78 research outputs found

    Developing an SDWN Architecture for Wireless Network Engineering to Support a Quality of Experience Aware Handover

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    The massive growth of data consumption and the variety of wireless technology emergence has made the handover (HO) an attractive research topic nowadays, mainly due to the popularity of Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), which allow users to reach high-speed data communication while they are in movement. Moreover, mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones have also become increasingly popular due to their low cost and ease of use, and an increase in mobile device use is expected to accelerate in the coming years, along with the availability and use of applications such as real-time services and online gaming. The traditional HO methods will likely not meet the requirements of mobile devices for modern applications due to the lack of intelligence, lack of awareness Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements of mobile users. We, therefore, introduce a novel architecture that supports horizontal HO in homogenous networks. This architecture is based on the Software-Defined Wireless Networking (SDWN) concept, where the wireless network is controlled centrally and the wireless Access Points (APs) are programmable. In this architecture, HO algorithms will assist wireless users to find the network that could best support the application requirements through Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) management policies. The first HO algorithm proposed in this thesis is called Quality of Experience Oriented Handover Algorithm. This algorithm will guarantee the best possible connectivity to the users in terms of their QoE and QoS requirements and outperforms the traditional methods in a sparse network environment. The second contribution is called Optimised Handover Algorithm for Dense WLAN Environments. This algorithm has been designed to address dense network environments via taking into consideration the Adaptive Hysteresis Value (AHV). The AHV will help the Optimised Handover Algorithm via reducing the so-called ping-pong effect. This contribution shows promising performance results by selecting the best candidate AP, decreasing the number of redundant HO and avoiding the ping-pong effect. The final contribution is called Priority Based Handover Algorithm. We extended our proposed SDWN architecture in order to include the concept of prioritising users and make a smart decision during the process of HO. This algorithm will prioritise a certain class of users to avoid the effect of the over-congestion. The results show that the approach based on priority outperforms the state of the art and provides better QoE to the high priority users despite the over-congestion situation

    Toward Open and Programmable Wireless Network Edge

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    Increasingly, the last hop connecting users to their enterprise and home networks is wireless. Wireless is becoming ubiquitous not only in homes and enterprises but in public venues such as coffee shops, hospitals, and airports. However, most of the publicly and privately available wireless networks are proprietary and closed in operation. Also, there is little effort from industries to move forward on a path to greater openness for the requirement of innovation. Therefore, we believe it is the domain of university researchers to enable innovation through openness. In this thesis work, we introduce and defines the importance of open framework in addressing the complexity of the wireless network. The Software Defined Network (SDN) framework has emerged as a popular solution for the data center network. However, the promise of the SDN framework is to make the network open, flexible and programmable. In order to deliver on the promise, SDN must work for all users and across all networks, both wired and wireless. Therefore, we proposed to create new modules and APIs to extend the standard SDN framework all the way to the end-devices (i.e., mobile devices, APs). Thus, we want to provide an extensible and programmable abstraction of the wireless network as part of the current SDN-based solution. In this thesis work, we design and develop a framework, weSDN (wireless extension of SDN), that extends the SDN control capability all the way to the end devices to support client-network interaction capabilities and new services. weSDN enables the control-plane of wireless networks to be extended to mobile devices and allows for top-level decisions to be made from an SDN controller with knowledge of the network as a whole, rather than device centric configurations. In addition, weSDN easily obtains user application information, as well as the ability to monitor and control application flows dynamically. Based on the weSDN framework, we demonstrate new services such as application-aware traffic management, WLAN virtualization, and security management

    Load-Aware Traffic Control in Software-Defined Enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks

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    With the growing popularity of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), modern enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) deployments always consist of multiple Access Points (APs) to meet the fast-increasing demand for wireless access. In order to avoid network congestion which leads to issues such as suboptimal Quality of Service (QoS) and degraded user Quality of Experience (QoE), intelligent network traffic control is needed. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture and intensively discussed as one of the most promising technologies to simplify network management and service development. In the SDN architecture, network management is directly programmable because it is decoupled from forwarding layer. Leveraging SDN to the existing enterprise WLANs framework, network services can be flexibly implemented to support intelligent network traffic control. This thesis studies the architecture of software-defined enterprise WLANs and how to improve network traffic control from a client-side and an AP-side perspective. By extending an existing software-defined enterprise WLANs framework, two adaptive algorithms are proposed to provide client-based mobility management and load balancing. Custom protocol messages and AP load metric are introduced to enable the proposed adaptive algorithms. Moreover, a software-defined enterprise WLAN system is designed and implemented on a testbed. A load-aware automatic channel switching algorithm and a QoS-aware bandwidth control algorithm are proposed to achieve AP-based network traffic control. Experimental results from the testbed show that the designed system and algorithms significantly improve the performance of traffic control in enterprise WLANs in terms of network throughput, packet loss rate, transmission delay and jitter

    Specification of Smart AP solutions - version 2

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    This document includes the specification of the second version of the Smart Access Point (AP) Solutions, which are being developed within WP3 of the Wi-5 project. After the Literature Review, a global view of the Wi-5 architecture is presented which includes not only the Smart AP Solutions but also the Cooperative Functionalities being developed in WP4. Next, the Smart AP Solutions are described including the summary of the general approach being followed based on Light Virtual APs (LVAPs). The functionalities enabling Radio Resource Management (i.e. Dynamic Channel Allocation, Load Balancing and Power Control) are reported in detail and the current status of the implementation of the solutions is detailed, with a set of improvements aimed at integrating the support of different channels within the Wi-5 framework. A multi-channel handoff scheme has been designed, requiring a good synchronisation between the different events, in order to make the LVAP switching happen at the same moment when the STA switches its channel. In addition, the beacon generation has been modified in order to improve the scalability and to give a better user experience during handoffs. Tests measuring the handoff delay are presented using three wireless cards from different manufacturers, and using as test traffic a flow of an online game with real-time constraints. The results show that fast handovers ranging from 30 to 200 milliseconds can be achieved. The savings provided by frame aggregation, and its effect on subjective quality have also been studied. A methodology including subjective tests with real users has evaluated this effect, using paired comparison. The results indicate that bandwidth usage savings and especially significant packet rate reduction can be obtained without degrading players’ Quality of Experience (QoE), as long as the overall latency is kept under 100ms. An important finding coming from these results is that the players do not register delay variation introduced by multiplexing

    Final Specification of Cooperative Functionalities

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    This deliverable presents the specification of the final version of the Cooperative AP Functionalities that have been designed in the context of Work Package (WP) 4 of the Wi-5 project. In detail, we present a general cooperative framework that includes functionalities for a Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithm, which provides channel assignment and transmit power adjustment strategies, an AP selection policy, which also provides horizontal handover, and a Radio Access Technology (RAT) selection solution for vertical handover. The RRM algorithm achieves an important improvement for network performance in terms of several parameters through the channel assignment approach and the transmit power adjustment. The AP selection solution extends the approach presented in deliverables D4.1 and D4.2 and is based on a centralised potential game, which optimises the distribution of the so-called Fittingness Factor (FF) parameter among the Wi-Fi users. Such a parameter efficiently matches the suitability of the available spectrum resource to the users’ application requirements. Moreover, the RAT selection solution extends the AP selection algorithm towards vertical handover functionality including 3G/4G networks. The assessment of the newest algorithms developed in the context of WP4 is illustrated in this deliverable through the analysis of several performance results in a simulated environment against other strategies found in the literature. Finally, the set of smart AP functionalities developed in the context of WP3, implemented on the Wi5 APs and on the Wi-5 controller, and their use in the proposed algorithms are illustrated. Specifically, this deliverable describes how these functionalities can enable the correct deployment of the proposed cooperative AP solutions in realistic scenarios. Therefore, the main novel contributions of this deliverable are i) the strengthening of the AP selection algorithm, ii) the design and assessment of a new algorithm for vertical handover and iii) the presentation of the finalised integration of the cooperative AP functionalities of the Wi-5 system

    Attention to Wi-Fi Diversity: Resource Management in WLANs with Heterogeneous APs

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    Many home networks integrate a small number (typically 2-4) of Wi-Fi Access Points (APs), with heterogeneous characteristics: different 802.11 variants, capabilities and security schemes. This paper proposes the consideration of these specific characteristics in order to improve the management of network resources. Three use cases are presented in order to showcase the potential benefits. By the use of a user-space AP, which works in coordination with a controller, the network is able to assign each connected station to the AP that best fits with its characteristics. The system also manages security, avoiding the need of adding specific elements for authentication, encryption or decryption. Extensions are proposed to an existing protocol that defines the communication between the AP and the controller, in order to communicate and store the specific characteristics of each AP and end device. This includes new association and handoff schemes that do not introduce any additional delay. The system has been implemented in a real environment, and a battery of tests has been run using three hardware platforms of different characteristics. The results show that handoffs between bands are possible, and estimate the processing delays, the Round-Trip Time and the handoff delay, which is small enough in order not to produce any significant disruption to the user (10-50 ms). Finally, the scenarios of interest have been replicated in a simulation environment, showing that significant benefits can be achieved if the specific characteristics of each AP and station are considered

    A dynamic access point allocation algorithm for dense wireless LANs using potential game

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    This work introduces an innovative Access Point (AP) allocation algorithm for dense Wi-Fi networks, which relies on a centralised potential game developed in a Software-Defined Wireless Networking (SDWN)-based framework. The proposed strategy optimises the allocation of the Wi-Fi stations (STAs) to APs and allows their dynamic reallocation according to possible changes in the capacity of the Wi-Fi network. This paper illustrates the design of the proposed framework based on SDWN and the implementation of the potential game-based algorithm, which includes two possible strategies. The main novel contribution of this work is that the algorithm allows us to efficiently reallocate the STAs by considering external interference, which can negatively affect the capacities of the APs handled by the SDWN controller. Moreover, the paper provides a detailed performance analysis of the algorithm, which describes the significant improvements achieved with respect to the state of the art. Specifically, the results have been compared against the AP selection considered by the IEEE 802.11 standards and another centralised algorithm dealing with the same problem, in terms of the data bit rate provided to the STAs, their dissatisfaction and Quality of Experience (QoE). Finally, the paper analyses the trade-off between efficient performance and the computational complexity achieved by the strategies implemented in the proposed algorithm

    Leveraging synergy of SDWN and multi-layer resource management for 5G networks

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    Fifth-generation (5G) networks are envisioned to predispose service-oriented and flexible edge-to-core infrastructure to offer diverse applications. Convergence of software-defined networking (SDN), software-defined radio (SDR), and virtualization on the concept of software-defined wireless networking (SDWN) is a promising approach to support such dynamic networks. The principal technique behind the 5G-SDWN framework is the separation of control and data planes, from deep core entities to edge wireless access points. This separation allows the abstraction of resources as transmission parameters of users. In such user-centric and service-oriented environment, resource management plays a critical role to achieve efficiency and reliability. In this paper, we introduce a converged multi-layer resource management (CML-RM) framework for SDWN-enabled 5G networks, that involves a functional model and an optimization framework. In such framework, the key questions are if 5G-SDWN can be leveraged to enable CML-RM over the portfolio of resources, and reciprocally, if CML-RM can effectively provide performance enhancement and reliability for 5G-SDWN. In this paper, we tackle these questions by proposing a flexible protocol structure for 5G-SDWN, which can handle all the required functionalities in a more cross-layer manner. Based on this, we demonstrate how the proposed general framework of CML-RM can control the end-user quality of experience. Moreover, for two scenarios of 5G-SDWN, we investigate the effects of joint user-association and resource allocation via CML-RM to improve performance in virtualized networks


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    In the current world, most cities have WiFi Access Points (AP) in every nook and corner. Hence upraising these cities to the status of a smart city is a more easily achievable task than before. Internet-of-Things (IoT) connections primarily use WiFi standards to form the veins of a smart city. Unfortunately, this vast potential of WiFi technology in the genesis of smart cities is somehow compromised due to its failure in meeting unique Quality-of-Service (QoS) demands of smart city applications. Out of the following QoS factors; transmission link bandwidth, packet transmission delay, jitter, and packet loss rate, not all applications call for the all of the factors at the same time. Since smart city is a pool of drastically unrelated services, this variable demand can actually be advantageous to optimize the network performance. This thesis work is an attempt to achieve one of those QoS demands, namely packet delivery latency. Three algorithms are developed to alleviate traffic load imbalance at APs so as to reduce packet forwarding delay. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is making its way in the network world to be of great use and practicality. The algorithms make use of SDN features to control the connections to APs in order to achieve the delay requirements of smart city services. Real hardware devices are used to imitate a real-life scenario of citywide coverage consisting of WiFi devices and APs that are currently available in the market with neither of those having any additional requirements such as support for specific roaming protocol, running a software agent or sending probe packets. Extensive hardware experimentation proves the efficacy of the proposed algorithms