21 research outputs found

    An integrated reusable remote laboratory to complement electronics teaching

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    The great majority of the courses on science and technology areas where lab work is a fundamental part of the apprenticeship was not until recently available to be taught at distance. This reality is changing with the dissemination of remote laboratories. Supported by resources based on new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to remotely control a wide variety of real laboratories. However, most of them are designed specifically to this purpose, are inflexible and only on its functionality they resemble the real ones. In this paper, an alternative remote lab infrastructure devoted to the study of electronics is presented. Its main characteristics are, from a teacher's perspective, reusability and simplicity of use, and from a students' point of view, an exact replication of the real lab, enabling them to complement or finish at home the work started at class. The remote laboratory is integrated in the Learning Management System in use at the school, and therefore, may be combined with other web experiments and e-learning strategies, while safeguarding security access issues

    A flexible online apparatus for projectile launch experiments

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    In order to provide a more flexible learning environment in physics, the developed projectile launch apparatus enables students to determine the acceleration of gravity and the dependence of a set of parameters in the projectile movement. This apparatus is remotely operated and accessed via web, by first scheduling an access time slot. This machine has a number of configuration parameters that support different learning scenarios with different complexities

    The development of a remote laboratory for distance learning at Loughborough University

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    The increasing deployment of photovoltaic systems requires large numbers of skilled engineers with a greater understanding of all aspects of PV technology both theoretical and practical. Developing experimental rigs at universities is expensive and limited to students physically attending the university. One recent approach to increase access to laboratories is the development of remote experiments. Here students can control real experimental equipment using a visual interface via the Internet. In this paper we explore the development of a photovoltaic laboratory to enable users to access and remotely control experimental equipment based at Loughborough University from anywhere in the world

    Testing Bench for Remote Practical Training in Electric Machines

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    Remote labs are emerging as a necessary tool to support practical classes in engineering studies. It is due to the increasing number of students who combine their studies with work. In fact, there are numerous developments in areas such as electronics and automatic. However, there are only a few of them in the area of electrical machines. This paper presents a testing bench for remote practical training in electric machines. The security challenges presented by these experiments are overcome by software within the remote lab. In addition, a friendly interface has been designed including augmented reality to identify the different elements and to provide information on these items if the student requires it. The testing bench has been developed to be used in different kinds of electrical machines test

    Online instrument systems in reality for remote wiring and measurement of electronic in e-learning from LabVIEW+NI ELVIS II vs embedded system+web services

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    Recently The prestigious universities of the world strive and aim to computerize their distance education service and more specifically the remote practical work, which allows students to manipulate electronic experiments via the web, for to solve a set of problems: pedagogical, management, security, restriction by time and place and the problems the overcrowding of students in universities. This paper will describe the E@SLab system developed by the university Cadi Ayyad member of the e-live project funded by EU in the frame of ERASMUS+E@SLab is based on the latest technologies of development and respects educational and pedagogical standards. E@SLab offers 2 versions different of remote laboratory: first version (s1) is an embedded system its part software is node js+Ubuntu and the part hardware a card pcduino or raspebery. The second version (s2) is based on LABview and its hardware part is the NI ELVIS II pedagogical map. In this paper, we will compare and discuss the architecture, performance of the 2 versions of E@SLAB and review other famous approaches NetLab, VISIR, for comparing with E@SLab with the intention show its singularity

    A Literature Review on Indicators for the Measurement of Technology Mediated Learning Productivity: 2000 to 2011

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    Measuring Technology Mediated Learning (TML) success has been and is of great interest to both researchers and practitioners. This article examines multidimensional approaches to measuring learning success, considering IT- and non-IT-supported learning scenarios, examined by researchers from various research disciplines. We explore the current state of research on TML success through a literature review by classifying empirically-oriented articles that were published between 2000 and 2011. Based on a total of 91 articles published in academic journal publications, this paper identifies the relevant research carried out, categorizes and consolidates the research results, and discusses them. The results show that those approaches are most dominant which empirically analyze the impact of a certain type of educational service on a student / participant by means of surveys and structural equation modeling to capture users’ responses. No main theoretical basis of the reviewed studies could be identified. Furthermore, opportunities for additional development are identified and future research directions suggested

    The Educational Benefit of a Remote Automatic Control Laboratory. A Win-Win Collaboration between Asia and Europe

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    This project aims to implement a Remote European Asian Lab, an Automatic Control remote laboratory, in the joint academic cooperation framework between two universities located in Europe and Central Asia. Emphasis is given to the inclusive solution of a shared teaching facility and its learning achievements in a bachelor course (Uzbekistan) and a master course (Italy) to foresee a better education quality. The different cultural and social contexts allow (a) the evaluation of the effect obtained by introducing a remote laboratory experience in a course entirely theoretical, and (b) the shift from a physical laboratories experience to a remote one. Students are first introduced to this laboratory by the lecturer in dedicated classes. Then students can independently access it 24/7 by simply booking a specific station for a time slot. From the analysis comes out that remote laboratory experiences positively impact learning achievements. The benefits of the remote environment are perfectly comparable with those obtained from physical laboratory activities

    Streamlining Power Electronics Teaching

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    This work intends to introduce the use of remote laboratories for power electronics teaching, by means of VISIR (Virtual Instrument System in Reality). The system is applied for the analysis of two simple circuits, a RC filter and an AC measuring network. The proposed methodology introduces remote activities after theoretical lessons, pen and pencil exercises, circuit simulations, and on-site laboratory experimentation. This strategy has been validated by professors and a pilot group of students at the Electronics Department of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. As a general conclusion, remote labs contribute to learning, but cannot substitute completely on-site laboratories.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teaching and learning Operational Amplifiers using a reconfigurable and expandable kit

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    Operational Amplifiers (OpAmps) are one of the most important integrated circuits in the area of electronics. These type of devices are widely adopted in the area since they allow the design of simple and/or complex analogue circuits without many efforts. It is therefore fundamental to create innovative educational solutions to facilitate their teaching and learning, and in particular the inclusion of more experimental work in a course curricula. For this purpose, it was designed and implemented a reconfigurable and expandable kit to teach and learn electronic circuits based on the OpAmp uA741. The kit comprises a software application and a hardware platform. The software application allows the simulation and the reconfiguration of real electronic circuits based on the OpAmp uA741 included in the hardware platform. For measuring and/or applying signals to a particular reconfigured circuit, users may establish automatic connections. In this paper it is described the features and functionalities provided by the kit, and an overview about the OpAmp uA741. At the end, some teachers’ opinions about their perceptions concerning a possible adoption of the kit in a real educational scenario are presented.N/