579 research outputs found

    STARGATE : Static Repository Gateway and Toolkit. Final Project Report

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    STARGATE (Static Repository Gateway and Toolkit) was funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and is intended to demonstrate the ease of use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) Static Repository technology, and the potential benefits offered to publishers in making their metadata available in this way This technology offers a simpler method of participating in many information discovery services than creating fully-fledged OAI-compliant repositories. It does this by allowing the infrastructure and technical support required to participate in OAI-based services to be shifted from the data provider (the journal) to a third party and allows a single third party gateway provider to provide intermediation for many data providers (journals). Specifically, STARGATE has created a series of Static Repositories of publisher metadata provided by a selection of Library and Information Science journals. It has demonstrated the interoperability of these repositories by exposing their metadata via a Static Repository Gateway for harvesting and cross-searching by external service providers. The project has conducted a critical evaluation of the Static Repository approach in conjunction with the participating publishers and service providers. The technology works. The project has demonstrated that Static Repositories are easy to create and that the differences between fully-fledged and static OAI Repositories have no impact on the participation of small journal publishers in OAI-based services. The problems for a service that arise out of the use of Static Repositories are parallel to those created by any other repository dealing with journal articles. Problems arise from the diversity of metadata element sets provided by a given journal and the lack of specific metadata elements for the articles' volume and issue details. Another issue for the use of publishers' metadata arise as the collection policies of some existing services only allow Open Access materials to be included in them. The project recommends that the use of Static Repositories continues to be explored - in particular as a flexible way to expose existing sets of structured information to OAI services and to create the opportunity to enhance the metadata as part of the process. The project further recommends that the publishing community consider the creation or adoption of an application profile for journal articles to support information discovery that can search by volume and issue. Significant further use of the Static Repository technology by small journal publishers will require the future creation and maintenance of a community-specific Static Repository Gateway. Further use will also require advocacy within the publishing community but might initially be most effectively kick-started through the creation of OAI repositories based on metadata held by the commercial services which publish or mediate access to electronic copies of journals on behalf of small publishers

    Semantic Approach for Discovery and Visualization of Academic Information Structured with OAI-PMH

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    There are different channels to communicate the results of a scientific research; however, several research communities state that the Open Access (OA) is the future of acad emic publishing. These Open Ac cess Platforms have adopted OAI - PMH (Open Archives Initiative - the Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) as a standard for communication and interoperability. Nevertheless, it is significant to highlight that the open source know ledge discovery services based on an index of OA have not been developed. Therefore, it is necessary to address Knowledge Discovery (KD) within these platforms aiming at studen ts, teachers and/ or researchers , to recover both , the resources requested and th e resources that are not explicitly requested – which are also appropriate . This objective represents an important issue fo r structured resources under OAI - PMH. This fact is caused because interoperability with other developments carried out outside their implementation environment is generally not a priority (Level 1 "Shared term definitions"). It is here , where the Semantic Web (SW) beco mes a cornerstone of this work. Consequently, we propose OntoOAIV, a semantic approach for the selective knowledge disco very an d visu alization into structured information with OAI - PMH, focused on supporting the activities of scientific or academic research for a specific user. Because of the academic nature of the structured resources with OAI - PMH, the field of application chosen is the context information of a student. Finally, in order to validate the proposed approach, we use the RUDAR (Roskilde University Digital Archive) and REDALYC (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal) repositor ies, which imple ment the OAI - PMH protocol , as well as one s tudent profile for carrying out KD

    Getting Indexed by Bibliographic Databases in the Area of Computer Science

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    Every author and publisher is interested in adding their publications to the widely used bibliographic databases freely accessible in the world wide web: This ensures the visibility of their publications and hence of the published research. However, the inclusion requirements of publications in the bibliographic databases are heterogeneous even on the technical side. This survey paper aims in shedding light on the various data formats, protocols and technical requirements of getting indexed by widely used bibliographic databases in the area of computer science and provides hints for maximal database inclusion. Furthermore, we point out the possibilities to utilize the data of bibliographic databases, and describes some personal and institutional research repository systems with special regard to the support of inclusion in bibliographic databases

    DRIVER Technology Watch Report

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    This report is part of the Discovery Workpackage (WP4) and is the third report out of four deliverables. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the latest technical developments in the world of digital repositories, digital libraries and beyond, in order to serve as theoretical and practical input for the technical DRIVER developments, especially those focused on enhanced publications. This report consists of two main parts, one part focuses on interoperability standards for enhanced publications, the other part consists of three subchapters, which give a landscape picture of current and surfacing technologies and communities crucial to DRIVER. These three subchapters contain the GRID, CRIS and LTP communities and technologies. Every chapter contains a theoretical explanation, followed by case studies and the outcomes and opportunities for DRIVER in this field

    The Simple Publishing Interface (SPI)

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    Ternier, S., Massart, D., Totschnig, M., Klerkx, J., & Duval, E. (2010). The Simple Publishing Interface (SPI). D-Lib Magazine, September/October 2010, Volume 16 Number 9/10, doi:10.1045/september2010-ternierThe Simple Publishing Interface (SPI) is a new publishing protocol, developed under the auspices of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) workshop on learning technologies. This protocol aims to facilitate the communication between content producing tools and repositories that persistently manage learning resources and metadata. The SPI work focuses on two problems: (1) facilitating the metadata and resource publication process (publication in this context refers to the ability to ingest metadata and resources); and (2) enabling interoperability between various components in a federation of repositories. This article discusses the different contexts where a protocol for publishing resources is relevant. SPI contains an abstract domain model and presents several methods that a repository can support. An Atom Publishing Protocol binding is proposed that allows for implementing SPI with a concrete technology and enables interoperability between applications.European Committee for Standardization (CEN), CEN/Expert/2009/3

    CHAIN-REDS DART Challenge

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    CHAIN-REDS (Coordination and Harmonisation of Advanced e-infrastructure for Research and Education Data Sharing) is EU project focused on promoting and supporting technological and scientific collaboration across different communities established in various continents. Nowadays, one of the most challenging scenarios scientist and scientific communities are facing is huge amount of data emerging from vast networks of sensors and form computational simulations performed in a diversity of computing architectures and e-infrastructure. The new knowledge coming out from the interpretation of these datasets, reported on the scholar literature, is increasingly problematic to be reproducible due to the difficulty to access measured data repositories and/or computational applications that generate synthetic data through computer simulations. This paper presents CHAIN REDS approach, several tools and services, based on the adoption of standards, aimed at providing easy/seamless access to datasets, data repositories, open access document repositories and to the applications that could make use of them. All these tools and services are enclosed in what we have called the Data Accessibility, Reproducibility and Trustworthiness (DART) challenge. This initiative allows researchers to easily find data of his interest and directly use them in a code running by means of a Science Gateway (SG) that provides access to cluster, Grid and Cloud infrastructure worldwide. In this scenario, the datasets are found by means of either the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base (KB) or the Semantic Search Engine (SSE), the applications ran on the CHAIN-REDS SG, accessible through an Identity Federation. The datasets can be both identified by Persistent Identifier (PID) and assigned unique number ID. Scientists can then access the data and the corresponding application in order to either reproduce and extend the results of a given study or start a new investigation. The new data (and the new paper if any) are stored on the Data Infrastructure and can be easily found by the people belonging to the same domain making possible to start the cycle again.Repositório de dados científicos.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC

    Contexts and Contributions: Building the Distributed Library

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    This report updates and expands on A Survey of Digital Library Aggregation Services, originally commissioned by the DLF as an internal report in summer 2003, and released to the public later that year. It highlights major developments affecting the ecosystem of scholarly communications and digital libraries since the last survey and provides an analysis of OAI implementation demographics, based on a comparative review of repository registries and cross-archive search services. Secondly, it reviews the state-of-practice for a cohort of digital library aggregation services, grouping them in the context of the problem space to which they most closely adhere. Based in part on responses collected in fall 2005 from an online survey distributed to the original core services, the report investigates the purpose, function and challenges of next-generation aggregation services. On a case-by-case basis, the advances in each service are of interest in isolation from each other, but the report also attempts to situate these services in a larger context and to understand how they fit into a multi-dimensional and interdependent ecosystem supporting the worldwide community of scholars. Finally, the report summarizes the contributions of these services thus far and identifies obstacles requiring further attention to realize the goal of an open, distributed digital library system
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