27 research outputs found

    Abstracted navigational actions for improved hypermedia navigation and maintainance.

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    This paper discusses the MESH framework, which proposes a fully object-oriented approach to hypermedia. Object-oriented abstractions are not only applied to the conceptual data model, but also to the navigation paradigm. This results in the concept of context-based navigation, which reduces the end user's disorientation problem by means of dynamically generated, context-sensitive guided tours. Moreover, maintainability is greatly improved, as both nodes and links are defined as instances of abstract classes. I this way, single links and entire guided tours are anchored on type level as abstract navigational actions, which are independent of the actual link instances.Marketing; Data; Model;

    MESH: an object-oriented approach to hypermedia modeling and navigation.

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    This paper introduces the MESH approach to hypermedia modeling and navigation, which aims at relieving the typical drawbacks of poor maintainability and user disorientation. The framework builds upon two fundamental concepts. The data model combines established entity-relationship and object-oriented abstractions with proprietary concepts into a formal hypermedia data model. Uniform layout and link typing specifications can be attributed and inherited in a static node typing hierarchy, whereas both nodes and links can be submitted dynamically to multiple complementary classifications. In the context-based navigation paradigm, conventional navigation along static links is complemented by run-time generated guided tours, which are derived dynamically from the context of a user's information requirements. The result is a two-dimensional navigation paradigm, which reconciles complete navigational freedom and flexibility with a measure of linear guidance. These specifications are captured in a high-level, platform independent implementation framework.Data; Model; Specifications; Classification; Information; Requirements;

    A model-based approach to hypermedia design.

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    This paper introduces the MESH approach to hypermedia design, which combines established entity-relationship and object-oriented abstractions with proprietary concepts into a formal hypermedia data model. Uniform layout and link typing specifications can be attributed and inherited in a static node typing hierarchy, whereas both nodes and links can be submitted dynamically to multiple complementary classifications. In addition, the data model's support for a context-based navigation paradigm, as well as a platform-independent implementation framework, are briefly discussed.Data; Model; Specifications; Classification;

    Encapsulation and information hiding as the keys to maintainable and reusable hypermedia applications.

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    This paper presents a solution to the maintenance problem in hypermedia by applying object-oriented techniques to both the hypermedia data model and the hypermedia system's actual implementation. First, the primary concepts of the 'MESH' (Maintainable, End user friendly, Structured Hypermedia) approach are discussed briefly. These consist of a conceptual data model, a navigation paradigm and an implementation framework. Thereafter, it is shown how the object-oriented concepts of encapsulation and information hiding result in a hypermedia system consisting of self-contained, independently coded nodes. Intra node maintenance is separated entirely from inter node maintenance: the hyperbase's link structure can be updated without affecting node content, whereas an individual node's multimedia content can be reorganized without necessitating updates to links or link anchors.Applications; Information; Data; Model; Structure;

    Web System Requirements: An Overview

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    Using Scenario for building hypermedia systems

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    ABSTRACT This paper proposes a (SHDM, scenario-based hypermedia design methodology). The methodology consists of five phases: domain analysis, object modeling, navigation design, implementation design, and construction. Users' requirements are analyzed with a responsibility-driven technology using scenarios. Object-oriented views are generated as the result of object modeling, and then used for the subsequent navigation and implementation design. The implementation design phase deals with database schema, page structure and flow, and user interface. The SHDMTool is built to effectively support design phases. A repository based on IRDS standard is developed to integrate different hypermedia design methodologies. The SHDM integrates enterprise databases with distributed hypermedia systems such as internet, intranet, electronic commerce, and virtual enterprise

    Educational hypermedia resources facilitator

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    Se analiza el impacto que la enseñanza en web ha tenido en la educación superior y las distintas herramientas que permiten la creación de documentos hipertexto como recursos de enseñanzaWithin the university the introduction of computers is creating a new criterion of differentiation between those who as a matter of course become integrated in the technocratic trend deriving from the daily use of these machines and those who become isolated by not using them. This difference increases when computer science and communications merge to introduce virtual educational areas, where the conjunction of teacher and pupil in the space-time dimension is no longer an essential requirement, andwhere the written text is replaced (or rather complemented) by the digital text. In this article a historical defence is made of the presence of this new standard in the creation of digital educational resources such as the hyperdocument, as well as the barriers and technological problems deriving from its use. Furthermore, HyCo, an authoring tool, is introduced which facilitates the composition of hypertexts, which arestored as semantic learning objects, looking for that through of a simple and extremely intuitive interface and interaction model, any teacher with a minimum knowledge of computer science has the possibility of transforming his or her experience and knowledge into useful and quality hypermedia educational resources

    La orientación a objetos en el diseño de las sedes web: hipertextos y representación de la información

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    Abstract: Relation between hypertexts, Web sites design and object oriented methods in the context of content representation. Is proposed a method, MAIDHEA, to represent and to model Web sites. The method is indicated for web sites with didactic contents and/or knowledge representation objectives. In MAIDHEA, the annotation of the diagrams of classes is made with OMT (Object Modeling Technique) to represent information architectures navigation structures. MAIDHEA and other results about hypertexts and information architecture are products derived from the I+D+I activities on the conception, design and development of a virtual campus for a Master in Information Science (Master Online en Documentación Digital ). In the article, MAIDHEA is applied to represent the didactic materials of the Master Online en Documentación Digital in a hypertextual format.Relación entre el diseño de hipertextos, el diseño de sitios web y la orientación a objetos en el contexto de la representación de contenidos. Se propone un método, MAIDHEA, para representar y modelar sitios Web. El método es especialmente indicado para webs con contenidos didácticos y/o con propósitos de representación del conocimiento. En MAIDHEA se utiliza la notación de los diagramas de clases de la OMT (Object Modeling Technique) para representar arquitecturas de la información y estructuras de navegación. MAIDHEA y otros resultados sobre hipertextos y arquitectura de la información son productos derivados de la actividad de I+D+I consistente en la concepción, diseño y desarrollo de un aula digital para un Máster sobre Documentación impartido íntegramente a través de Internet (Master Online en Documentación Digital ). En el artículo se aplica MAIDHEA para representar los materiales didácticos del Master Online en Documentación Digital en un formato hipertextual

    External Navigation Control and Guidance for Learning with Spatial Hypermedia

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    Abstract: The World Wide Web has become a widely available platform for learning with hypermedia. However, WWW hypermedia is often limited in both guidance and navigation support. To improve hypermedia in these aspects, we propose a spatial hypermedia browser for educational purposes. A prototype browser, named HyperMap, has been designed to integrate guided explorative browsing with external control over a learnerís navigation. The flexible control by authors over navigation allows the integration of traditional courseware elements into hypermedia. We explain how the direct manipulation authoring environment in HyperMap simplifies the construction of a curriculum in spatial hypermedia. Object libraries and scripting of adaptive hypermedia objects help a HyperMap author to be productive. We include recent follow-up field-tests at NTU that confirmed the effectiveness of learning with HyperMap spatial hypermedia. The theoretical prospects of further integration of hypermedia with rules for intelligent tutoring are outlined as well. Editors: Gerry Stahl (U. Colorado).Reviewers: Chaomei Chen (Brunel U.), Jim Hewitt (OISE, U. Toronto), Timothy Koschmann (Southern Illinois U.), Rogerio dePaula (U. Colorado), Lydia Plowman (Scottish Council for Research in Education), Frank Shipman (Texas A&M U.)Interactive elements: 'The HyperMap system described in this article is provided as a Java applet'.Interactive demonstrations: A Java applet of the HyperMap system is embedded in this article (Appendix) for which you will need a Java-aware web browser compatible with Sun's JDK 1.1.4 or higher (Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.5 work without difficulty). If you have these, you can try the demo now (Netscape 4.5+ | Explorer 4.0+). A local copy of the system can be downloaded for offline execution from the HyperMap site, or from JIME (Mac: JIME-HyperMap-applet.sea | PC/Unix: JIME-HyperMap-applet.zip)


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    Hypermedia design, as any other design activity, may be observed according to two points of view: methods which suggest milestones to guide the designer's work and process which concerns the actual detailed behavior of the designer at work. Cognitive studies assess that mental processes involved in any design process show widely shared human characteristics regardless to the used design method. Thereby, they provide general keys to help designers. Thus, a hypertext design environment should equally consider the two dimensions of a hypertext design activity, in particular it should support the natural design process specificities, mainly the incremental and opportunist aspects. The paper focuses on the hypertext design as a computer supported human activity. It examines what is general both in the design methods and in the design process of hypertexts in order to determine which general features are helpful to designers. This analysis has raised from the observation of the behavior of MacWeb users during design tasks. It is related to sound and well known results in cognitive science. The paper also describes how the proposed features are implemented in the MacWeb system.Information Systems Working Papers Serie