34 research outputs found

    Intercept Probability Analysis of Cooperative Wireless Networks with Best Relay Selection in the Presence of Eavesdropping Attack

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    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless medium, wireless communication is extremely vulnerable to eavesdropping attack. Physical-layer security is emerging as a new paradigm to prevent the eavesdropper from interception by exploiting the physical characteristics of wireless channels, which has recently attracted a lot of research attentions. In this paper, we consider the physical-layer security in cooperative wireless networks with multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays and investigate the best relay selection in the presence of eavesdropping attack. For the comparison purpose, we also examine the conventional direct transmission without relay and traditional max-min relay selection. We derive closed-form intercept probability expressions of the direct transmission, traditional max-min relay selection, and proposed best relay selection schemes in Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results show that the proposed best relay selection scheme strictly outperforms the traditional direct transmission and max-min relay selection schemes in terms of intercept probability. In addition, as the number of relays increases, the intercept probabilities of both traditional max-min relay selection and proposed best relay selection schemes decrease significantly, showing the advantage of exploiting multiple relays against eavesdropping attack.Comment: 5 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.081

    Energy Efficiency of Network Cooperation for Cellular Uplink Transmissions

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    There is a growing interest in energy efficient or so-called "green" wireless communication to reduce the energy consumption in cellular networks. Since today's wireless terminals are typically equipped with multiple network access interfaces such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular networks, this paper investigates user terminals cooperating with each other in transmitting their data packets to a base station (BS) by exploiting the multiple network access interfaces, referred to as inter-network cooperation, to improve the energy efficiency in cellular uplink transmission. Given target outage probability and data rate requirements, we develop a closed-form expression of energy efficiency in Bits-per-Joule for the inter-network cooperation by taking into account the path loss, fading, and thermal noise effects. Numerical results show that when the cooperating users move towards to each other, the proposed inter-network cooperation significantly improves the energy efficiency as compared with the traditional non-cooperation and intra-network cooperation. This implies that given a certain amount of bits to be transmitted, the inter-network cooperation requires less energy than the traditional non-cooperation and intra-network cooperation, showing the energy saving benefit of inter-network cooperation.Comment: in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2013), Budapest, Hungary, June 201

    Optimal Relay Selection with Non-negligible Probing Time

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    In this paper an optimal relay selection algorithm with non-negligible probing time is proposed and analyzed for cooperative wireless networks. Relay selection has been introduced to solve the degraded bandwidth efficiency problem in cooperative communication. Yet complete information of relay channels often remain unavailable for complex networks which renders the optimal selection strategies impossible for transmission source without probing the relay channels. Particularly when the number of relay candidate is large, even though probing all relay channels guarantees the finding of the best relays at any time instant, the degradation of bandwidth efficiency due to non-negligible probing times, which was often neglected in past literature, is also significant. In this work, a stopping rule based relay selection strategy is determined for the source node to decide when to stop the probing process and choose one of the probed relays to cooperate with under wireless channels' stochastic uncertainties. This relay selection strategy is further shown to have a simple threshold structure. At the meantime, full diversity order and high bandwidth efficiency can be achieved simultaneously. Both analytical and simulation results are provided to verify the claims.Comment: 8 pages. ICC 201

    Interference-Assisted Wireless Energy Harvesting in Cognitive Relay Network with Multiple Primary Transceivers

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    We consider a spectrum sharing scenario, where a secondary network coexists with a primary network of multiple transceivers. The secondary network consists of an energy-constrained decode-and-forward secondary relay which assists the communication between a secondary transmitter and a destination in the presence of the interference from multiple primary transmitters. The secondary relay harvests energy from the received radio-frequency signals, which include the information signal from the secondary transmitter and the primary interference. The harvested energy is then used to decode the secondary information and forward it to the secondary destination. At the relay, we adopt a time switching policy due to its simplicity that switches between the energy harvesting and information decoding over time. Specifically, we derive a closed-form expression for the secondary outage probability under the primary outage constraint and the peak power constraint at both secondary transmitter and relay. In addition, we investigate the effect of the number of primary transceivers on the optimal energy harvesting duration that minimizes the secondary outage probability. By utilizing the primary interference as a useful energy source in the energy harvesting phase, the secondary network achieves a better outage performance.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, To be presented at IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Outage Analysis of Multi-Relay Selection for Cognitive Radio with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing

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    In this paper, we examine the outage performance of a cognitive relay network, which is comprised of a secondary transmitter (ST), multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays and a secondary destination (SD). We propose a multi-relay selection scheme for the cognitive relay network, where multiple relays are selected and used to participate in forwarding the secondary transmission from ST to SD. A closed-form expression of the outage probability for the proposed multi-relay selection under imperfect spectrum sensing is derived in Rayleigh fading environments. For comparison purposes, the conventional direct transmission and the best-relay selection are also considered as benchmarks. Numerical results show that as the spectrum sensing performance improves with an increasing detection probability and/or a decreasing false alarm probability, the outage probabilities of the proposed multi-relay selection as well as the direct transmission and the best-relay selection schemes all decrease accordingly. It is also demonstrated that the proposed multi-relay selection significantly outperforms the conventional approaches in terms of the outage probability.Comment: 5 page

    Opportunistic Adaptive Relaying in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Combining cognitive radio technology with user cooperation could be advantageous to both primary and secondary transmissions. In this paper, we propose a first relaying scheme for cognitive radio networks (called "Adaptive relaying scheme 1"), where one relay node can assist the primary or the secondary transmission with the objective of improving the outage probability of the secondary transmission with respect to a primary outage probability threshold. Upper bound expressions of the secondary outage probability using the proposed scheme are derived over Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical and simulation results show that the secondary outage probability using the proposed scheme is lower than that of other relaying schemes. Then, we extend the proposed scheme to the case where the relay node has the ability to decode both the primary and secondary signals and also can assist simultaneously both transmissions. Simulations show the performance improvement that can be obtained due to this extension in terms of secondary outage probability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Proc. IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), Ottawa (ON), Canada, June 201

    Sensing and Sharing Schemes for Spectral Efficiency of Cognitive Radios

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    Increase in data traffic, number of users and their requirements laid to a necessity of more bandwidth. Cognitive radio is one of the emerging technology which addresses the spectrum scarcity issue. In this work we study the advantage of having collaboration between cognitive enabled small cell network and primary macrocell. Different from the existing works at spectrum sensing stage we are applying enhanced spectrum sensing to avoid probability of false alarms and missed detections which has impact on spectral efficiency. Later power control optimization for secondary users known as Hybrid spectrum sharing is used for further improvement of spectral efficiency. Furthermore, the failed packets of Primary users are taken care by high ranked relays which in turn decreases the average Primary user packet delay by 20% when compared between assisted Secondary user method and non-assisted Secondary user method.

    Security versus Reliability Analysis of Opportunistic Relaying

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    Physical-layer security is emerging as a promising paradigm of securing wireless communications against eavesdropping between legitimate users, when the main link spanning from source to destination has better propagation conditions than the wiretap link from source to eavesdropper. In this paper, we identify and analyze the tradeoffs between the security and reliability of wireless communications in the presence of eavesdropping attacks. Typically, the reliability of the main link can be improved by increasing the source's transmit power (or decreasing its date rate) to reduce the outage probability, which unfortunately increases the risk that an eavesdropper succeeds in intercepting the source message through the wiretap link, since the outage probability of the wiretap link also decreases when a higher transmit power (or lower date rate) is used. We characterize the security-reliability tradeoffs (SRT) of conventional direct transmission from source to destination in the presence of an eavesdropper, where the security and reliability are quantified in terms of the intercept probability by an eavesdropper and the outage probability experienced at the destination, respectively. In order to improve the SRT, we then propose opportunistic relay selection (ORS) and quantify the attainable SRT improvement upon increasing the number of relays. It is shown that given the maximum tolerable intercept probability, the outage probability of our ORS scheme approaches zero for N→∞N \to \infty, where NN is the number of relays. Conversely, given the maximum tolerable outage probability, the intercept probability of our ORS scheme tends to zero for N→∞N \to \infty.Comment: 9 pages. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 201