23 research outputs found

    Generalising tractable VCSPs defined by symmetric tournament pair multimorphisms

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    We study optimisation problems that can be formulated as valued constraint satisfaction problems (VCSP). A problem from VCSP is characterised by a \emph{constraint language}, a fixed set of cost functions taking finite and infinite costs over a finite domain. An instance of the problem is specified by a sum of cost functions from the language and the goal is to minimise the sum. We are interested in \emph{tractable} constraint languages; that is, languages that give rise to VCSP instances solvable in polynomial time. Cohen et al. (AIJ'06) have shown that constraint languages that admit the MJN multimorphism are tractable. Moreover, using a minimisation algorithm for submodular functions, Cohen et al. (TCS'08) have shown that constraint languages that admit an STP (symmetric tournament pair) multimorphism are tractable. We generalise these results by showing that languages admitting the MJN multimorphism on a subdomain and an STP multimorphisms on the complement of the subdomain are tractable. The algorithm is a reduction to the algorithm for languages admitting an STP multimorphism.Comment: 14 page

    The Role of Commutativity in Constraint Propagation Algorithms

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    Constraint propagation algorithms form an important part of most of the constraint programming systems. We provide here a simple, yet very general framework that allows us to explain several constraint propagation algorithms in a systematic way. In this framework we proceed in two steps. First, we introduce a generic iteration algorithm on partial orderings and prove its correctness in an abstract setting. Then we instantiate this algorithm with specific partial orderings and functions to obtain specific constraint propagation algorithms. In particular, using the notions commutativity and semi-commutativity, we show that the {\tt AC-3}, {\tt PC-2}, {\tt DAC} and {\tt DPC} algorithms for achieving (directional) arc consistency and (directional) path consistency are instances of a single generic algorithm. The work reported here extends and simplifies that of Apt \citeyear{Apt99b}.Comment: 35 pages. To appear in ACM TOPLA

    The complexity of global cardinality constraints

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    In a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) the goal is to find an assignment of a given set of variables subject to specified constraints. A global cardinality constraint is an additional requirement that prescribes how many variables must be assigned a certain value. We study the complexity of the problem CCSP(G), the constraint satisfaction problem with global cardinality constraints that allows only relations from the set G. The main result of this paper characterizes sets G that give rise to problems solvable in polynomial time, and states that the remaining such problems are NP-complete

    From local to global consistency in temporal constraint networks

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    AbstractWe study the problem of global consistency for several classes of quantitative temporal constraints which include inequalities, inequations and disjunctions of inequations. In all cases that we consider we identify the level of local consistency that is necessary and sufficient for achieving global consistency and present an algorithm which achieves this level. As a byproduct of our analysis, we also develop an interesting minimal network algorithm

    Fundamental properties of neighbourhood substitution in constraint satisfaction problems

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    AbstractIn combinatorial problems it is often worthwhile simplifying the problem, using operations such as consistency, before embarking on an exhaustive search for solutions. Neighbourhood substitution is such a simplification operation. Whenever a value x for a variable is such that it can be replaced in all constraints by another value y, then x is eliminated.This paper shows that neighbourhood substitutions are important whether the aim is to find one or all solutions. It is proved that the result of a convergent sequence of neighbourhood substitutions is invariant modulo isomorphism. An efficient algorithm is given to find such a sequence. It is also shown that to combine consistency (of any order) and neighbourhood substitution, we only need to establish consistency once

    Lower Bounds for Existential Pebble Games and k-Consistency Tests

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    The existential k-pebble game characterizes the expressive power of the existential-positive k-variable fragment of first-order logic on finite structures. The winner of the existential k-pebble game on two given finite structures can be determined in time O(n2k) by dynamic programming on the graph of game configurations. We show that there is no O(n(k-3)/12)-time algorithm that decides which player can win the existential k-pebble game on two given structures. This lower bound is unconditional and does not rely on any complexity-theoretic assumptions. Establishing strong k-consistency is a well-known heuristic for solving the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). By the game characterization of Kolaitis and Vardi our result implies that there is no O(n(k-3)/12)-time algorithm that decides if strong k-consistency can be established for a given CSP-instance