5 research outputs found

    An Optimal Algorithm for the Separating Common Tangents of two Polygons

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    We describe an algorithm for computing the separating common tangents of two simple polygons using linear time and only constant workspace. A tangent of a polygon is a line touching the polygon such that all of the polygon lies to the same side of the line. A separating common tangent of two polygons is a tangent of both polygons where the polygons are lying on different sides of the tangent. Each polygon is given as a read-only array of its corners. If a separating common tangent does not exist, the algorithm reports that. Otherwise, two corners defining a separating common tangent are returned. The algorithm is simple and implies an optimal algorithm for deciding if the convex hulls of two polygons are disjoint or not. This was not known to be possible in linear time and constant workspace prior to this paper. An outer common tangent is a tangent of both polygons where the polygons are on the same side of the tangent. In the case where the convex hulls of the polygons are disjoint, we give an algorithm for computing the outer common tangents in linear time using constant workspace.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. A preliminary version of this paper appeared at SoCG 201

    Space-Time Trade-offs for Stack-Based Algorithms

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    In memory-constrained algorithms we have read-only access to the input, and the number of additional variables is limited. In this paper we introduce the compressed stack technique, a method that allows to transform algorithms whose space bottleneck is a stack into memory-constrained algorithms. Given an algorithm \alg\ that runs in O(n) time using Θ(n)\Theta(n) variables, we can modify it so that it runs in O(n2/s)O(n^2/s) time using a workspace of O(s) variables (for any so(logn)s\in o(\log n)) or O(nlogn/logp)O(n\log n/\log p) time using O(plogn/logp)O(p\log n/\log p) variables (for any 2pn2\leq p\leq n). We also show how the technique can be applied to solve various geometric problems, namely computing the convex hull of a simple polygon, a triangulation of a monotone polygon, the shortest path between two points inside a monotone polygon, 1-dimensional pyramid approximation of a 1-dimensional vector, and the visibility profile of a point inside a simple polygon. Our approach exceeds or matches the best-known results for these problems in constant-workspace models (when they exist), and gives the first trade-off between the size of the workspace and running time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first general framework for obtaining memory-constrained algorithms

    An optimal algorithm computing edge-to-edge visibility in a simple polygon

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    Let P be a simple polygon with n vertices. We present a new O(n)-time algorithm to compute the visible part of one edge from another edge of P. The algorithm does not alter the input and only uses O(1) variables and is therefore a constant-workspace algorithm. The algorithm can be used to make a constant-workspace al-gorithm for computing the weak visibility polygon from an edge in O(mn) time, where m is the number of ver-tices of the resulting polygon, and a constant-workspace algorithm for computing a minimum link path between two points inside a simple polygon in O(n²) time