14 research outputs found

    An ontology to semantically declare and describe functions

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    Applications built on top of the Semantic Web are emerging as a novel solution in different areas, such as decision making and route planning. However, to connect results of these solutions -i.e., the semantically annotated data - with real-world applications, this semantic data needs to be connected to actionable events. A lot of work has been done (both semantically as non-semantically) to describe and define Web services, but there is still a gap on a more abstract level, i.e., describing interfaces independent of the technology used. In this paper, we present a data model, specification, and ontology to semantically declare and describe functions independently of the used technology. This way, we can declare and use actionable events in semantic applications, without restricting ourselves to programming language-dependent implementations. The ontology allows for extensions, and is proposed as a possible solution for semantic applications in various domains

    A vocabulary-independent generation framework for DBpedia and beyond

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    The dbpedia Extraction Framework, the generation framework behind one of the Linked Open Data cloud’s central hubs, has limitations which lead to quality issues with the dbpedia dataset. Therefore, we provide a new take on its Extraction Framework that allows for a sustainable and general-purpose Linked Data generation framework by adapting a semantic-driven approach. The proposed approach decouples, in a declarative manner, the extraction, transformation, and mapping rules execution. This way, among others, interchanging different schema annotations is supported, instead of being coupled to a certain ontology as it is now, because the dbpedia Extraction Framework allows only generating a certain dataset with a single semantic representation. In this paper, we shed more light to the added value that this aspect brings. We provide an extracted dbpedia dataset using a different vocabulary, and give users the opportunity to generate a new dbpedia dataset using a custom combination of vocabularies

    Mapping languages analysis of comparative characteristics

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    RDF generation processes are becoming more interoperable, reusable, and maintainable due to the increased usage of mapping languages: languages used to describe how to generate an RDF graph from (semi-)structured data. This gives rise to new mapping languages, each with different characteristics. However, it is not clear which mapping language is fit for a given task. Thus, a comparative framework is needed. In this paper, we investigate a set of mapping languages that inhibit complementary characteristics, and present an initial set of comparative characteristics based on requirements as put forward by the reference works of those mapping languages. Initial investigation found 9 broad characteristics, classified in 3 categories. To further formalize and complete the set of characteristics, further investigation is needed, requiring a joint effort of the community

    Specification and implementation of mapping rule visualization and editing : MapVOWL and the RMLEditor

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    Visual tools are implemented to help users in defining how to generate Linked Data from raw data. This is possible thanks to mapping languages which enable detaching mapping rules from the implementation that executes them. However, no thorough research has been conducted so far on how to visualize such mapping rules, especially if they become large and require considering multiple heterogeneous raw data sources and transformed data values. In the past, we proposed the RMLEditor, a visual graph-based user interface, which allows users to easily create mapping rules for generating Linked Data from raw data. In this paper, we build on top of our existing work: we (i) specify a visual notation for graph visualizations used to represent mapping rules, (ii) introduce an approach for manipulating rules when large visualizations emerge, and (iii) propose an approach to uniformly visualize data fraction of raw data sources combined with an interactive interface for uniform data fraction transformations. We perform two additional comparative user studies. The first one compares the use of the visual notation to present mapping rules to the use of a mapping language directly, which reveals that the visual notation is preferred. The second one compares the use of the graph-based RMLEditor for creating mapping rules to the form-based RMLx Visual Editor, which reveals that graph-based visualizations are preferred to create mapping rules through the use of our proposed visual notation and uniform representation of heterogeneous data sources and data values. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved