555 research outputs found

    Image Automatic Categorisation using Selected Features Attained from Integrated Non-Subsampled Contourlet with Multiphase Level Sets

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    A framework of automatic detection and categorization of Breast Cancer (BC) biopsy images utilizing significant interpretable features is initially considered in discussed work. Appropriate efficient techniques are engaged in layout steps of the discussed framework. Different steps include 1.To emphasize the edge particulars of tissue structure; the distinguished Non-Subsampled Contourlet (NSC) transform is implemented. 2. For the demarcation of cells from background, k-means, Adaptive Size Marker Controlled Watershed, two proposed integrated methodologies were discussed. Proposed Method-II, an integrated approach of NSC and Multiphase Level Sets is preferred to other segmentation practices as it proves better performance 3. In feature extraction phase, extracted 13 shape morphology, 33 textural (includes 6 histogram, 22 Haralick’s, 3 Tamura’s, 2 Graylevel Run-Length Matrix,) and 2 intensity features from partitioned tissue images for 96 trained image

    Automatic nuclei segmentation in H&E stained breast cancer histopathology images

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    The introduction of fast digital slide scanners that provide whole slide images has led to a revival of interest in image analysis applications in pathology. Segmentation of cells and nuclei is an important first step towards automatic analysis of digitized microscopy images. We therefore developed an automated nuclei segmentation method that works with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained breast cancer histopathology images, which represent regions of whole digital slides. The procedure can be divided into four main steps: 1) pre-processing with color unmixing and morphological operators, 2) marker-controlled watershed segmentation at multiple scales and with different markers, 3) post-processing for rejection of false regions and 4) merging of the results from multiple scales. The procedure was developed on a set of 21 breast cancer cases (subset A) and tested on a separate validation set of 18 cases (subset B). The evaluation was done in terms of both detection accuracy (sensitivity and positive predictive value) and segmentation accuracy (Dice coefficient). The mean estimated sensitivity for subset A was 0.875 (±0.092) and for subset B 0.853 (±0.077). The mean estimated positive predictive value was 0.904 (±0.075) and 0.886 (±0.069) for subsets A and B, respectively. For both subsets, the distribution of the Dice coefficients had a high peak around 0.9, with the vast majority of segmentations having values larger than 0.8. © 2013 Veta et al

    Basic Science to Clinical Research: Segmentation of Ultrasound and Modelling in Clinical Informatics

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    The world of basic science is a world of minutia; it boils down to improving even a fraction of a percent over the baseline standard. It is a domain of peer reviewed fractions of seconds and the world of squeezing every last ounce of efficiency from a processor, a storage medium, or an algorithm. The field of health data is based on extracting knowledge from segments of data that may improve some clinical process or practice guideline to improve the time and quality of care. Clinical informatics and knowledge translation provide this information in order to reveal insights to the world of improving patient treatments, regimens, and overall outcomes. In my world of minutia, or basic science, the movement of blood served an integral role. The novel detection of sound reverberations map out the landscape for my research. I have applied my algorithms to the various anatomical structures of the heart and artery system. This serves as a basis for segmentation, active contouring, and shape priors. The algorithms presented, leverage novel applications in segmentation by using anatomical features of the heart for shape priors and the integration of optical flow models to improve tracking. The presented techniques show improvements over traditional methods in the estimation of left ventricular size and function, along with plaque estimation in the carotid artery. In my clinical world of data understanding, I have endeavoured to decipher trends in Alzheimer’s disease, Sepsis of hospital patients, and the burden of Melanoma using mathematical modelling methods. The use of decision trees, Markov models, and various clustering techniques provide insights into data sets that are otherwise hidden. Finally, I demonstrate how efficient data capture from providers can achieve rapid results and actionable information on patient medical records. This culminated in generating studies on the burden of illness and their associated costs. A selection of published works from my research in the world of basic sciences to clinical informatics has been included in this thesis to detail my transition. This is my journey from one contented realm to a turbulent one

    Medical Image Segmentation by Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Medical image segmentation is a fundamental and critical step for medical image analysis. Due to the complexity and diversity of medical images, the segmentation of medical images continues to be a challenging problem. Recently, deep learning techniques, especially Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) have received extensive research and achieve great success in many vision tasks. Specifically, with the advent of Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs), automatic medical image segmentation based on FCNs is a promising research field. This thesis focuses on two medical image segmentation tasks: lung segmentation in chest X-ray images and nuclei segmentation in histopathological images. For the lung segmentation task, we investigate several FCNs that have been successful in semantic and medical image segmentation. We evaluate the performance of these different FCNs on three publicly available chest X-ray image datasets. For the nuclei segmentation task, since the challenges of this task are difficulty in segmenting the small, overlapping and touching nuclei, and limited ability of generalization to nuclei in different organs and tissue types, we propose a novel nuclei segmentation approach based on a two-stage learning framework and Deep Layer Aggregation (DLA). We convert the original binary segmentation task into a two-step task by adding nuclei-boundary prediction (3-classes) as an intermediate step. To solve our two-step task, we design a two-stage learning framework by stacking two U-Nets. The first stage estimates nuclei and their coarse boundaries while the second stage outputs the final fine-grained segmentation map. Furthermore, we also extend the U-Nets with DLA by iteratively merging features across different levels. We evaluate our proposed method on two public diverse nuclei datasets. The experimental results show that our proposed approach outperforms many standard segmentation architectures and recently proposed nuclei segmentation methods, and can be easily generalized across different cell types in various organs

    Automatic segmentation of overlapping cervical smear cells based on local distinctive features and guided shape deformation

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    Automated segmentation of cells from cervical smears poses great challenge to biomedical image analysis because of the noisy and complex background, poor cytoplasmic contrast and the presence of fuzzy and overlapping cells. In this paper, we propose an automated segmentation method for the nucleus and cytoplasm in a cluster of cervical cells based on distinctive local features and guided sparse shape deformation. Our proposed approach is performed in two stages: segmentation of nuclei and cellular clusters, and segmentation of overlapping cytoplasm. In the rst stage, a set of local discriminative shape and appearance cues of image superpixels is incorporated and classi ed by the Support Vector Machine (SVM) to segment the image into nuclei, cellular clusters, and background. In the second stage, a robust shape deformation framework is proposed, based on Sparse Coding (SC) theory and guided by representative shape features, to construct the cytoplasmic shape of each overlapping cell. Then, the obtained shape is re ned by the Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution (DRLSE) model. We evaluated our approach using the ISBI 2014 challenge dataset, which has 135 synthetic cell images for a total of 810 cells. Our results show that our approach outperformed existing approaches in segmenting overlapping cells and obtaining accurate nuclear boundaries. Keywords: overlapping cervical smear cells, feature extraction, sparse coding, shape deformation, distance regularized level set

    Correlation filters for detection of cellular nuclei in histopathology images

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    Nuclei detection in histology images is an essential part of computer aided diagnosis of cancers and tumors. It is a challenging task due to diverse and complicated structures of cells. In this work, we present an automated technique for detection of cellular nuclei in hematoxylin and eosin stained histopathology images. Our proposed approach is based on kernelized correlation filters. Correlation filters have been widely used in object detection and tracking applications but their strength has not been explored in the medical imaging domain up till now. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme gives state of the art accuracy and can learn complex nuclear morphologies. Like deep learning approaches, the proposed filters do not require engineering of image features as they can operate directly on histopathology images without significant preprocessing. However, unlike deep learning methods, the large-margin correlation filters developed in this work are interpretable, computationally efficient and do not require specialized or expensive computing hardware. Availability: A cloud based webserver of the proposed method and its python implementation can be accessed at the following URL: http://faculty.pieas.edu.pk/fayyaz/software.html#corehist
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