4 research outputs found

    A Model of Knowledge-sharing for the 21st Century Organizations

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    Organizations’ survival ability is increasingly constrained by their innovation possibilities, that is, by their capacity to create and share knowledge in order to cope with new and more complex challenges. Aiming for the three axes on which new organizational models must be based (economic, technological, and social innovation), this article carries out a systematic review among five databases on the variables related to innovation in organizations. After applying exclusion criteria, 132 papers out of the 1,215 originally found were analyzed. As a result, an integrating theoretical model was proposed from the organizational psychology perspective: the model of knowledge-sharing organizations. The model allows for cultural, psychosocial, and technological aspects and proposes three levels of analysis: 1) innovative culture and governance (that groups together the characteristics of a culture oriented towards innovation, and the organizational policies into which it is translated); 2) leadership, teams, and people (that includes variables that impact people’s innovative capacity, leadership styles, and forms of teamwork); and 3) technological tools for innovation (that focus on how technology can be used, specifically ICT, to enhance the organization’s innovative capacity). Future directions as well as limitations are addressed at the end of the article. La capacidad de supervivencia de las organizaciones está cada vez más condicionada por sus posibilidades de innovación, es decir, por su capacidad de crear y compartir conocimiento para hacer frente a nuevos y más complejos retos. Atendiendo a los tres ejes en los que deben basarse los nuevos modelos organizativos (innovación económica, tecnológica y social), el artículo realiza una revisión sistemática en cinco bases de datos sobre las variables relacionadas con la innovación en las organizaciones. Tras aplicar criterios de exclusión, se analizaron 132 trabajos de los 1,215 encontrados inicialmente. Como resultado, se propuso un modelo teórico integrador desde la perspectiva de la psicología organizacional: el modelo de organizaciones creadoras de conocimiento compartido. El modelo contempla aspectos culturales, psicosociales y tecnológicos, y propone tres niveles de análisis: 1) cultura innovadora y gobernanza (que agrupa las características de una cultura orientada a la innovación y las políticas organizativas en las que se traduce); 2) liderazgo, equipos y personas (que incluye las variables que inciden en la capacidad innovadora de las personas, los estilos de liderazgo y las formas de trabajo en equipo); 3) herramientas tecnológicas para la innovación (que se centra en cómo se puede utilizar la tecnología, concretamente las TIC, para potenciar la capacidad innovadora de la organización). Finalmente, se abordan las limitaciones del estudio y se proponen futuras líneas de investigación

    Higher Instruction Human Resources Management (HRM) Hones and Information Administration Specialist Presence

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    nformation administration has an affect on human asset hones, agreeing to the organizational life cycle hypothesis. By comparing colleges that incorporate information administration in their scholastic educational programs to those that don't , we trust to decide the impact of information administration on the astuteness of Human Asset (HR) hones. Discoveries show that colleges that instruct information administration are way better prepared than those that don't development investigate, instruction, and data absorption through human asset hones. Besides, colleges that did not instruct information administration tend to be considerably more centered on operational issues and troubles in creating the aptitudes and information of their HR work force, and their execution is essentially lower. Research limitations and implications - collecting respondents through purposive sampling has its limitations. It is suggested to increase the number of respondents by broadening the study's geographical scope and extending its duration. Originality/importance - Numerous organizations and universities have conducted extensive research on human resource practices. However, courses in knowledge management that emphasize lecturers as knowledge management agents are still uncommon. This study also incorporates the life cycle theory by examining HR practices in higher education and encouraging institutions to prioritize strategic HR issues in their environment

    An investigation into the importance and relevance of intangible assets in Malaysian digital Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMES) performance : the balanced scorecard approach

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    In light of organizations in strategy, the Resource-Based View (RBV) upholds that by appropriate understanding and exploitation of unique resources in organizations, firms may experience outstanding performance. Upon acknowledging the importance of resources, digital firms have begun appreciating intangible resources, instead of physical assets alone. Although recent studies have discovered that technological capital is widely accepted as the core in technology-based SMEs, questions continue to arise regarding the contribution of these assets to the performance of digital SMEs in association with other major intangible assets depicted in the literature, particularly human capital and organization capital. This mixed-method study presents the contribution of three assets, namely human, technology, and organization capital, towards the performance of Malaysian digital SMEs. As the Balanced Scorecards (BSC) emerged as the most appropriate tool to measure both financial and non-financial performances, the study outcomes may serve as guideline to assist these digital SMEs in making better investment decisions, as well as more appropriate and optimum resource allocation