224 research outputs found

    Information-seeking on the Web with Trusted Social Networks - from Theory to Systems

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    This research investigates how synergies between the Web and social networks can enhance the process of obtaining relevant and trustworthy information. A review of literature on personalised search, social search, recommender systems, social networks and trust propagation reveals limitations of existing technology in areas such as relevance, collaboration, task-adaptivity and trust. In response to these limitations I present a Web-based approach to information-seeking using social networks. This approach takes a source-centric perspective on the information-seeking process, aiming to identify trustworthy sources of relevant information from within the user's social network. An empirical study of source-selection decisions in information- and recommendation-seeking identified five factors that influence the choice of source, and its perceived trustworthiness. The priority given to each of these factors was found to vary according to the criticality and subjectivity of the task. A series of algorithms have been developed that operationalise three of these factors (expertise, experience, affinity) and generate from various data sources a number of trust metrics for use in social network-based information seeking. The most significant of these data sources is Revyu.com, a reviewing and rating Web site implemented as part of this research, that takes input from regular users and makes it available on the Semantic Web for easy re-use by the implemented algorithms. Output of the algorithms is used in Hoonoh.com, a Semantic Web-based system that has been developed to support users in identifying relevant and trustworthy information sources within their social networks. Evaluation of this system's ability to predict source selections showed more promising results for the experience factor than for expertise or affinity. This may be attributed to the greater demands these two factors place in terms of input data. Limitations of the work and opportunities for future research are discussed

    Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Social Information Retrieval for Technology-Enhanced Learning

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    Learning and teaching resource are available on the Web - both in terms of digital learning content and people resources (e.g. other learners, experts, tutors). They can be used to facilitate teaching and learning tasks. The remaining challenge is to develop, deploy and evaluate Social information retrieval (SIR) methods, techniques and systems that provide learners and teachers with guidance in potentially overwhelming variety of choices. The aim of the SIRTEL’09 workshop is to look onward beyond recent achievements to discuss specific topics, emerging research issues, new trends and endeavors in SIR for TEL. The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to present, and more importantly, to discuss the current status of research in SIR and TEL and its implications for science and teaching

    Stimulating Personal Development and Knowledge Sharing

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    Koper, R., Stefanov, K., & Dicheva, D. (Eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the 5th International TENCompetence Open Workshop "Stimulating Personal Development and Knowledge Sharing". October, 30-31, 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria: TENCompetence Workshop.The fifth open workshop of the TENCompetence project took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 30th to 31st October 2008. These proceedings contain the papers that were accepted for publication by the Program Committee.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    ALT-C 2011 Abstracts

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    This is a PDF of the abstracts for all the sessions at the 2011 ALT conference. It is designed to be used alongside the online version of the conference programme. It was made public on 1 September, with a "topped and tailed" made live on 2 September

    The future of social is personal: the potential of the personal data store

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    This chapter argues that technical architectures that facilitate the longitudinal, decentralised and individual-centric personal collection and curation of data will be an important, but partial, response to the pressing problem of the autonomy of the data subject, and the asymmetry of power between the subject and large scale service providers/data consumers. Towards framing the scope and role of such Personal Data Stores (PDSes), the legalistic notion of personal data is examined, and it is argued that a more inclusive, intuitive notion expresses more accurately what individuals require in order to preserve their autonomy in a data-driven world of large aggregators. Six challenges towards realising the PDS vision are set out: the requirement to store data for long periods; the difficulties of managing data for individuals; the need to reconsider the regulatory basis for third-party access to data; the need to comply with international data handling standards; the need to integrate privacy-enhancing technologies; and the need to future-proof data gathering against the evolution of social norms. The open experimental PDS platform INDX is introduced and described, as a means of beginning to address at least some of these six challenges

    Information Management for Digital Learners : Introduction, Challenges, and Concepts of Personal Information Management for Individual Learners

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    The current cultural transition of our society into a digital society influences all aspects of human life. New technologies like the Internet and mobile devices enable an unobstructed access to knowledge in worldwide networks. These advancements bring with them a great freedom in decisions and actions of individuals but also a growing demand for an appropriate mastering of this freedom of choice and the amount of knowledge that has become available today. Naturally, this observable rise and progress of new technologies—gently but emphatically becoming part of people’s everyday lives—not only changes the way people work, communicate, and shape their leisure but also the way people learn. This thesis is dedicated to an examination of how learners can meet these requirements with the support that modern technology is able to provide to learners. More precisely, this thesis places a particular emphasis that is absent from previous work in the field and thus makes it distinctive: the explicit focus on individual learners. As a result, the main concern of this thesis can be described as the examination, development, and implementation of personal information management in learning. Altogether two different steps towards a solution have been chosen: the development of a theoretical framework and its practical implementation into a comprehensive concept. To establish a theoretical framework for personal information management in learning, the spheres of learning, e-learning, and personalised learning have been combined with theories of organisational and personal knowledge management to form a so far unique holistic view of personal information management in learning. The development of this framework involves the identification of characteristics, needs, and challenges that distinguish individual learners from within the larger crowd of uniform learners. The theoretical framework defined within the first part is transferred to a comprehensive technical concept for personal information management in learning. The realisation and design of this concept as well as its practical implementation are strongly characterised by the utilisation of information retrieval techniques to support individual learners. The characteristic feature of the resulting system is a flexible architecture that enables the unified acquisition, representation, and organisation of information related to an individual’s learning and supports an improved find-ability of personal information across all relevant sources of information. The most important results of this thesis have been validated by a comparison with current projects in related areas and within a user study.Der gegenwärtige Wandel unserer Gesellschaft zu einer digitalen Gesellschaft hat weitreichenden Einfluss auf alle Aspekte des menschlichen Lebens. Neue Technologien wie das Internet und mobile Geräte zur Nutzung dieser Technologien ermöglichen einen nahezu ungehinderten Zugriff auf Wissen in weltweiten Netzwerken. Dieser Fortschritt bringt einerseits einen großen Freiheitsgrad für Entscheidungen und Handlungen des Einzelnen, andererseits aber auch eine immer lauter werdende Forderung nach Strategien für einen adäquaten Umgang mit dieser Freiheit und der verfügbaren Menge an Informationen. Naturgemäß verändern dieser Fortschritt und die zugehörigen Technologien nicht nur unser Arbeitsleben und den privaten Alltag, sondern auch die Art und Weise zu lernen. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie Lernende diesen neuen Anforderungen gerecht werden und mithilfe von modernen Technologien in einem adäquaten Informationsmanagement unterstützt werden können. Die Besonderheit liegt dabei in einem ausschließlichen Fokus individuell Lernender, genauer gesagt jenen, die sich eigenständig auf individuellen Lernpfaden bewegen. Zusammengefasst untersucht diese Arbeit daher Möglichkeiten des personalisierten Informationsmanagements für Lernende. Die Untersuchung dieser Fragestellung erfolgt auf zwei Ebenen. Die erste Ebene dieser Arbeit umfasst eine theoretische Untersuchung der Thematik. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein übergreifendes Rahmenwerk für das persönliche Informationsmanagement von Lernenden entwickelt, das eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung dieser Fragestellung ermöglicht. Das entwickelte Rahmenwerk zeichnet sich insbesondere durch eine Verschmelzung der Domänen E-Learning und Wissensmanagement aus. Dazu werden im Rahmen dieser theoretischen Untersuchung prägende Facetten des Lernens beschrieben und Theorien des organisatorischen Wissensmanagements zur Bewältigung des persönlichen Informationsmanagements untersucht. Dies führt schließlich zu einer Charakterisierung von individuell Lernenden, der Identifikation grundlegender Herausforderungen für diese Lernenden sowie einem Modell zur Beschreibung des individuellen Informations- und Wissensmanagements. Die zweite Ebene dieser Arbeit umfasst die Umsetzung des entwickelten Rahmenwerks in ein praktisches Konzept zur effizienten Verwaltung von persönlichen Lerninhalten und -informationen einzelner Lernender. Das realisierte System ist dabei durch die Berücksichtigung von Informationsbedürfnissen individuell Lernender sowie besonders durch den gezielten Einsatz von Information Retrieval Techniken zur Unterstützung dieser Lernenden gekennzeichnet. Das konstituierende Merkmal dieses Systems ist daher eine flexible Architektur, die die Erfassung von Lernobjekten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lernkontexts erlaubt. Detaillierter betrachtet ermöglicht die Erfassung von Basisinformation in Form von Lernobjekten in Kombination mit hierarchischen und nicht-hierarchischen Zusatzinformationen eine individuelle und umfassende Verwaltung von Lerninhalten und -informationen, die auch eine verbesserte Wiederauffindbarkeit dieser Informationen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt unterstützt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit werden aktuellen Entwicklungen und Projekten in verwandten Bereichen gegenübergestellt und im Rahmen einer Nutzerstudie grundlegend validiert

    Review of Learning in ICT-enabled Networks and Communities

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    This report is part of a project launched by IPTS with DG Education and Culture to study the innovations for learning, which are emerging in the new collaborative and informal settings enabled by ICT. The report gathers and analyses evidence from learning opportunities that are emerging in ICT-enabled networks and communities. In these new virtual spaces, participation is motivated by an interest to a topic, by creative production and by search for social connection. Online networks and communities emerge both within and across organisations as well as in a completely open and bottom-up manner. Accessing, following, and contributing to the communities can lead to a range of learning outcomes. New technologies afford tools and means for people to participate in communities in a personally meaningful way. However, not all individuals are necessarily equipped with skills or knowledge to benefit from these opportunities for their lifelong learning. Major challenges relate both to the initial barriers for accessing online communities with confident and critical digital competence and skills for self-regulated learning. Finding ways to identify, assess and certify relevant learning and new skills that can be obtained and practiced in these environments is a major task. The report argues that educational institutions should find ways to connect with and learn from these new learning approaches and settings in order to bring about their own transformation for the 21st century, and to support competence building for new jobs and personal development with a learner-centred and lifelong perspective.JRC.J.4-Information Societ