8 research outputs found

    Application of modern mechanism on poultry farms and its impact on the environment

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    The modern way of raising poultry is significantly different from poultry farming as it used to be. The development of poultry production and increased profitability was contributed, first of all, by the development of science, which found a number of solutions for the rapid increase in the number of poultry and its productivity. The development and application of mechanization and automation contributed to the industrial character of production. Modern poultry farms are equipped with machinery that, in addition to the welfare of poultry farming, contributes to increasing labor productivity, saving labor and improving the general state of the environment on farms. When designing new and expanding existing poultry farms, guidelines for the application of clean technologies are increasingly being used, which aim to reduce negative impacts on the environment. The equipment is characterized by a high degree of automation, and there is an increasing application of information technologies in poultry farming. A big problem on traditional poultry farms is low energy efficiency and increased energy consumption, which can be overcome by using smart control systems, which is also an advantage from an environmental point of view

    Prototype Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Udara Pada Kandang Ayam Broiler Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino

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    Broiler farming business is a very good business opportunity. This is because the need for animal protein sources continues to increase every year in line with population growth, thus encouraging broiler breeders to increase their production. The most important factor in determining crop yields or productivity is to maintain the quality of the temperature in the chicken coop during the maintenance period. This system was created because of the problems experienced by farmers who have to control the temperature manually. With the monitoring system as well as controlling the temperature of the broiler chicken coop, it is hoped that it will make it easier for farmers to monitor and control the temperature of the chicken coop automatically. The design of this system uses an arduino MEGA microcontroller as a master and Arduino UNO as a data receiver, DHT11 as a temperature sensor as well as humidity and MQ135 as an ammonia gas sensor, and Exhaustfan as a fan driver as a temperature and ammonia controller, and a light bulb as a heater in the enclosure. The result of this system is able to maintain temperature at 27°-30°C and humidity 60%-70% and ammonia gas content 5 to 25 PPM. Keywords: Monitoring temperature, humidity, ammonia gas, age of chickens and sensors

    Sistem Monitoring Peternakan Ayam Broiler Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)

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    In this study, the author made a monitoring system for dangerous gas levels, temperature and humidity in the chicken coop. This system can inform air quality in the form of ammonia gas, methane gas, temperature and humidity contained in the chicken coop and provide readings of gas data that are considered dangerous, unstable temperature and humidity to workers in the chicken coop and can be viewed on a platform basis. The system generally consists of two sensors, namely the DHT11 sensor to detect temperature and humidity in the chicken coop, and the MQ135 sensor to detect ammonia gas levels in the chicken coop, and connect to the internet network through the ESP8266 module with the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller which aims to upload data sensors to the Firebase web and displayed in graphical form as a means of information on the chicken coop. The test is carried out in three stages, namely connectivity, functionality, and delay. The connectivity test proves that ESP8266 can be connected to Access Points and internet networks, functionality tests prove that sensors can read gas, temperature and humidity and retrieve data. And lastly is testing delay, which is counting the length of the process from the beginning of sensor reading to data up to Firebase's Internet of Things (IoT) -based web. From the results of calculations that have been done in testing, it was found that the time needed for one shipment takes as much as 5-19 seconds. Of course, this time can change because there are aspects that can inhibit internet connection, the number of devices connected to an internet network, but the purpose of this research has been completed with what was expected. Keywords : Hazardous Gas, Temperature and Humidity, Gas Sensors and Temperature and Humidity Sensors, Firebase.Pada penelitian ini, penulis membuat sistem monitoring kadar gas berbahaya, suhu dan kelembaban pada kandang ayam. Sistem ini dapat menginformasikan kualitas udara berupa kadar gas amonia, gas metana, suhu dan kelembaban yang terkandung pada kandang ayam dan memberikan pembacaan data gas yang dianggap berbahaya, suhu dan kelembaban yang tidak stabil ke pekerja pada kandang ayam dan dapat dilihat secara flatform. Sistem secara umum terdiri dua buah sensor, yaitu sensor DHT11 untuk mendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban pada kandang ayam, dan sensor MQ135 untuk mendeteksi kadar gas amonia pada kandang ayam, dan terhubung ke jaringan internet melalui modul ESP8266 dengan mikrokontroler Arduino Mega 2560 yang bertujuan untuk mengupload data sensor ke web Firebase dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik sebagai sarana informasi pada kandang ayam. Pengujian dilakukan dengan tiga tahap yaitu konektivitas, fungsionalitas, dan delay. Uji konektivitas membuktikan bahwa ESP8266 dapat terhubung ke Acces Point dan jaringan internet, uji fungsionalitas membuktikan bahwa sensor dapat membaca gas, suhu dan kelembaban dan mengambil data. Dan terakhir adalah pengujian delay, dimana adalah mrnghitung lama proses dari mulai awal pembacaan sensor hingga data sampai di web berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) Firebase. Dari hasil perhitungan yang sudah dilakukan dalam pengujian, didapatkan bahwa waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk satu kali pengiriman membutuhkan waktu sebanyak 5-19 detik. Tentunya waktu tersebut dapat berubah karena terdapat aspek-aspek yang bisa menghambat koneksi internet, banyaknya perangkat yang terhubung pada suatu jaringan internet, namun tujuan penelitian ini sudah selesai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Kata kunci : Gas Berbahaya, Suhu dan Kelembaban, Sensor Gas dan Sensor Suhu dan Kelembaban, Firebas

    Menuju Desa Cerdas: Studi Kasus Pembangunan Desa Genteng di Sumedang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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    This research aims to identify the prospects and challenges for implementing smart villages using a case study of Genteng Village in West Java, Indonesia, according to the sustainable development perspective and the enabler factors of socio-economic factors, village’s technology, and environmental aspects. This research uses a qualitative approach to assess the potencies and challenges from social, economic, environmental, and infrastructure perspectives. This research conducts a field survey with in-depth interviews and observation in Genteng Village, Sukasari Sub-district, Sumedang Regency, West Java Province to tap the information needed. Interviews with stakeholders were conducted with informants representing the rural stakeholders consisted of village official government, village local champion/leader, and farmer group representatives. Researcher involvement in nearly two years in regular visits and observations before this research has enriched and validated the information obtained. This research found prospective local social capital components and economic potencies to develop using the smart village framework. Environment and infrastructure are relatively still the challenges to be overcome towards the smart village. This research concludes that Genteng Village is on the right track, though early-stage to develop as a smart village. External factors, mainly information and communication technology, will be one of the main driving factors for optimism in implementing a smart village in Genteng Village.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi prospek dan tantangan penerapan desa cerdas menggunakan studi kasus Desa Genteng di Jawa Barat, Indonesia, menurut perspektif pembangunan berkelanjutan dan faktor pendorong dari faktor sosial ekonomi, teknologi desa, dan aspek lingkungan. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menilai potensi dan tantangan dari perspektif sosial, ekonomi, lingkungan, dan infrastruktur. Penelitian ini melakukan survei lapangan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi di desa Genteng, Kecamatan Sukasari, Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat untuk menggali informasi yang dibutuhkan. Wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan dilakukan dengan informan yang mewakili pemangku kepentingan desa yang terdiri dari perangkat desa, tokoh masyarakat desa, dan perwakilan kelompok tani. Keterlibatan peneliti selama hampir dua tahun dalam kunjungan rutin dan observasi sebelum penelitian ini telah memperkaya dan memvalidasi informasi yang diperoleh. Studi ini menemukan potensi komponen modal sosial lokal dan potensi ekonomi untuk dikembangkan dengan kerangka kerja desa cerdas. Lingkungan dan infrastruktur relatif masih menjadi tantangan yang harus diatasi menuju desa cerdas. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa desa Genteng berada pada jalur yang benar meskipun masih dalam tahap awal untuk berkembang menjadi desa cerdas. Faktor eksternal, terutama teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, akan menjadi salah satu pendorong utama optimisme penerapan desa cerdas di Desa Genteng

    Evaluación del sistema de monitoreo inteligente con IoT en granja avícola

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Zootecnia. Departamento Académico de NutriciónEl objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el sistema de monitoreo inteligente basado en Internet de las cosas (IoT) dentro del proceso de crianza de pollos de carne de la línea Ross 308. Se utilizo este sistema que funciona enviando información sobre el estado de la calidad en los niveles de temperatura, humedad, peso, pH, y temperatura de agua. Al proporcionar la información de estos valores en tiempo real, y dentro del proceso productivo, nos permitió gestionar la toma de acciones de manera más rápida. Este sistema utilizo nodos con sensores específicos, para luego interconectarse a través de Redes de área amplia de baja potencia (LP-WAN) – Largo alcance (LoRa), y enviar la información a un Gateway, que subió la información a la nube con una señal de internet. La plataforma Ubidots, fue la que nos permitió almacenar, procesar, y visualizar los datos de toda la etapa de crianza desde la llegada, hasta los 35 días de edad. Los resultados mostraron, que el control de variables que intervienen en el desarrollo óptimo llevaron a una mejor ganancia de peso, y un mayor peso final. Se concluye que el sistema de monitoreo inteligente puede destacar como una solución basada en tecnología, y a través de un sistema integrado pueda crear estrategias, respuestas inmediatas, y control de variables importantes en toda la etapa de crianza de pollos de carne.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the intelligent monitoring system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) within the broiler rearing process of the Ross 308 line. This system was used, which works by sending information on the quality status in temperature, humidity, weight, pH, and water temperature levels. By providing information on these values in real time, and within the production process, it allowed us to manage the taking of actions more quickly. This system used nodes with specific sensors, to later interconnect through Low Power Wide Area Networks (LP-WAN) - Long Range (LoRa), and send the information to a Gateway, which uploaded the information to the cloud with a signal of Internet. The Ubidots platform was the one that allowed us to store, process, and visualize the data of the entire aging stage from arrival to 35 days of age. The results showed that the control of variables that intervene in the optimal development led to a better weight gain, and a higher final weight. It is concluded that the intelligent monitoring system can stand out as a solution based on technology, and through an integrated system it can create strategies, immediate responses, and control of important variables throughout the broiler rearing stage

    An IoT Smart Broiler Farming Model for Low Income Farmers

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    The coming of Internet of things (IoT) brings opportunities for the deploying of wireless sensor networks. One area of deployment is smart poultry farming to improve the quality and security of chicken varieties that include broilers. The quality of broilers produced is dependent on the environment in which the broilers are kept. In addition, the revenue of the farmer is guaranteed if theft of stock is prevented. The current methods farmers use are labour intensive and time consuming as they are manual. Leveraging the features of IoT and sensors can help to monitor the environment and ensure adverse conditions are reported for farmers to take action before they harm the livestock. Incorporating intruder detection when monitoring conditions in the environment can also prevent stock theft and that can increase the income obtained by farmers. For such a system to be widely adopted by low income farmers, the cost should be low compared commercially available climate control systems that are meant for commercial farmers. The system should also provide ease of use for less technically skilled farmers, reduce the time taken by farmers to take action in controlling theft and conditions in the environment and be accessible from any location other than the broiler house. In this paper, we propose a low-cost model that can be used to monitor conditions in the environment of a broiler house and send the values to the farmer in real-time. The proposed model is based on open source microcontrollers, ZigBee protocol, GSM network, mobile applications and cloud computing. </p

    An IoT Smart Broiler Farming Model for Low Income Farmers

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