12 research outputs found

    Initial algebra for a system of right-linear functors

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    In 2003 we showed that right-linear systems of equations over regular expressions, when interpreted in a category of trees, have a solution when ever they enjoy a specific property that we called hierarchicity and that is instrumental to avoid critical mutual recursive definitions. In this note, we prove that a right-linear system of polynomial endofunctors on a cocartesian monoidal closed category which enjoys parameterized left list arithmeticity, has an initial algebra, provided it satisfies a property similar to hierarchicity

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    Initial algebra for a system of right-linear functors

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    In 2003 we showed that right-linear systems of equations over regular expressions, when interpreted in a category of trees, have a solution whenever they enjoy a specific property that we called hierarchicity and that is instrumental to avoid critical mutual recursive definitions. In this note, we prove that a right-linear system of polynomial endofunctors on a cocartesian monoidal closed category which enjoys parameterized left list arithmeticity, has an initial algebra, provided it satisfies a property similar to hierarchicity

    A Python programozási nyelvrƑl statisztikusoknak

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    A cikk megĂ­rĂĄsĂĄnĂĄl az a cĂ©l vezĂ©relte a szerzƑt, hogy egy olyan bevezetƑ leĂ­rĂĄst adjon a Python programozĂĄsi nyelvrƑl, amely könnyen Ă©rthetƑ a programfejlesztĂ©sben mĂ©g kezdƑ, de a statisztikĂĄban mĂĄr jĂĄrtas szakember szĂĄmĂĄra. A tanulmĂĄny lĂ©pĂ©srƑl lĂ©pĂ©sre mutatja be a Python nyelvƱ programozĂĄs szĂ©psĂ©geit, felvĂĄzol egy utat, amelyen jĂĄrva könnyen eljutunk egy futtathatĂł kĂłdig, de egyben felhĂ­vja a figyelmet a Python nyelvben rejlƑ buktatĂłkra is. A pĂ©ldakĂ©nt hasznĂĄlt statisztikai mĂłdszerek többsĂ©ge szĂĄndĂ©kosan alapszintƱ, egyetlen kivĂ©tel a klaszteranalĂ­zis. UtolsĂł lĂ©pĂ©skĂ©nt a szerzƑ rĂĄmutat az adatvizualizĂĄciĂł fontossĂĄgĂĄra, Ă©s pĂ©ldĂĄkon keresztĂŒl ismerteti a Python programnyelv lehetƑsĂ©geit ezen a tĂ©ren is

    A hierarchy of languages, logics, and mathematical theories

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    We present mathematics from a foundational perspective as a hierarchy in which each tier consists of a language, a logic, and a mathematical theory. Each tier in the hierarchy subsumes all preceding tiers in the sense that its language, logic, and mathematical theory generalize all preceding languages, logics, and mathematical theories. Starting from the root tier, the mathematical theories in this hierarchy are: combinatory logic restricted to the identity I, combinatory logic, ZFC set theory, constructive type theory, and category theory. The languages of the first four tiers correspond to the languages of the Chomsky hierarchy: in combinatory logic Ix = x gives rise to a regular language; the language generated by S, K in combinatory logic is context-free; first-order logic is context-sensitive; and the typed lambda calculus of type theory is recursively enumerable. The logic of each tier can be characterized in terms of the cardinality of the set of its truth values: combinatory logic restricted to I has 0 truth values, while combinatory logic has 1, first-order logic 2, constructive type theory 3, and categeory theory omega_0. We conjecture that the cardinality of objects whose existence can be established in each tier is bounded; for example, combinatory logic is bounded in this sense by omega_0 and ZFC set theory by the least inaccessible cardinal. We also show that classical recursion theory presents a framework for generating the above hierarchy in terms of the initial functions zero, projection, and successor followed by composition and m-recursion, starting with the zero function I in combinatory logic This paper begins with a theory of glossogenesis, i.e. a theory of the origin of language, since this theory shows that natural language has deep connections to category theory and since it was through these connections that the last tier and ultimately the whole hierarchy were discovered. The discussion covers implications of the hierarchy for mathematics, physics, cosmology, theology, linguistics, extraterrestrial communication, and artificial intelligence

    Knowledge Transfer, Templates, and the Spillovers

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    Mathematical models and their modeling frameworks developed to advance knowledge in one discipline are sometimes sourced to answer questions or solve problems in another discipline. Studying this aspect of cross-disciplinary transfer of knowledge objects, philosophers of science have weighed in on the question of whether knowledge about how a mathematical model is previously applied in one discipline is necessary for the success of reapplying said model in a different discipline. However, not much has been said about whether the answer to that epistemological question applies to the reapplication of a modeling framework. More generally, regarding the nature of the production of knowledge in science, a metaphysical question remains to be explored whether historical contingencies associated with a mathematical construct have a genuine impact on the nature—as opposed to sociological practices or individual psychology—of advancing scientific knowledge with said construct. Focusing on this metaphysical question, this paper analyzes the use of mathematical logic in the development of the Chomsky hierarchy and subsequent reapplications of said hierarchy; with these examples, this paper develops the notion of “spillovers” as a way to detect cross-disciplinary justifications for better understanding the relations between reapplications of the same mathematical construct across disciplines

    Progress and challenges for the machine learning-based design of fit-for-purpose monoclonal antibodies

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    Although the therapeutic efficacy and commercial success of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are tremendous, the design and discovery of new candidates remain a time and cost-intensive endeavor. In this regard, progress in the generation of data describing antigen binding and developability, computational methodology, and artificial intelligence may pave the way for a new era of in silico on-demand immunotherapeutics design and discovery. Here, we argue that the main necessary machine learning (ML) components for an in silico mAb sequence generator are: understanding of the rules of mAb-antigen binding, capacity to modularly combine mAb design parameters, and algorithms for unconstrained parameter-driven in silico mAb sequence synthesis. We review the current progress toward the realization of these necessary components and discuss the challenges that must be overcome to allow the on-demand ML-based discovery and design of fit-for-purpose mAb therapeutic candidates

    Compiler Generator: Considerazioni e Confronti

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    Dopo aver definito e descritto in modo accurato il linguaggio, la grammatica, gli automi e i riconoscitori deterministici, il presente lavoro si incentra sul descrivere ed esaminare alcuni strumenti atti allo sviluppo di prototipi di traduttori, allo scopo di sottolineare le differenze di gestione e di analisi tra i vari prototipi presi in esame. Vengono messi in evidenza, inoltre, anche l’aspetto sintattico e l’aspetto semantico dei parser esaminati. Quello su cui la nostra tesi si Ăš maggiormente concentrata Ăš il parser generator Yacc per le grammatiche LALR(1), del quale sono stati messi in evidenza le caratteristiche principali e il modo in cui si serve delle grammatiche. Sono state quindi ricercate, negli strumenti successivi come Bison, Essence e Coco/R, le innovazioni rispetto a Yacc, che resta comunque, ancora oggi, uno degli strumenti piĂč diffusi nel settore