12 research outputs found

    Evaluation on Transfer Efficiency at Integrated Transport Terminals through Multilevel Grey Evaluation

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    AbstractTransfer efficiency in integrated transportation terminal is greatly important for both passengers and operational companies. In this paper, we proposed various criteria and a hierarchy index system to evaluate the performance of the transfer condition inside Beijing South Railway Station. To make the assessment more scientific, we assign weightings to each of them by integrated weighting method. Then we use an evaluation method, Multi-level Grey Evaluation, to calculate the performance indexes of different transfer modes in the station and further we compare the ranking results of transfer efficiency of different transfer modes

    Estudo de métodos de análise multicritério aplicados à gestão de projetos

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade De Tecnologia, Departamento De Engenharia De Produção, 2014O presente trabalho se propõe a realizar uma análise dos métodos de decisão baseados em análise multicritério (Multi Criteria Decision Analysis - MCDA) aplicados no âmbito da gestão de projetos. São estudados casos diversos de problemas relacionados a projetos, como hierarquização e classificação de atividades, alocação de orçamento, dentre outros. Em cada análise, são identificados os fatores que influenciaram o tomador de decisão a escolher determinado método MCDA. Com essas informações, é possível estabelecer uma estratificação dos dados coletados, identificando em quais situações cada método MCDA estudado é mais adequado. Isso permitirá ao tomador de decisão definir com maior consistência e eficiência o método aplicável à sua situação problema. Identificou-se que o assunto mais abordado nos artigos estudados foi o problema seleção de projetos, sendo os métodos mais utilizados o PROMETHEE e o ELECTRE. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe purpose of this work is to analyze the decision methods based on multi criteria analysis (Multi Criteria Decision Analysis – MCDA) applied in project management. Several problems related to projects are studied, such as activities sorting and ranking, budget allocation, among others. In each analysis, the factors which influenced the decision maker to choose a specific MCDA method are identified. With these informations, it is possible to establish a stratification of the collected data, in order to identify in which situations each MCDA method studied is more adequate. This will enable the decision maker to define with more consistency and efficiency the applicable method in accordance with the problem situation. The subject most discussed in the studied papers was the project selection problem, and the methods most applied were the PROMETHEE/ELECTRE

    Flexible decision support for sustainable development: the SUSTAIN framework model

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    Sustainable transport planning necessitates a rethinking of traditional decision making. This is conventionally supported by cost-benefit analysis (CBA) that systematically quantifies and compares the various benefits and costs generated by a transportation project or policy. Generally, CBA has been found less useful for the handling and assessment of multiple, often conflicting objectives or criteria like environmental or social issues intrinsically difficult to quantify. Therefore, it is necessary to broaden the decision making process beyond merely economic factors. The Danish research project on Sustainable National Transport Planning (SUSTAIN 2012-2016) seeks, among other things, to develop a flexible decision support model (tool) to include and assess sustainability planning criteria in a socio-economic framework, which makes up the SUSTAIN Framework Model (SFM). The SFM comprises two parts, namely a process part consisting of stakeholder involvement and an analytical tools part consisting of an Excel-based software model. The latter employs the use of CBA, multi-criteria decision analysis and risk analysis techniques enabling the assessment of non-quantifiable impacts within a decision support context. The concept of a planning workshop is introduced as relevant for dealing with the various strategic elements not included in the CBA. Moreover, SUSTAIN is rooted in cross-disciplinary sustainability research that recognises that a transition towards sustainability must involve normative, analytical and strategic considerations to be successful. The paper concludes that the SFM can contribute to the analytical dimension. Thus, the framework model allows for the appraisal of planning criteria (indicator sets) in a socio-economic appraisal setting for national sustainable transport planning which enhances both the concept and principles of sustainable development while at the same time it provides a flexible decisionsupport tool for policy-makers

    Supporting sustainable transport appraisals using stakeholder involvement and mcda

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    Appraisal processes for transport initiatives are often characterised by their complexity involving a wide range of impacts that need to be addressed and many stakeholders that attempt to influence the decisions to be made. The increasing interest for the environment and sustainable development in general has stressed the need for taking a broad perspective into account when addressing transport initiatives. This means that economic, social and environmental dimensions need to be considered simultaneously in the appraisal process. The focus on incorporating such sustainability considerations has set new demands for the appraisal process and has revealed an increasing need for involving stakeholders in the decision support process to capture all aspects of the often complex decision problems. Conventional appraisals within the transport area are often only based on cost-benefit analysis, which captures the impacts that can be assigned with a monetary value. Thus there is a need for a decision support system that is able to assess the effect of other types of impacts as well and include this in the appraisal. This paper seeks to fill this gap in research by proposing a methodology making use of planning workshops and multi-criteria decision analysis in combination to improve the decision support. In order to serve the purpose of promoting a more sustainable transport planning approach a proposal is made for how the methodology can be integrated in the current practice for appraisal of infrastructure projects in Denmark (and countries with similar approaches). The paper concludes that the approach allowing for active stakeholder participation in the appraisal process can serve as a helpful and effective decision support system in the quest for more sustainable solutions to transport problems

    Desenvolvimento de método multicritério linguístico para avaliação de desempenho e priorização de recursos

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    Performance indicators are information collected at regular intervals to track the performance of organizations. With scarce resources and a high number of performance indicators, it is difficult to improve all organizational aspects simultaneously. At the same time, several types of indicators have a subjective character with measurement expressed in words with present uncertainty. Management tools and multicriteria decision support methodologies (MCDM) have been used to evaluate the performance of organizations. However, there are limitations in traditional MCDM: independence of criteria and disregard for the collaborative environment. The main objective of this dissertation was to develop a linguistic multicriteria method for collaborative environments with performance evaluation based on subjective information aiming to prioritize resource allocation to generate greater impact on the organization. The proposed method was developed based on a systematic literature review and the adaptation of existing methodologies. It consists of assessing language performance, determining importance based on 2- Tuple Language Weight in determining language importance and capturing influence through DEMATEL 2-Tuple, all being operationalized in a 2-Tuple computational environment. The proposed method introduces the concept of 'Impact' which combines importance (perceived utility) and influence (causality) as different quantities acting on the same system or collaborative environment. The main steps of the method are Structuring, Evaluation, Processing, Result, and Revaluation. To verify the proposed method, the problem reported by Singh et al. (2018) with the contribution of data from Meksavang et al. (2019) referring to the same study, were adapted for application. As a result of the application, it was identified which priority Performance Indicators (PIs), with the highest potential impact, to develop a group of ecologically correct meat suppliers with economic viability, and it was observed that considering the comparative limitations, the suggestions of prioritization captured by the proposed method are in line with the method selection suggestions developed by Singh et al. (2018) and Meksavang et al. (2019) verifying that the steps developed by the proposed method are adequately structured and feasible.Indicadores de desempenho (IDs) são informações coletadas em intervalos regulares para acompanhar o desempenho de organizações. Com recursos escassos e um número elevado de IDs, torna-se difícil aperfeiçoar todos os aspectos organizacionais simultaneamente. Concomitantemente, diversos tipos de IDs têm caráter subjetivo com mensuração expressa em palavras com incerteza presente. Ferramentas da administração e metodologias multicritério de apoio à tomada de decisão (MCDM) têm sido utilizadas para avaliar o desempenho das organizações.Porém há limitações na MCDM tradicional: a independência dos critérios e a desconsideração ao ambiente colaborativo. O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver um método multicritério linguístico para ambientes colaborativos com avaliação de desempenho a partir de informações subjetivas visando priorizar alocação de recursos para gerar maior impacto na organização. O método proposto foi desenvolvido com base em uma revisão sistemática de literatura e na adaptação de metodologias existentes. Consiste na avaliação de desempenho linguística, na determinação da importância com base no Peso Linguístico 2-Tuple na determinação da importância linguística e na captação da influência por meio do DEMATEL 2-Tuple, sendo todos operacionalizados em um ambiente computacional 2-Tuple. O método proposto introduz o conceito de „Impacto’ que combina a importância (utilidade percebida) e influência (causalidade) como grandezas diferentes atuantes em um mesmo sistema, ou ambiente colaborativo. As principais etapas do método são: Estruturação, Avaliação, Processamento, Resultado e Reavaliação. Para verificação do método proposto o problema relatado por Singh et al. (2018) com a contribuição dos dados do trabalho de Meksavang et al. (2019) referentes ao mesmo estudo, foram adaptados para aplicação. Como resultado da aplicação identificou-se quais os IDs prioritários, com maior impacto potencial, para desenvolver um grupo de fornecedores de gado ecologicamente corretos com viabilidade econômica, e observou-se que, consideradas as limitações comparativas, as sugestões de priorização captadas pelo método proposto estão alinhadas com as sugestões de seleção dos métodos elaborados por Singh et al. (2018) e Meksavang et al. (2019) verificando que os passos desenvolvidos pelo método proposto são adequadamente estruturados e exequíveis