9,205 research outputs found

    Assessing the approaches to learning of twinning programme students in Malaysia

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    The study set out to examine the psychometric properties of the scores obtained on the modified 20-item Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F). The study also investigated the relationship between scores on the R-SPQ-2F and students’ learning-related outcomes. In addition, it also examined for any relationships among student’s background variables of gender, choice of academic discipline, age, English language competency, approaches to learning, and learning-related outcomes. Data based on responses of 368 Malaysian students undertaking the twinning mode of study showed the modified R-SPQ-2F to be reliable and factorially valid. The findings also found deep approaches to learning were positively related to students’ learning-related outcomes, while surface approaches to learning were negatively associated.Students’ background characteristics such as choice of academic discipline and English language competency, and approaches to learning were good predictors of students’ learning-related outcomes

    Investigating the Efficacy of Algorithmic Student Modelling in Predicting Students at Risk of Failing in the Early Stages of Tertiary Education: Case study of experience based on first year students at an Institute of Technology in Ireland.

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    The application of data analytics to educational settings is an emerging and growing research area. Much of the published works to-date are based on ever-increasing volumes of log data that are systematically gathered in virtual learning environments as part of module delivery. This thesis took a unique approach to modelling academic performance; it is a first study to model indicators of students at risk of failing in first year of tertiary education, based on data gathered prior to commencement of first year, facilitating early engagement with at-risk students. The study was conducted over three years, in 2010 through 2012, and was based on a sample student population (n=1,207) aged between 18 and 60 from a range of academic disciplines. Data was extracted from both student enrolment data maintained by college administration, and an online, self-reporting, learner profiling tool developed specifically for this study. The profiling tool was administered during induction sessions for students enrolling into the first year of study. Twenty-four factors relating to prior academic performance, personality, motivation, self-regulation, learning approaches, learner modality, age and gender were considered. Eight classification algorithms were evaluated. Cross validation model accuracies based on all participants were compared with models trained on the 2010 and 2011 student cohorts, and tested on the 2012 student cohort. Best cross validation model accuracies were a Support Vector Machine (82%) and Neural Network (75%). The k-Nearest Neighbour model, which has received little attention in educational data mining studies, achieved highest model accuracy when applied to the 2012 student cohort (72%). The performance was similar to its cross validation model accuracy (72%). Model accuracies for other algorithms applied to the 2012 student cohort also compared favourably; for example Ensembles (71%), Support Vector Machine (70%) and a Decision Tree (70%). Models of subgroups by age and by academic discipline achieved higher accuracy than models of all participants, however, a larger sample size is needed to confirm results. Progressive sampling showed a sample size \u3e 900 was required to achieve convergence of model accuracy. Results showed that factors most predictive of academic performance in first year of study at tertiary education included age, prior academic performance and self-efficacy. Kinaesthetic modality was also indicative of students at risk of failing, a factor that has not been cited previously as a significant predictor of academic performance. Models reported in this study show that learner profiling completed prior to commencement of first year of study yielded informative and generalisable results that identified students at risk of failing. Additionally, model accuracies were comparable to models reported elsewhere that included data collected from student activity in semester one, confirming the validity of early student profiling

    Assessing the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale

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    This research project examined the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). The study assessed the construct validity and reliability of the scale as a measure of adult learner self-directedness for diverse groups of adult learners in the South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE) context. The study also assessed whether the factorial structure of the ALSDS was equivalent for adult learners across gender, race and age groups. Furthermore, the study assessed whether the various socio-demographic groups differed significantly on the sub-scale dimensions of the ALSDS; and explored whether a range of socio-biographical factors predicted adult learner self-directedness. This doctoral study has extended the student’s initial exploratory master’s study on the development and factorial structure of the ALSDS that involved a stratified random sample (N = 1 102) of ODeLHE adult learners. The secondary data set involved a random subsample of n = 747 of the original master’s sample data set. Exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed a three-factor solution for the ALSDS, with 15 items loading onto the three factors. The results provided evidence of the construct (convergent and discriminant) validity and internal consistency reliability of the three-factor ALSDS, including the construct equivalence of the scale’s factorial structure across the gender, race and age groups. Significant differences between age, race and gender groups were observed regarding the scale sub-dimensions. The study advances theory on adult learner self-directedness in ODeLHE contexts and contributed evidence of the validity and reliability of a shortened version of the ALSDS as a useful measure of adult learner self-directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also highlighted. Practically, the study highlighted assessing adult learners’ success orientation in ODeLHE, active academic activity and strategic utilisation of resources as aspects of enhancing their self-directedness. Support practices should be considered for especially females, black Africans and younger learner cohorts. ODeLHE practices should also consider learners’ mark for English, gender, access to library, number of modules and who students support financially as factors influencing learners’ level of self-directedness.Abstract/summary in English, Afrikaans and isiZuluDie navorsingsprojek het die psigometriese eienskappe van die selfgerigtheidskaal vir die volwasse leerder (ALSDS) ondersoek. Die studie het die konstruk-geldigheid en -betroubaarheid van die skaal geassesseer as 'n maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders vir diverse groepe van volwasse leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse ope, afstands- en e-leer-hoëronderwyskonteks (ODeLHE). Die studie het ook geassesseer of die fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS gelykstaande was vir volwasse leerders oor geslags-, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Verder het die studie geassesseer of die verskeie sosiodemografiese groepe beduidend verskil het op die subskaal-dimensies van die ALSDS en ondersoek of 'n reeks sosiobiografiese faktore selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders voorspel het. Hierdie doktorale studie het uitgebrei op die student se aanvanklike verkennende meesterstudie oor die ontwikkeling en fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS wat 'n gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproef van ODeLHE-volwasse leerders behels het (N = 1 102). Die sekondêre datastel het 'n ewekansige substeekproef behels van n = 747 van die oorspronklike meestersteekproef-datastel. Verkennende strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, verkennende faktorontleding en bekragtigende faktorontleding het 'n driefaktor-oplossing vir die ALSDS onthul, met 15 items wat op die drie faktore gelaai is. Die resultate verskaf bewyse van die konstruk (konvergerende en diskriminerende) geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid en betroubaarheid van die driefaktor-ALSDS, insluitende die konstruk-ekwivalensie van die skaal se fakulteitstruktuur oor die geslags, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Beduidende verskille tussen ouderdoms-, rasse- en geslagsgroepe is waargeneem rakende die skaalsubdimensies. Die studie bevorder teorie oor selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders in ODeLHE-kontekste en dra bewyse van die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van 'n verkorte weergawe van die ALSDS as 'n nuttige maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders. Psigometriese tekortkomings wat in toekomstige navorsing hanteer kan word, is ook beklemtoon. Prakties gesproke beklemtoon die studie die assessering van volwasse leerders se sukses-oriëntering in ODeLHE, aktiewe akademiese aktiwiteit en strategiese gebruik van hulpbronne as aspekte om hul selfgerigtheid te bevorder. Ondersteuningspraktyke moet oorweeg word vir veral vroue, swart Afrikaners en jonger leerderkohorte. ODeLHE-praktyke moet ook leerders se punt vir Engels, geslag, toegang tot 'n biblioteek, aantal modules en wie studente finansieel ondersteun, oorweeg as faktore wat leerders se vlak van selfgerigtheid beïnvloed.Le projekthi yocwaningo, ihlola ama-psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). Ucwaningo luhlola i-construct validity nokuthembeka kwe-scale njengendlela yokukala i-adult self-directedness kumaqembu ehlukene abafundi abadala kwisimo semfundo evulekile lapho abantu abafunda bekude esibizwa nge-South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE). Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlola nokuthi ngabe isimo ngamaqiniso e-ALSDS siyalingana yini kubafundi abadala kumaqembu obubili, bezinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye nabantu beminyaka ehlukene. Kanti futhi okunye, ucwaningo, luhlola ukuthi ngabe amaqembu emikhakha ehlukene ngokwe-sociodemographic ehlukene kakhulu maqondana nama-dimention e-ALSDS acutshungulwayo ukuthi ngabe ama-range emibandela yama-sociodemographic abonelela noma aqagela inqubo ye-adult leaner self-directedness. Lolu cwaningo lweziqu ze-doctoral study lubheke nocwaningo lokuqala lwabafundi be-masters ngentuthuko yesakhiwo se-factoral structure ye-ALSDS ebandakanye amasampuli akhethwe nje ngaphandle kokukhetha noma ukubeka imibandela ethize, okwaziwa nge-stratified random sample ye (N = 1 102) yabafundi abadala be-ODeLHE. Isethi ye-data yesekondari yona ibandakanya i-random subsample of n = 747 yesethi ye-data yabafundi bokuqala be-masters. I-Exploratory structural equation modelling, i-exploratory factor analysis kanye ne-confirmatory factor analysis eziveze izixazululo ezintathu ngama-ALSDS kuma-ayithemu angu 15 afakelwe kuma-factor amathathu. Imiphumela iveza ubufakazi be-construct (i-convergent and discriminant) validity kanye ne-internal consistency reliability yama-factor amathathu e-ALSDS abandakanya i- ix construct equivalence ye-scale's factorial structure, ukunqamuleza kumaqembu ngobulili, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye neminyaka yobudala ehlukene. Umehluko osemqoka phakathi kweminyaka yobudala, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye namaqembu eminyaka ehlukene uye wabonakaka maqondana ne-scale sub-dimensions. Ucwaningo luqhubela phambili ithiyori kwizimo zabafundi zokuziqhuba ngokufunda ezibizwa i-adult learner self-directedness kwi-ODeLHE, kanti futhi ithela esivivaneni kwi-reliability ye-version efinyeziwe ye-ALSDS njengesikali esiwusizo kwi-adult learner self-directedness. Okuyizihibe nge-psychometric okufanele kubhekwane nakho ngocwaningo lwangekusasa, kuye kwavezwa kwagqanyiswa. Ngokubonakala ngendlela ebambekayo, ucwaningo lugqamise ukuhlolwa kwempumelelo yabafundi abadala kwi-ODeLHE, umsebenzi omatasatasa we-akhademiki kanye nokusetshenziswa ngendlela yamasu abambekayo kwemithombo njengengxenye yokuthuthukisa i-self-directedness. Izinkambiso zokusekela kumele zibonelelwe, ikakhulukazi kwabesimame, abamnyama bama-Afrika kanye nabafundi abasebasha. Izinkambiso ze-ODeLHE kumele zibonelele namamaki abafundi olimi lwesiNgisi (i-English), ubulili, ukufinyelela emalayibhrari, inani lama-module kanye nokuthi ngabe abafundi bondla obani ngokwezimali njengemibandela enomthelela kwinqubo yokuthi abafundi bakwazi ukuziqhubela phambili ngokwenqubo ye-self-directedness.Business ManagementD.Com. (Business Management

    An overview of psychometric properties of the AUSSE Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ)

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    The quality of education is a product of what students do, and how teachers, support professionals and institutions support good educational practice. This means that measuring students’ participation in good educational practices and measuring how institutions support such participation goes to the heart of educational quality. An important link in this line of reasoning is that the instruments used for measurement provide valid, reliable and efficient measurement. This is essential, for otherwise insights into how students engage in education will be biased or diffuse and wrong decisions may be made that have serious implications for policy and practice. To that end, this briefing provides an overview of the psychometric properties of the Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ). The SEQ is administered as part of the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE) (ACER, 2011), and in a range of other applied and scholarly research studies. Since 2006, the SEQ has been deployed to over 600,000 students at all but one Australasian universities and in a growing number of other higher education providers. Over 200,000 people have completed the inventory

    Testing the validity of academic staff performance predictors and their effects on workforce performance

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    This study investigated the validity of quality culture (QC) and excellent work culture (EWC) constructs, and their effects on academic staff performance (ASP) mediated by EWC in selected West Malaysian higher education institutions (HEIs). The study included 1,068 faculty members from eight HEIs. The findings showed that QC construct is represented by nine separate elements, whereas two factors index both ASP and EWC. Moreover, the findings established evidence of construct reliability and validity in relation to the elements comprised the three constructs. The findings indicated that quality culture and excellent work culture have direct impact on ASP. The findings also showed that excellent work culture exhibits indirect causal effect on academic staff performance. This empirical study analyzed the mediating effect of EWC on ASP, which has not been extensively examined in the context of Malaysian HEIs

    Predictors of Academic Performance: General Factor of Personality and Emotional Intelligence

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    This item is only available electronically.The existence of higher-order factors of personality has attracted significant attention in recent years. Specifically, the General Factor of Personality (GFP) and meta-traits; Stability and Plasticity, as a result of several studies reporting moderate-to-strong correlations between the Big Five personality dimensions, which were originally conceptualised as orthogonal. However, the existence and influence of higher-order factors still remains unclear, with opposing explanations that argue the covariances are a statistical artifact derived from correlated measurement errors. Extending the existing literature, the present study (N = 688) analyzed pre-existing data from a questionnaire administered between 2010 to 2013 to third-year undergraduates. This study supported the presence of a GFP, but not for the meta-traits. In order to attain a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the GFP, the relationship between the single higher-order factor and an established construct, namely emotional intelligence (EI), was investigated, which revealed a large overlap between the GFP and EI (r = .94). Furthermore, it was reported that the GFP was a small but significant predictor of academic performance (AP), while EI was not. Severe multicollinearity prevented the examination of the incremental validity the GFP may have had on EI. Therefore, as a substitute Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) was investigated instead of EI, it was reported that the GFP did not have incremental validity above TER. This study yielded mixed findings and, thus, highlights the need for future research of higher-order factors on personality and the extent to which they offer anything above the existing established personality structures.Thesis (B.PsychSc(Hons)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 202

    The academic task performance scale:psychometric properties, and measurement invariance across ages, genders and nations

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    Academic task performance (TP) refers to the proficiency with which students perform in academic tasks through making the right choices and completing core tasks central to their academic studies, on time and to specification. We adapted Koopmans et al.’s task performance scale (TPS) for use within tertiary education and investigated its psychometric properties, internal consistency and measurement invariance across age, gender and national groups in university students (n = 3,265). The results showed that a hierarchical ESEM model with one higher-order task performance factor consisting of time management and task efficiency fitted the data best. The TPS exhibited full measurement invariance across gender and age groups, implying that the latent mean scores can be used to determine differences. However, invariance could only partially be established for national cohorts, implying that cross-national comparisons may not be possible. These findings offer preliminary support for the TPS as a valid instrument for gauging students’ academic task performance.</p

    University lecturers’ adaptability: Examining links with perceived autonomy support, organisational commitment, and psychological wellbeing

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    In this study, we examined associations between university lecturers’ perceived autonomy support (PAS), adaptability, organisational commitment, and psychological wellbeing. A sample of university lecturers (N = 102) from a single ex-polytechnic higher education institution in the United Kingdom completed validated scales for each construct in the spring term. Inspired by prior work in pre-tertiary education with schoolteachers, a conceptual model of predicted relations was developed and tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings showed that PAS was positively associated with lecturers’ adaptability, organisational commitment, and psychological wellbeing; however, adaptability was unable to influence these outcomes independently of its association with PAS. The findings extend prior work with schoolteachers suggesting that, while adaptability is of importance, its influence may be more salient at pre-tertiary level – where there is typically heightened regulation and lower autonomy – and less salient when autonomy options are wider, as is the case in higher education

    Investigating the Appropriateness and Validity of the Academic Motivation Scale-College Version for South African First-Year University Students

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    South African universities have one of the lowest graduation rates in the world, especially amongstfirst-year university students. South Africa’s first-year university students are taxed with tremendouschallenges. One of the most important amongst these challenges is considered to be academicmotivation, which is strongly related to students’ academic success. Despite this, to date, little work hasbeen undertaken to source and validate a reliable instrument to measure students’ academic motivation.This article is based on the proposition that there is a pressing need for a valid and reliable instrumentthat measures academic motivation and its effect on students’ academic success. The psychometricproperties of the Academic Motivation Scale-College version were examined for first-year universitystudents. The findings are promising for using this scale to measure academic motivation of first-yearuniversity students
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