of materials at nanoscale. Current nanomechanical measurement, however, is limited by the slow measurement speed: the nanomechanical measurement is slow and narrow-banded and thus not capable of measuring rate-dependent phenomena of materials. As a result, large measurement (temporal) errors are generated when material undergoes dynamic evolution during the measurement. The low-speed operation of SPMis due to the inability of current approaches to (1) rapidly excite the broadband nanomechanical behavior of materials, and (2) eliminate the convolution of the hardware adverse effects with the material response during high-speed measurements. These adverse effects include the hysteresis of the piezo actuator (used to position the probe relative to the sample); the vibrational dynamics of the piezo actuator and the cantilever along with the related mechanical mounting; and the dynamics uncertainties caused by the probe variation and the operation condition. Motivated by these challenges, this dissertation is focused on the development of novel control and system identification tools for rapid broadband nanomechanical measurement. The first proposed approach utilizes the recently developed model-less inversion-based iterative control (MIIC) technique for accurate measurement of the material response to the applied excitation force over a broad frequency band. In the proposed approach, an input force signal with dynamic characteristics of band-limited white-noise is utilized to rapidly excite the nanomechanical response of materials over a broad frequency range. The MIIC technique is used to compensate for the hardware adverse effects, thereby allowing the precise application of such an excitation force and measurement of the material response (to the applied force). The proposed approach is illustrated by implementing it to measure the frequency-dependent plane-strain modulus of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) over a broad frequency range extending over 3 orders of magnitude (∼ 1 Hz to 4.5 kHz). To further attenuate the dynamics convolution effect, a model-based approach to compensate for the dynamics convolution effect in nanomechanical property measurements is proposed In this dissertation. In the indentation-based nanomechanical property measurement of soft materials, an excitation force consisting of various frequency components needs to be accurately exerted to the sample material through the probe, and the indentation of the probe into the sample needs to be accurately measured. However, when the measurement frequency range increases close to the bandwidth of the instrument hardware, the instrument dynamics along with the probe-sample interaction dynamics can be convoluted with the mechanical behavior of the soft material, resulting in distortions in both the force applied and the indentation measured, which, in turn, directly lead to errors in the measured nanomechanical property (e.g., the creep compliance) of the material. In this dissertation, the dynamics involved in indentation-based nanomechanical property measurements is analyzed to reveal that the convoluted dynamics effect can be described as the difference between the lightly-damped probe-sample interaction dynamics and the over-damped nanomechanical behavior of soft materials. Thus, these two different dynamics effects can be decoupled via numerical fitting based on the viscoelastic model of the soft material. The proposed approach is illustrated by implementing it to compensate for the dynamics convolution effect in a broadband viscoelasticity measurement of a Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) sample using scanning probe microscope. This dissertation also presents an optimal input design approach to achieve rapid broadband nanomechanical measurements of soft materials using the indentation-based method for the investigation of fast evolving phenomenon, such as the the crystallization process of polymers, the nanomechanical measurement of live cell during cell movement, and force volume mapping of nonhomogeneous materials. The indentation-based nanomechanical measurement provides unique quantification of material properties at specified locations. The measurement, however, currently is too slow in time and too narrow in frequency (range) to characterize time-elapsing material properties during dynamic evolutions (e.g., the rapid-stage of the crystallization process of polymers). These limits exist because the excitation input force used in current methods cannot rapidly excite broadband nanomechanical properties of materials. The challenges arise as the instrumental hardware dynamics can be excited and convoluted with the material properties during the measurement when the frequencies in the excitation force increase, resulting in large measurement errors. Moreover, long measurement time is needed when the frequency range is large, which, in turn, leads to large temporal measurement errors upon dynamic evolution of the sample. In this dissertation, we develop an optimal-input design approach to tackle these challenges. Particularly, an input force profile with discrete spectrum is optimized to maximize the Fisher information matrix of the linear compliance model of the soft material. Both simulation and experiments on a Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) sample are presented to illustrate the need for optimal input design, and the efficacy of the proposed approach in probe-based nanomechanical property measurements

    A near real-time framework for extracting tip-sample forces in dynamic atomic force microscopy

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    The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a versatile, high-resolution tool used to characterize the topography and material properties of a large variety of specimens at nano-scale. The interaction of the micro-cantilever tip with the specimen causes cantilever de ections that are measured by an optical sensing mechanism and subsequently utilized to construct the sample topography. Recent years have seen increased interest in using the AFM to characterize soft specimens like gels and live cells. This remains challenging due to the complex and competing nature of tip-sample interaction forces (large tip-sample interaction force is necessary to achieve favorable signal-to-noise ratios). However, large force tends to deform and destroy soft samples. In situ estimation of the local tip-sample interaction force is needed to control the AFM cantilever motion and prevent destruction of soft samples while maintaining a good signal-to-noise ratio. This necessitates the ability to rapidly estimate the tip-sample forces from the cantilever de ection during operation. This work proposes a rst approach to a near real-time framework for tip-sample force inversion. The inverse problem of extracting the tip-sample force as an unconstrained optimization problem. A fast, parallel forward solver is developed by utilizing graphical processing units (GPU). This forward solver shows an eective 30000 fold speed-up over a comparable CPU implementation, resulting in milli-second calculation times. The forward solver is coupled with a GPU based particle-swarm optimization implementation. The proposed framework is demonstrated over a series of tip-sample interaction models of increasing complexity. Most of these inversions are performed in sub-second timings, showing potential for integration with on-line AFM imaging and material characterization

    Roadmap for Optical Tweezers 2023

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    Optical tweezers are tools made of light that enable contactless pushing, trapping, and manipulation of objects ranging from atoms to space light sails. Since the pioneering work by Arthur Ashkin in the 1970s, optical tweezers have evolved into sophisticated instruments and have been employed in a broad range of applications in life sciences, physics, and engineering. These include accurate force and torque measurement at the femtonewton level, microrheology of complex fluids, single micro- and nanoparticle spectroscopy, single-cell analysis, and statistical-physics experiments. This roadmap provides insights into current investigations involving optical forces and optical tweezers from their theoretical foundations to designs and setups. It also offers perspectives for applications to a wide range of research fields, from biophysics to space exploration

    Roadmap for optical tweezers

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMOptical tweezers are tools made of light that enable contactless pushing, trapping, and manipulation of objects, ranging from atoms to space light sails. Since the pioneering work by Arthur Ashkin in the 1970s, optical tweezers have evolved into sophisticated instruments and have been employed in a broad range of applications in the life sciences, physics, and engineering. These include accurate force and torque measurement at the femtonewton level, microrheology of complex fluids, single micro- and nano-particle spectroscopy, single-cell analysis, and statistical-physics experiments. This roadmap provides insights into current investigations involving optical forces and optical tweezers from their theoretical foundations to designs and setups. It also offers perspectives for applications to a wide range of research fields, from biophysics to space explorationEuropean Commission (Horizon 2020, Project No. 812780

    Roadmap for optical tweezers

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    Optical tweezers are tools made of light that enable contactless pushing, trapping, and manipulation of objects, ranging from atoms to space light sails. Since the pioneering work by Arthur Ashkin in the 1970s, optical tweezers have evolved into sophisticated instruments and have been employed in a broad range of applications in the life sciences, physics, and engineering. These include accurate force and torque measurement at the femtonewton level, microrheology of complex fluids, single micro- and nano-particle spectroscopy, single-cell analysis, and statistical-physics experiments. This roadmap provides insights into current investigations involving optical forces and optical tweezers from their theoretical foundations to designs and setups. It also offers perspectives for applications to a wide range of research fields, from biophysics to space exploration.journal articl

    Faculty of Engineering and Design. Research Review

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    STUDENTS AND ACADEMICS - This publication introduces you to the department or school and then each faculty member’s research areas, research applications, and their most recent activities. A comprehensive index can be found at the back of this publication to help guide you by specific areas of interest, as well as point out interdisciplinary topics and researchers. INDUSTRY LEADERS - This publication includes information regarding specific facilities, labs, and research areas of departments and schools as well as individual faculty members and researchers. A comprehensive index can be found at the back of this publication to help guide you by specific areas of interest, as well as point out interdisciplinary topics and researchers

    Imaging Sensors and Applications

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    In past decades, various sensor technologies have been used in all areas of our lives, thus improving our quality of life. In particular, imaging sensors have been widely applied in the development of various imaging approaches such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, X-ray imaging, and nuclear imaging, and contributed to achieve high sensitivity, miniaturization, and real-time imaging. These advanced image sensing technologies play an important role not only in the medical field but also in the industrial field. This Special Issue covers broad topics on imaging sensors and applications. The scope range of imaging sensors can be extended to novel imaging sensors and diverse imaging systems, including hardware and software advancements. Additionally, biomedical and nondestructive sensing applications are welcome

    The perceptual flow of phonetic feature processing

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