6,622 research outputs found

    UWB communication systems acquisition at symbol rate sampling for IEEE standard channel models

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    For ultra-wideband (UWB) communications, acquisition is challenging. The reason is from the ultra short pulse shape and ultra dense multipath interference. Ultra short pulse indicates the acquisition region is very narrow. Sampling is another challenge for UWB design due to the need for ultra high speed analog-to digital converter.A sub-optimum and under-sampling scheme using pilot codes as transmitted reference is proposed here for acquisition. The sampling rate for the receiver is at the symbol rate. A new architecture, the reference aided matched filter is studied in this project. The reference aided matched filter method avoids using complex rake receiver to estimate channel parameters and high sampling rate for interpolation. A limited number of matched filters are used as a filter bank to search for the strongest path. Timing offset for acquisition is then estimated and passed to an advanced verification algorithm. For optimum performance of acquisition, the adaptive post detection integration is proposed to solve the problem from dense inter-symbol interference during the acquisition. A low-complex early-late gate tracking loop is one element of the adaptive post detection integration. This tracking scheme assists in improving acquisition accuracy. The proposed scheme is evaluated using Matlab Simulink simulations in term of mean acquisition time, system performance and false alarm. Simulation results show proposed algorithm is very effective in ultra dense multipath channels. This research proves reference aided acquisition with tracking loop is promising in UWB application

    GPU-based implementation of real-time system for spiking neural networks

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    Real-time simulations of biological neural networks (BNNs) provide a natural platform for applications in a variety of fields: data classification and pattern recognition, prediction and estimation, signal processing, control and robotics, prosthetics, neurological and neuroscientific modeling. BNNs possess inherently parallel architecture and operate in continuous signal domain. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are type of BNNs with reduced signal dynamic range: communication between neurons occurs by means of time-stamped events (spikes). SNNs allow reduction of algorithmic complexity and communication data size at a price of little loss in accuracy. Simulation of SNNs using traditional sequential computer architectures results in significant time penalty. This penalty prohibits application of SNNs in real-time systems. Graphical processing units (GPUs) are cost effective devices specifically designed to exploit parallel shared memory-based floating point operations applied not only to computer graphics, but also to scientific computations. This makes them an attractive solution for SNN simulation compared to that of FPGA, ASIC and cluster message passing computing systems. Successful implementations of GPU-based SNN simulations have been already reported. The contribution of this thesis is the development of a scalable GPU-based realtime system that provides initial framework for design and application of SNNs in various domains. The system delivers an interface that establishes communication with neurons in the network as well as visualizes the outcome produced by the network. Accuracy of the simulation is emphasized due to its importance in the systems that exploit spike time dependent plasticity, classical conditioning and learning. As a result, a small network of 3840 Izhikevich neurons implemented as a hybrid system with Parker-Sochacki numerical integration method achieves real time operation on GTX260 device. An application case study of the system modeling receptor layer of retina is reviewed

    Genetic algorithm design of neural network and fuzzy logic controllers

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    Genetic algorithm design of neural network and fuzzy logic controller

    Comparisons of some large scientific computers

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    In 1975, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) began studies to assess the technical and economic feasibility of developing a computer having sustained computational speed of one billion floating point operations per second and a working memory of at least 240 million words. Such a powerful computer would allow computational aerodynamics to play a major role in aeronautical design and advanced fluid dynamics research. Based on favorable results from these studies, NASA proceeded with developmental plans. The computer was named the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulator (NAS). To help insure that the estimated cost, schedule, and technical scope were realistic, a brief study was made of past large scientific computers. Large discrepancies between inception and operation in scope, cost, or schedule were studied so that they could be minimized with NASA's proposed new compter. The main computers studied were the ILLIAC IV, STAR 100, Parallel Element Processor Ensemble (PEPE), and Shuttle Mission Simulator (SMS) computer. Comparison data on memory and speed were also obtained on the IBM 650, 704, 7090, 360-50, 360-67, 360-91, and 370-195; the CDC 6400, 6600, 7600, CYBER 203, and CYBER 205; CRAY 1; and the Advanced Scientific Computer (ASC). A few lessons learned conclude the report

    The Serial Commutator FFT

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    Onboard multichannel demultiplexer/demodulator

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    An investigation performed for NASA LeRC by COMSAT Labs, of a digitally implemented on-board demultiplexer/demodulator able to process a mix of uplink carriers of differing bandwidths and center frequencies and programmable in orbit to accommodate variations in traffic flow is reported. The processor accepts high speed samples of the signal carried in a wideband satellite transponder channel, processes these as a composite to determine the signal spectrum, filters the result into individual channels that carry modulated carriers and demodulate these to recover their digital baseband content. The processor is implemented by using forward and inverse pipeline Fast Fourier Transformation techniques. The recovered carriers are then demodulated using a single digitally implemented demodulator that processes all of the modulated carriers. The effort has determined the feasibility of the concept with multiple TDMA carriers, identified critical path technologies, and assessed the potential of developing these technologies to a level capable of supporting a practical, cost effective on-board implementation. The result is a flexible, high speed, digitally implemented Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) bulk demultiplexer/demodulator

    Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Sciences

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    This report summarizes the research done during 1991/92 under the Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Science (CASIS) program. The topics covered are computer architecture, networking, and neural nets