5 research outputs found

    Real time collision warning system in the context of vehicle-to-vehicle data exchange based on drivings behaviours analysis

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    Worldwide injuries in vehicle accidents have been on the rise in recent years, mainly due to driver error regardless of technological innovations and advancements for vehicle safety. Consequently, there is a need for a reliable-real time warning system that can alert drivers of a potential collision. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) is an extensive area of ongoing research and development which has started to revolutionize the driving experience. Driving behaviour is a subject of extensive research which gains special attention due to the relationship between speeding behaviour and crashes as drivers who engage in frequent and extreme speeding behaviour are overinvolved in crashes. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) set guidelines on how different vehicle automation levels may reduce vehicle crashes and how the use of on-board short-range sensors coupled with V2V technologies can help facilitate communication among vehicles. Based on the previous works, it can be seen that the assessment of drivers’ behaviours using their trajectory data is a fresh and open research field. Most studies related to driving behaviours in terms of acceleration�deceleration are evaluated at the laboratory scale using experimental results from actual vehicles. Towards this end, a five-stage methodology for a new collision warning system in the context of V2V based on driving behaviours has been designed. Real-time V2V hardware for data collection purposes was developed. Driving behaviour was analyzed in different timeframes prior obtained from actual driving behaviour in an urban environment collected from OBD-II adapter and GPS data logger of an instrumented vehicle. By measuring the in-vehicle accelerations, it is possible to categorize the driving behaviour into four main classes based on real-time experiments: safe drivers, normal, aggressive, and dangerous drivers. When the vehicle is in a risk situation, the system based on NRF24L01+PA/LNA, GPS, and OBD-II will pass a signal to the driver using a dedicated LCD and LED light signal. The driver can instantly decide to make the vehicle in a safe mood, effectively avoid the happening of vehicle accidents. The proposed solution provides two main functions: (1) the detection of the dangerous vehicles involved in the road, and (2) the display of a message informing the driver if it is safe or unsafe to pass. System performance was evaluated to ensure that it achieved the primary objective of improving road safety in the extreme behaviour of the driver in question either the safest (or the least aggressive) and the most unsafe (or the most aggressive). The proposed methodology has retained some advantages for other literature studies because of the simultaneous use of speed, acceleration, and vehicle location. The V2V based on driving behaviour experiments shows the effectiveness of the selected approach predicts behaviour with an accuracy of over 87% in sixty-four real-time scenarios presented its capability to detect behaviour and provide a warning to nearby drivers. The system failed detection only in few times when the receiving vehicle missed data due to high speed during the test as well as the distances between the moving vehicles, the data was not received correctly since the power transmitted, the frequency range of the signals, the antenna relative positions, and the number of in-range vehicles are of interest for the V2V test scenarios. The latter result supports the conclusion that warnings that efficiently and quickly transmit their information may be better when driver are under stress or time pressure

    An integrated simulation environment for testing V2X protocols and applications

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    Implementation of Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication technologies, for traffic management, has been envisioned to have a plethora of far-reaching and useful consequences. However, before any hardware/software infrastructure can be developed and implemented, a thorough phase of testing is warranted. Since actual vehicles and traffic conditions cannot be physically re-constructed, it is imperative that accurate simulation tools exist in order to model pragmatic traffic scenarios and communication amongst the participating vehicles. In order to realize this need of simulating V2X technology, we have created an integrated simulation environment that combines three software packages, VISSIM (traffic modelling), MATLAB (traffic management applications) and NS3 (Communication network simulation). The combination of the simulators, has been carried out in a manner that allows on-line exchange of data amongst them. This enables one to visualize whether a traffic management algorithm creates the desired effect and also the efficacy of the communication protocol used. In order to test the simulator, we have modelled the Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) application, whose objective is communication of the present traffic signal phase information to oncoming vehicles using a transmitting unit installed on the signal itself. This information will allow the vehicles to calculate the desired speeds necessary to cross the relevant intersection without stopping. Therefore, a “Green Wave” can be created for all vehicles without the need to coordinate traffic signal timers, which can be rather complex in a multiple intersection traffic corridor

    An integrated simulation environment for testing V2X protocols and applications Citation for published version (APA): An integrated simulation environment for testing V2X protocols and applications

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    Abstract Implementation of Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication technologies, for traffic management, has been envisioned to have a plethora of far-reaching and useful consequences. However, before any hardware/software infrastructure can be developed and implemented, a thorough phase of testing is warranted. Since actual vehicles and traffic conditions cannot be physically re-constructed, it is imperative that accurate simulation tools exist in order to model pragmatic traffic scenarios and communication amongst the participating vehicles. In order to realize this need of simulating V2X technology, we have created an integrated simulation environment that combines three software packages, VISSIM (traffic modelling), MATLAB (traffic management applications) and NS3 (communication network simulation). The combination of the simulators, has been carried out in a manner that allows on-line exchange of data amongst them. This enables one to visualize whether a traffic management algorithm creates the desired effect and also the efficacy of the communication protocol used. In order to test the simulator, we have modelled the Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) application, whose objective is communication of the present traffic signal phase information to oncoming vehicles using a transmitting unit installed on the signal itself. This information will allow the vehicles to calculate the desired speeds necessary to cross the relevant intersection without stopping. Therefore, a "Green Wave" can be created for all vehicles without the need to coordinate traffic signal timers, which can be rather complex in a multiple intersection traffic corridor

    Investigation of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication for Autonomous Control of Connected Vehicles

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    Autonomous Driving Vehicles (ADVs) has received considerable attention in recent years by academia and industry, bringing about a paradigm shift in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), where vehicles operate in close proximity through wireless communication. It is envisioned as a promising technology for realising efficient and intelligent transportation systems, with potential applications for civilian and military purposes. Vehicular network management for ADVs is challenging as it demands mobility, location awareness, high reliability, and low latency data traffic. This research aims to develop and implement vehicular communication in conjunction with a driving algorithm for ADVs feedback control system with a specific focus on the safe displacement of vehicle platoon while sensing the surrounding environment, such as detecting road signs and communicate with other road users such as pedestrian, motorbikes, non-motorised vehicles and infrastructure. However, in order to do so, one must investigate crucial aspects related to the available technology, such as driving behaviour, low latency communication requirement, communication standards, and the reliability of such a mechanism to decrease the number of traffic accidents and casualties significantly. To understand the behaviour of wireless communication compared to the theoretical data rates, throughput, and roaming behaviour in a congested indoor line-of-sight heterogeneous environment, we first carried out an experimental study for IEEE 802.11a, 802.11n and 802.11ac standards in a 5 GHz frequency spectrum. We validated the results with an analytical path loss model as it is essential to understand how the client device roams or decides to roam from one Access Point to another and vice-versa. We observed seamless roaming between the tested protocols irrespective of their operational environment (indoor or outdoor); their throughput efficiency and data rate were also improved by 8-12% when configured with Short Guard Interval (SGI) of 400ns compared to the theoretical specification of the tested protocols. Moreover, we also investigated the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for vehicular communication and compared it with the traditional network, which is generally incorporated vertically where control and data planes are bundled collectively. The SDN helped gain more flexibility to support multiple core networks for vehicular communication and tackle the potential challenges of network scalability for vehicular applications raised by the ADVs. In particular, we demonstrate that the SDN improves throughput efficiency by 4% compared to the traditional network while ensuring efficient bandwidth and resource management. Finally, we proposed a novel data-driven coordination model which incorporates Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication and Intelligent Driver Model (IDM), together called V2X Enabled Intelligent Driver Model (VX-IDM). Our model incorporates a Car-Following Model (CFM), i.e., IDM, to model a vehicle platoon in an urban and highway traffic scenario while ensuring the vehicle platoon's safety with the integration of IEEE 802.11p Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication scheme. The model integrates the 802.11p V2I communication channel with the IDM in MATLAB using ODE‐45 and utilises the 802.11p simulation toolbox for configuring vehicular channels. To demonstrate model functionality in urban and highway traffic environments, we developed six case studies. We also addressed the heterogeneity issue of wireless networks to improve the overall network reliability and efficiency by estimating the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) parameters for the platoon vehicle's displacement and location on the road from Road-Side-Units (RSUs). The simulation results showed that inter-vehicle spacing could be steadily maintained at a minimum safe value at all the time. Moreover, the model has a fault-tolerant mechanism that works even when communication with infrastructure is interrupted or unavailable, making the VX-IDM model collision-free