10 research outputs found

    Simultaneous scheduling of multiple frequency services in stochastic unit commitment

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    The reduced level of system inertia in low-carbon power grids increases the need for alternative frequency services. However, simultaneously optimising the provision of these services in the scheduling process, subject to significant uncertainty, is a complex task given the challenge of linking the steady-state optimisation with frequency dynamics. This paper proposes a novel frequency-constrained Stochastic Unit Commitment (SUC) model which, for the first time, co-optimises energy production along with the provision of synchronised and synthetic inertia, Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR), Primary Frequency Response (PFR) and a dynamically-reduced largest power infeed. The contribution of load damping is modelled through a linear inner approximation. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated through several case studies for Great Britain’s 2030 power system, which highlight the synergies and conflicts among alternative frequency services, as well as the significant economic savings and carbon reduction achieved by simultaneously optimising all these services

    Partially distributed outer approximation

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    This paper presents a novel partially distributed outer approximation algorithm, named PaDOA, for solving a class of structured mixed integer convex programming problems to global optimality. The proposed scheme uses an iterative outer approximation method for coupled mixed integer optimization problems with separable convex objective functions, affine coupling constraints, and compact domain. PaDOA proceeds by alternating between solving large-scale structured mixed-integer linear programming problems and partially decoupled mixed-integer nonlinear programming subproblems that comprise much fewer integer variables. We establish conditions under which PaDOA converges to global minimizers after a finite number of iterations and verify these properties with an application to thermostatically controlled loads and to mixed-integer regression

    Joint Location and Cost Planning in Maximum Capture Facility Location under Multiplicative Random Utility Maximization

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    We study a joint facility location and cost planning problem in a competitive market under random utility maximization (RUM) models. The objective is to locate new facilities and make decisions on the costs (or budgets) to spend on the new facilities, aiming to maximize an expected captured customer demand, assuming that customers choose a facility among all available facilities according to a RUM model. We examine two RUM frameworks in the discrete choice literature, namely, the additive and multiplicative RUM. While the former has been widely used in facility location problems, we are the first to explore the latter in the context. We numerically show that the two RUM frameworks can well approximate each other in the context of the cost optimization problem. In addition, we show that, under the additive RUM framework, the resultant cost optimization problem becomes highly non-convex and may have several local optima. In contrast, the use of the multiplicative RUM brings several advantages to the competitive facility location problem. For instance, the cost optimization problem under the multiplicative RUM can be solved efficiently by a general convex optimization solver or can be reformulated as a conic quadratic program and handled by a conic solver available in some off-the-shelf solvers such as CPLEX or GUROBI. Furthermore, we consider a joint location and cost optimization problem under the multiplicative RUM and propose three approaches to solve the problem, namely, an equivalent conic reformulation, a multi-cut outer-approximation algorithm, and a local search heuristic. We provide numerical experiments based on synthetic instances of various sizes to evaluate the performances of the proposed algorithms in solving the cost optimization, and the joint location and cost optimization problems

    A Precedence Constrained Knapsack Problem with Uncertain Item Weights for Personalized Learning Systems

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    This paper studies a unique precedence constrained knapsack problem in which there are two methods available to place an item in the knapsack. Whether or not an item weight is uncertain depends on which one of the two methods is selected. This knapsack problem models students’ decisions on choosing subjects to study in hybrid personalized learning systems in which students can study either under teacher supervision or in an unsupervised self-study mode by using online tools. We incorporate the uncertainty in the problem using a chance-constrained programming framework. Under the assumption that uncertain item weights are independently and normally distributed, we focus on the deterministic reformulation in which the capacity constraint involves a nonlinear and convex function of the decision variables. By using the first-order linear approximations of this function, we propose an exact cutting plane method that iteratively adds feasibility cuts. To supplement this, we develop novel approximate cutting plane methods that converge quickly to high-quality feasible solutions. To improve the computational efficiency of our methods, we introduce new pre-processing procedures to eliminate items beforehand and cover cuts to refine the feasibility space. Our computational experiments on small and large problem instances show that the optimality gaps of our approximate methods are very small overall, and that they are even able to find solutions with no optimality gaps as the number of items increases in the instances. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that our pre-processing methods are particularly effective when the precedence relations are dense, and that our cover cuts may significantly speed up our exact cutting plane approach in challenging instances

    A Precedence Constrained Knapsack Problem with Uncertain Item Weights for Personalized Learning Systems

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    This paper studies a unique precedence constrained knapsack problem in which there are two methods available to place an item in the knapsack. Whether or not an item weight is uncertain depends on which one of the two methods is selected. This knapsack problem models students’ decisions on choosing subjects to study in hybrid personalized learning systems in which students can study either under teacher supervision or in an unsupervised self-study mode by using online tools. We incorporate the uncertainty in the problem using a chance-constrained programming framework. Under the assumption that uncertain item weights are independently and normally distributed, we focus on the deterministic reformulation in which the capacity constraint involves a nonlinear and convex function of the decision variables. By using the first-order linear approximations of this function, we propose an exact cutting plane method that iteratively adds feasibility cuts. To supplement this, we develop novel approximate cutting plane methods that converge quickly to high-quality feasible solutions. To improve the computational efficiency of our methods, we introduce new pre-processing procedures to eliminate items beforehand and cover cuts to refine the feasibility space. Our computational experiments on small and large problem instances show that the optimality gaps of our approximate methods are very small overall, and that they are even able to find solutions with no optimality gaps as the number of items increases in the instances. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that our pre-processing methods are particularly effective when the precedence relations are dense, and that our cover cuts may significantly speed up our exact cutting plane approach in challenging instances

    Valid Inequalities and Reformulation Techniques for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming

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    One of the most important breakthroughs in the area of Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) is the characterization of the convex hull of specially structured non-convex polyhedral sets in order to develop valid inequalities or cutting planes. Development of strong valid inequalities such as Split cuts, Gomory Mixed Integer (GMI) cuts, and Mixed Integer Rounding (MIR) cuts has resulted in highly effective branch-and-cut algorithms. While such cuts are known to be equivalent, each of their characterizations provides different advantages and insights. The study of cutting planes for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) is still much more limited than that for MILP, since characterizing cuts for MINLP requires the study of the convex hull of a non-convex and non-polyhedral set, which has proven to be significantly harder than the polyhedral case. However, there has been significant work on the computational use of cuts in MINLP. Furthermore, there has recently been a significant interest in extending the associated theoretical results from MILP to the realm of MINLP. This dissertation is focused on the development of new cuts and extended formulations for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs. We study the generalization of split, k-branch split, and intersection cuts from Mixed Integer Linear Programming to the realm of Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming. Constructing such cuts requires calculating the convex hull of the difference between a convex set and an open set with a simple geometric structure. We introduce two techniques to give precise characterizations of such convex hulls and use them to construct split, k-branch split, and intersection cuts for several classes of non-polyhedral sets. We also study the relation between the introduced cuts and some known classes of cutting planes from MILP. Furthermore, we show how an aggregation technique can be easily extended to characterize the convex hull of sets defined by two quadratic or by a conic quadratic and a quadratic inequality. We also computationally evaluate the performance of the introduced cuts and extended formulations on two classes of MINLP problems