7 research outputs found

    An XML document corresponds to which FRBR Group 1 entity?

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    The FRBR [Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records], released by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions in 1998, generalizes and refines current practices and theory in library cataloging, presenting a compelling natural ontology of entities, attributes, and relationships for representing the ???bibliographic universe???. The FRBR framework is extremely influential and increasingly accepted as a conceptual foundation for cataloging practice and technology in libraries and elsewhere. XML documents as defined in the W3C XML 1.0 specification, are now an important part of this bibliographic universe and it is natural to ask to which of FRBR???s ???Group 1??? entities does the XML document correspond. Curiously, there seem to be conflicting arguments for assigning the XML document to either of the two plausible entity categories: manifestation and expression. We believe these difficulties illuminate both the nature of the FRBR entities, and the nature of markup. We explore a conjecture that an XML document has a double aspect and that whether it is a FRBR manifestation or a FRBR expression depends upon context and intention. Such a double-aspected nature would not only be consistent with previous arguments that the meaning of XML markup varies in ???illocutionary force??? according to context of use, but might also help resolve an old puzzle in the humanities computing community as to whether markup is ???part of??? the text [buzzetti02]. However, there are alternative resolutions to explore as well and we seem to still be some distance from a full understanding of the issues.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    The Practice and Benefit of Applying Digital Markup in Preserving Texts and Creating Digital Editions: A Poetical Analysis of a Blank-Verse Translation of Virgil\u27s Aeneid

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    Numerous examples of the digital scholarly edition exist online, and the genre is thriving in terms of interdisciplinary interest as well as support granted by funding agencies. Some editions are dedicated to the collection and representation of the life\u27s work of a single author, others to mass digitization and preservation of centuries\u27 worth of texts. Very few of these examples, however, approach the task of in-text interpretation through visualization. This project describes an approach to digital representation and investigates its potential benefit to scholars of various disciplines. It presents both a digital edition as well as a framework of justification surrounding said edition. In addition to composing this document as an XML file, I have digitized a 1794 English translation of Virgil\u27s Aeneid and used a customized digital markup schema based on the guidelines set forth by the Text Encoding Initiative to indicate a set of poetic figures—such as simile and alliteration—within that text for analysis. While neither a translation project nor strictly a poetical analysis, this project and its unique approach to interpretive representation could prove of interest to scholars in several disciplines, including classics, digital scholarship, information management, and literary theory. The practice serves both as a case-in-point as well as an example method to replicate with future texts and projects

    Digitale Editionsformen. Zum Umgang mit der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels. Teil 3: Textbegriffe und Recodierung. [Finale Print-Fassung]

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    Die wissenschaftliche Edition zielt auf die zuverlĂ€ssige Wiedergabe des Textes. Aber was ist dieser Text eigentlich? Bei genauerer Betrachtung erlaubt nur ein erweiterter Textbegriff und ein neues pluralistisches Textmodell eine Beschreibung aller textuellen PhĂ€nomene, die in einer wissenschaftlichen Edition zu berĂŒcksichtigen sind. Auch unsere Technologien und Methodologien der Textcodierung, hier vor allem die Auszeichnungssprachen im Allgemeinen und die Beschreibungsempfehlungen der Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) im Besonderen können unter dieser Schablone genauer beschrieben und hinsichtlich ihrer Grenzen charakterisiert werden. Schließlich erlaubt das pluralistische Textmodell auch die prĂ€zisere theoretische Fundierung jener Prozesse, die als "Transkription" Grundlage und HerzstĂŒck einer jeden wissenschaftlichen Edition sind