476 research outputs found

    How to Structure a Company-wide Adoption of Big Data Analytics

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    Driven by increasing amounts of data and by emerging technologies to store and analyze them, companies adopt Big Data Analytics (BDA) to improve their innovativeness and decision-making. However, adopting BDA across the company in the sense of an insight-driven organization (IDO) is challenging, since it influences the entire company and requires an organizational change. Despite mature knowledge, approaches that provide concrete methods for structuring the company-wide adoption of BDA to fully exploit the benefits of BDA and to reduce the risk of its failure are still missing. Following action design research, we developed and evaluated a method for structuring the company-wide adoption of BDA in a concerted research effort at a German bank. Based on knowledge of BDA and the road mapping approach, the method structures the adoption along the BDA capabilities. We illustrate how companies can define a target state, identify gaps, and derive a BDA roadmap

    Technology Roadmap for Eco-Friendly Building Materials Industry

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    As quality of life has improved, the need for high-performance building materials that meet speci���c technological requirements has increased. Residential environments have also changed owing to climate change. A technology roadmap could de���ne and systematically re���ect a timeline for the development of future core technologies. The purpose of this research is to build a technology roadmap that could be utilized for the development of technology in the eco-friendly building material industry. This research is composed of multiple analysis processes—patent analysis, Delphi, and analytic hierarchy process analysis—that minimize the uncertainty caused by the lack of information in the eco-friendly construction industry by securing objective future forecast data. Subsequently, the quality function deployment test is implemented to verify the feasibility of the technology roadmap that is constructed. The design of various types of functional, low-carbon building materials could reduce carbon emissions and save energy by ensuring a hazardous-material-free market in the future. This design development roadmap is required to complement this technology roadmap.This research was supported by a grant (19RERP-B082204-06) from Residential Environment Research Program funded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of Korea

    Data-Driven Technology Management Supported by Artificial Intelligence Solutions

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    Technology Management is an important part of a company’s business strategy. Procuring, evaluating and processing information is crucial for this process' success. This paper describes the way of dealing with today’s challenge of information overload. We introduce technology databases based on the patented TCB/SETS system, concepts of Artificial Intelligence-based information processing and present exemplary existing solutions. Afterwards, we discuss a concept which combines TCB/SETS and information retrieval solutions to a new smart approach. With our paper we address application oriented and theoretical working interest groups such as engineers and technology managers as well as scientists in research and teaching

    Approach To Tactical Planning For Manufacturing Innovation Projects

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    Rapid technological developments, shortened product life cycles, and constant competitive pressure require continuous efficiency improvements in producing material goods. Innovation is necessary to achieve these efficiency gains in manufacturing. Therefore, companies generate manufacturing innovation as part of the continuous improvement process or by absorbing external stimuli. As a result, tactical planning of innovation projects in manufacturing must be carried out regularly to enable resource planning and operative project implementation. The use of planning methods helps to increase the planning quality and reduce the complexity in the planning process. However, only a few approaches methodically support this tactical planning for manufacturing innovation. Therefore, an approach is developed using literature- and expertbased methods to systematically describe an innovation project in manufacturing, to identify and specify the relevant work contents, and finally to bring them into a defined processing sequence. In addition, the possibilities of individual planning steps being supported using tools and methods are shown. Finally, an industrial application of the approach is carried out, and a critical reflection on the results is presented. In summary, the systematic structuring of the planning process and the identification of available methods and tools improve the tactical planning of innovation projects in manufacturing

    Gap Analysis Methodology for Identifying Future Ict Related eGovernment Research Topics – Case of “Ontology and Semantic Web” in the Context of eGovernment

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    Modern ICT enables governments all over the world to improve their operation in order to become more efficient and effective. Despite of all possible benefits of using modern ICT, governments still struggle with the problems of inefficiency of their operation. eGovernment is being discussed in many contexts. Expectations of research and implementation in this field were high. However, many investments have not met the visions and reached the maturity aimed at. What are the deficiencies of current developments in eGovernment? What is the role of research in advancing the field? In an European Commission - funded project, eGovRTD2020, eGovernment research is being investigated in terms of current state of play and future needs of eGovernment research based on visionary scenarios of governments using modern ICT in 2020 for their service provision and interaction with their constituency (citizens, companies, other governments, etc.). To understand the future needs of eGovernment research, a structured methodology of analyzing the gaps of current research in respect to the future needs has been developed. This paper presents the gap analysis methodology with the example of identified gap and future research theme “semantic web and ontology in the context of eGovernment”

    Organisaatioiden linjaus tietoliikenneverkkojen alalla teknologiaroadmappeja käyttäen

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    The telecommunications industry is in turmoil. Service operators in the industry suddenly find themselves in a situation where their business models are failing and their technological solutions are unable to keep up with constantly growing requirements. As a result, telecommunications infrastructure companies like Nokia Siemens Networks are under pressure to come up with innovative solutions to these problems in a world where technology development cycles are rapidly shortening a way to keep looking into the future is needed. Companies' turn to strategic planning and forecasting and in particular to technology roadmapping for answers. Adopting technology roadmapping is not trivial, however; the forms of the roadmaps and the roadmapping process have to be tailored to the firm and its business context, and there is little practical support available. This thesis aims to ease the problem by constructing, as a result of theoretical and empirical study, a framework that guides organizations in taking up technology roadmapping. The framework aims especially to achieve organizational alignment, which is argued to improve an organization's performance and competitive advantage by ensuring that decisions within the organization are aiming for the same goals. The framework addresses in particular design of the roadmap architecture and roadmapping process, harnessing them to achieve organizational alignment. The constructed framework is intended to be used by a roadmapping coordinator in the company as a practical guideline when taking up roadmapping or looking to improve existing roadmapping practices. Rather than offering a ready-made solution, the framework guides the coordinator on the journey of adopting roadmapping, giving insight into the company and its technology roadmapping needs before continuing to the design of the architecture and process based on the gathered knowledge. As a means of validating the constructed framework, it is also utilized in a case company as part of the thesis.Tietoliikenneala on suurten muutosten kohteena. Teleoperaattorit alalla ovat joutuneet tilanteeseen, jossa niiden liiketoimintamallit eivät enää tuota haluttuja tuloksia ja teknologiset ratkaisut eivät pysy jatkuvasti kasvavien vaatimusten perässä. Tästä johtuen tietoliikenneverkkojen alalla toimivat yritykset, kuten Nokia Siemens Networks, joutuvat keksimään innovatiivisia ratkaisuja näihin ongelmiin, samalla kun teknologiakehityksen tahti nopeutuu jatkuvasti - tarvitaan siis uusia keinoja tulevaisuuteen katsomisen avuksi. Yritykset etsivät ratkaisua strategisesta suunnittelusta ja ennustamisesta, ja erityisesti teknologiaroadmapeista. Teknologiaroadmapien käyttöönottaminen yrityksissä ei kuitenkaan ole helppoa. Roadmapien muoto sekä niiden luomiseen käytetty prosessi pitää räätälöidä yritykseen ja sen liiketoimintaympäristöön sopivaksi, eikä tukea ole juuri tarjolla. Tämä diplomityö pyrkii ratkaisemaan näitä ongelmia luomalla, teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen tutkimukseen perustuen, toimintaohjeen (engl. framework) joka ohjaa organisaatioita niiden ottaessa teknologiaroadmapeja käyttöön. Toimintaohje tähtää erityisesti organisaatioiden linjaukseen, jonka on sanottu parantavan organisaatioiden suoritus- ja kilpailukykyä varmistamalla, että organisaatiossa tehdyt päätökset tähtäävät yhteisiin tavoitteisiin. Toimintaohje käsittelee erityisesti roadmapien arkkitehtuuria ja prosessia, valjastamalla nämä elementit organisaatioiden linjausta varten. Toimintaohje on tarkoitettu toimimaan käytännönläheisenä ohjeena taholle, joka koordinoi roadmapien käyttöönottoa tai parantamista yrityksessä. Toimintaohje ei tarjoa valmista ratkaisua, vaan ohjaa koordinoijaa tutkimaan yritystä ja sen tarpeita roadmapien näkökulmasta, jatkaen vasta sitten arkkitehtuurin ja prosessin suunnitteluun kerättyyn tietoon perustuen. Toimintaohje lisäksi validoidaan osana diplomityötä hyödyntämällä sitä esimerkkiyrityksessä