10 research outputs found

    NLSC: Unrestricted Natural Language-based Service Composition through Sentence Embeddings

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    Current approaches for service composition (assemblies of atomic services) require developers to use: (a) domain-specific semantics to formalize services that restrict the vocabulary for their descriptions, and (b) translation mechanisms for service retrieval to convert unstructured user requests to strongly-typed semantic representations. In our work, we argue that effort to developing service descriptions, request translations, and matching mechanisms could be reduced using unrestricted natural language; allowing both: (1) end-users to intuitively express their needs using natural language, and (2) service developers to develop services without relying on syntactic/semantic description languages. Although there are some natural language-based service composition approaches, they restrict service retrieval to syntactic/semantic matching. With recent developments in Machine learning and Natural Language Processing, we motivate the use of Sentence Embeddings by leveraging richer semantic representations of sentences for service description, matching and retrieval. Experimental results show that service composition development effort may be reduced by more than 44\% while keeping a high precision/recall when matching high-level user requests with low-level service method invocations.Comment: This paper will appear on SCC'19 (IEEE International Conference on Services Computing) on July 1

    Dynamic service composition for telecommunication services and its challenges

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    As communication networks have evolved towards IP (Internet Protocol) networks, telecommunication operators has expanded its reach to internet multimedia web content services while operating circuit-switch networks in parallel. With the adoption of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) that enables service capability interfaces to be published and integrated with other service capabilities into new composite service, service composition allows telecommunication providers to accelerate more new services provisioning. From the perspective of telecommunication providers to deliver integrated composite service from different providers and different network protocols, this paper is aimed to present the current service composition based on middleware approaches; discuss the requirements of meeting the challenges; and compare the approaches

    Aggregation and Adaptation of Web Services

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    Service-oriented computing highly supports the development of future business applications through the use of (Web) services. Two main challenges for Web services are the aggregation of services into new (complex) business applications, and the adaptation of services presenting various types of interaction mismatches. The ultimate objective of this thesis is to define a methodology for the semi-automated aggregation and adaptation of Web services capable of suitably overcoming semantic and behaviour mismatches in view of business process integration within and across organisational boundaries. We tackle the aggregation and adaptation of services described by service contracts, which consist of signature (WSDL), ontology information (OWL), and behaviour specification (YAWL). We first describe an aggregation technique that automatically generates contracts of composite services satisfying (behavioural) client requests from a registry of service contracts. Further on, we present a behaviour-aware adaptation technique that supports the customisation of services to fulfil client requests. The adaptation technique can be used to adapt the behaviour of services to satisfy both functional and behavioural requests. In order to support the generation of service contracts from real-world service descriptions, we also introduce a pattern-based compositional translator for the automated generation of YAWL workflows from BPEL business processes. In this way, we pave the way for the formal analysis, aggregation, and adaptation of BPEL processes

    Uma abordagem automática para descoberta e composição de serviços web semânticos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2012A adição de semântica à descrição de Serviços Web visa permitir a automação dos processos de descoberta e composição de serviços. Para que isso seja possível, é necessário que sejam desenvolvidas ferramentas que façam com que esses processos sejam realizados dinamicamente, sem a necessidade de intervenção humana. Diversos trabalhos na área de Web Semântica têm explorado a descoberta e a composição de Serviços Web através da descrição semântica das suas funcionalidades. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem para a descoberta e a composição de Serviços Web Semânticos de forma automática. Mediante o envio de uma requisição com a descrição das funcionalidades de um serviço, a abordagem proposta possibilita que composições sejam estabelecidas quando um único Serviço Web não é suficiente para atender as necessidades dos usuários. Por meio de anotações semânticas baseadas em SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL), a abordagem proposta realiza o matching semântico das funcionalidades dos serviços web disponíveis em repositórios de serviços com as informações enviadas na requisição e constrói um grafo de composições. No final da construção do grafo, um algoritmo analisa se dois ou mais caminhos levam à mesma informação desejada pelo usuário. Caso isso aconteça, uma função é aplicada para cada caminho, a fim de selecionar aquele com o menor grau de divergência semântica. A proposta da abordagem apresentada é criar composições de serviços web em tempo de requisição de modo que sejam capazes de combinar serviços pré-existentes para criar um novo serviço, tirando proveito das funcionalidades oferecidas por cada um e combinando-as a fim de oferecer funcionalidades ainda mais complexas e até inexistentes. Dessa forma, a abordagem torna o processo de busca e composição de serviços web capaz de informar não apenas serviços individuais, mas também composições de serviços. Como contribuições deste trabalho citam-se: um algoritmo para a seleção de composições baseado na qualidade semântica das mesmas e um protótipo em conjunto com uma infraestrutura para a descoberta e a composição de serviços web.Abstract : The addition of semantic to web services description allows the automation of the discovery and composition process. However, tools must be developed to allow these processes be performed dynamically without human intervention. Several studies in the area of the Semantic Web have explored the discovery and composition of Web Services through semantic description of its functionality. This work presents an approach for automatic discovery and composition of semantic web services. By sending a request with the description of a service functionality, the proposed approach enables compositions to be established when a single web service is not sufficient to meet the user needs. Through semantic annotations based on SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL), the proposed approach performs the semantic matching of Web services capabilities available in services repositories with the information sent in the request and builds a composition graph. At the end of the construction of the graph, an algorithm analyzes if two or more paths lead to the same information desired by the user. If this happens, a function is applied to each path in order to select the one with the lowest semantic mismatch degree. The purpose of the presented approach is to create compositions of web services at request time so that they are able to combine pre-existing services to create a new service, taking advantage of the functionality offered by each and combining them to provide functionality yet more complex and even non-existent. Thus, the approach makes the process of discovery and composition of web services return not only individual services, but also compositions of services. The main contributions of this work are: an algorithm for selection of compositions based on its semantics quality, a prototype and an infrastructure for discovery and composition of web services

    Composition dynamique de services sensibles au contexte dans les systèmes intelligents ambiants

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    With the appearance of the paradigms of the ambient intelligence and ubiquitaire robotics, we attend the emergence of new ambient intelligent systems to create and manage environments or intelligent ecosystems in a intuitive and transparent way. These environments are intelligent spaces characterized in particular by the opening, the heterogeneousness, the uncertainty and the dynamicité of the entities which establish(constitute) them. These characteristics so lift(raise) considerable scientific challenges for the conception(design) and the implementation of an adequate intelligent system. These challenges are mainly among five: the abstraction of the representation of the heterogeneous entities, the management of the uncertainties, the reactivity in the events, the sensibility in the context and the auto-adaptationAvec l'apparition des paradigmes de l'intelligence ambiante et de la robotique ubiquitaire, on assiste à l'émergence de nouveaux systèmes intelligents ambiants visant à créer et gérer des environnements ou écosystèmes intelligents d'une façon intuitive et transparente. Ces environnements sont des espaces intelligents caractérisés notamment par l'ouverture, l'hétérogénéité, l'incertitude et la dynamicité des entités qui les constituent. Ces caractéristiques soulèvent ainsi des défis scientifiques considérables pour la conception et la mise en œuvre d'un système intelligent adéquat. Ces défis sont principalement au nombre de cinq : l'abstraction de la représentation des entités hétérogènes, la gestion des incertitudes, la réactivité aux événements, la sensibilité au contexte et l'auto-adaptation face aux changements imprévisibles qui se produisent dans l'environnement ambiant. L'approche par composition dynamique de services constitue l'une des réponses prometteuses à ces défis. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un système intelligent capable d'effectuer une composition dynamique de services en tenant compte, d'une part, du contexte d'utilisation et des diverses fonctionnalités offertes par les services disponibles dans un environnement ambiant et d'autre part, des besoins variables exprimés par les utilisateurs. Ce système est construit suivant un modèle multicouche, adaptatif et réactif aux événements. Il repose aussi sur l'emploi d'un modèle de connaissances expressif permettant une ouverture plus large vers les différentes entités de l'environnement ambiant notamment : les dispositifs, les services, les événements, le contexte et les utilisateurs. Ce système intègre également un modèle de découverte et de classification de services afin de localiser et de préparer sémantiquement les services nécessaires à la composition de services. Cette composition est réalisée d'une façon automatique et dynamique en deux phases principales: la phase offline et la phase online. Dans la phase offline, un graphe global reliant tous les services abstraits disponibles est généré automatiquement en se basant sur des règles de décision sur les entrées et les sorties des services. Dans la phase online, des sous-graphes sont extraits automatiquement à partir du graphe global selon les tâches à réaliser qui sont déclenchées par des événements qui surviennent dans l'environnement ambiant. Les sous-graphes ainsi obtenus sont exécutés suivant un modèle de sélection et de monitoring de services pour tenir compte du contexte d'utilisation et garantir une meilleure qualité de service. Les différents modèles proposés ont été mis en œuvre et validés sur la plateforme ubiquitaire d'expérimentation du laboratoire LISSI à partir de plusieurs scénarii d'assistance et de maintien de personnes à domicil

    An Overview of Semantic Web Services Composition Approaches

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    International audienceIn this paper, we are motivated by the problem of semantic web services composition. We first present a typical example requiring services composition, give a definition of an automated services composition approach and outline its main requirements. We then discuss existing techniques and their limitations with regards to those requirements. Finally, we present our proposal for web services composition based on autonomous services interactions