330 research outputs found

    Guided patch-wise nonlocal SAR despeckling

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    We propose a new method for SAR image despeckling which leverages information drawn from co-registered optical imagery. Filtering is performed by plain patch-wise nonlocal means, operating exclusively on SAR data. However, the filtering weights are computed by taking into account also the optical guide, which is much cleaner than the SAR data, and hence more discriminative. To avoid injecting optical-domain information into the filtered image, a SAR-domain statistical test is preliminarily performed to reject right away any risky predictor. Experiments on two SAR-optical datasets prove the proposed method to suppress very effectively the speckle, preserving structural details, and without introducing visible filtering artifacts. Overall, the proposed method compares favourably with all state-of-the-art despeckling filters, and also with our own previous optical-guided filter

    Learning a Dilated Residual Network for SAR Image Despeckling

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    In this paper, to break the limit of the traditional linear models for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image despeckling, we propose a novel deep learning approach by learning a non-linear end-to-end mapping between the noisy and clean SAR images with a dilated residual network (SAR-DRN). SAR-DRN is based on dilated convolutions, which can both enlarge the receptive field and maintain the filter size and layer depth with a lightweight structure. In addition, skip connections and residual learning strategy are added to the despeckling model to maintain the image details and reduce the vanishing gradient problem. Compared with the traditional despeckling methods, the proposed method shows superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods on both quantitative and visual assessments, especially for strong speckle noise.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 7 table

    SPHR-SAR-Net: Superpixel High-resolution SAR Imaging Network Based on Nonlocal Total Variation

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    High-resolution is a key trend in the development of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which enables the capture of fine details and accurate representation of backscattering properties. However, traditional high-resolution SAR imaging algorithms face several challenges. Firstly, these algorithms tend to focus on local information, neglecting non-local information between different pixel patches. Secondly, speckle is more pronounced and difficult to filter out in high-resolution SAR images. Thirdly, the process of high-resolution SAR imaging generally involves high time and computational complexity, making real-time imaging difficult to achieve. To address these issues, we propose a Superpixel High-Resolution SAR Imaging Network (SPHR-SAR-Net) for rapid despeckling in high-resolution SAR mode. Based on the concept of superpixel techniques, we initially combine non-convex and non-local total variation as compound regularization. This approach more effectively despeckles and manages the relationship between pixels while reducing bias effects caused by convex constraints. Subsequently, we solve the compound regularization model using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm and unfold it into a Deep Unfolded Network (DUN). The network's parameters are adaptively learned in a data-driven manner, and the learned network significantly increases imaging speed. Additionally, the Deep Unfolded Network is compatible with high-resolution imaging modes such as spotlight, staring spotlight, and sliding spotlight. In this paper, we demonstrate the superiority of SPHR-SAR-Net through experiments in both simulated and real SAR scenarios. The results indicate that SPHR-SAR-Net can rapidly perform high-resolution SAR imaging from raw echo data, producing accurate imaging results

    A Sparsity-Based InSAR Phase Denoising Algorithm Using Nonlocal Wavelet Shrinkage

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    An interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) phase denoising algorithm using the local sparsity of wavelet coefficients and nonlocal similarity of grouped blocks was developed. From the Bayesian perspective, the double-l1 norm regularization model that enforces the local and nonlocal sparsity constraints was used. Taking advantages of coefficients of the nonlocal similarity between group blocks for the wavelet shrinkage, the proposed algorithm effectively filtered the phase noise. Applying the method to simulated and acquired InSAR data, we obtained satisfactory results. In comparison, the algorithm outperformed several widely-used InSAR phase denoising approaches in terms of the number of residues, root-mean-square errors and other edge preservation indexes

    Adaptive Total Variation Regularization Based SAR Image Despeckling and Despeckling Evaluation Index

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    A Tutorial on Speckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    Speckle is a granular disturbance, usually modeled as a multiplicative noise, that affects synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, as well as all coherent images. Over the last three decades, several methods have been proposed for the reduction of speckle, or despeckling, in SAR images. Goal of this paper is making a comprehensive review of despeckling methods since their birth, over thirty years ago, highlighting trends and changing approaches over years. The concept of fully developed speckle is explained. Drawbacks of homomorphic filtering are pointed out. Assets of multiresolution despeckling, as opposite to spatial-domain despeckling, are highlighted. Also advantages of undecimated, or stationary, wavelet transforms over decimated ones are discussed. Bayesian estimators and probability density function (pdf) models in both spatial and multiresolution domains are reviewed. Scale-space varying pdf models, as opposite to scale varying models, are promoted. Promising methods following non-Bayesian approaches, like nonlocal (NL) filtering and total variation (TV) regularization, are reviewed and compared to spatial- and wavelet-domain Bayesian filters. Both established and new trends for assessment of despeckling are presented. A few experiments on simulated data and real COSMO-SkyMed SAR images highlight, on one side the costperformance tradeoff of the different methods, on the other side the effectiveness of solutions purposely designed for SAR heterogeneity and not fully developed speckle. Eventually, upcoming methods based on new concepts of signal processing, like compressive sensing, are foreseen as a new generation of despeckling, after spatial-domain and multiresolution-domain method

    Ship Wake Detection in SAR Images via Sparse Regularization

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    In order to analyse synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the sea surface, ship wake detection is essential for extracting information on the wake generating vessels. One possibility is to assume a linear model for wakes, in which case detection approaches are based on transforms such as Radon and Hough. These express the bright (dark) lines as peak (trough) points in the transform domain. In this paper, ship wake detection is posed as an inverse problem, which the associated cost function including a sparsity enforcing penalty, i.e. the generalized minimax concave (GMC) function. Despite being a non-convex regularizer, the GMC penalty enforces the overall cost function to be convex. The proposed solution is based on a Bayesian formulation, whereby the point estimates are recovered using maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. To quantify the performance of the proposed method, various types of SAR images are used, corresponding to TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, Sentinel-1, and ALOS2. The performance of various priors in solving the proposed inverse problem is first studied by investigating the GMC along with the L1, Lp, nuclear and total variation (TV) norms. We show that the GMC achieves the best results and we subsequently study the merits of the corresponding method in comparison to two state-of-the-art approaches for ship wake detection. The results show that our proposed technique offers the best performance by achieving 80% success rate.Comment: 18 page
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