78 research outputs found

    An Integrated Haptic System combining VR, a Markerless Motion Capture System & Tactile Actuators

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    In the industrial environments, it is common that robotic or remote interaction with both rigid objects and soft or deformable objects is required. However, it is usual in such an environment that only one mode of manipulation is used, and that little or no distinction is made between rigid or deformable objects. The ability to “feel” or touch an object easy a naturalistic way to determine what type of object is being manipulated. By feeling an object appropriate manipulation techniques can be applied. A novel Virtual Reality (VR) interface is presented that incorporates tactile feedback in order to “feel” objects being manipulated. Incorporation of an important extra “sense” into such a system allows far more nuanced and dexterous interaction to occur in manufacturing environments that may be “messy”, have imprecisely located objects or that have a range of different materials present

    Ambient Intelligence for Next-Generation AR

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    Next-generation augmented reality (AR) promises a high degree of context-awareness - a detailed knowledge of the environmental, user, social and system conditions in which an AR experience takes place. This will facilitate both the closer integration of the real and virtual worlds, and the provision of context-specific content or adaptations. However, environmental awareness in particular is challenging to achieve using AR devices alone; not only are these mobile devices' view of an environment spatially and temporally limited, but the data obtained by onboard sensors is frequently inaccurate and incomplete. This, combined with the fact that many aspects of core AR functionality and user experiences are impacted by properties of the real environment, motivates the use of ambient IoT devices, wireless sensors and actuators placed in the surrounding environment, for the measurement and optimization of environment properties. In this book chapter we categorize and examine the wide variety of ways in which these IoT sensors and actuators can support or enhance AR experiences, including quantitative insights and proof-of-concept systems that will inform the development of future solutions. We outline the challenges and opportunities associated with several important research directions which must be addressed to realize the full potential of next-generation AR.Comment: This is a preprint of a book chapter which will appear in the Springer Handbook of the Metavers

    How to Build an Embodiment Lab: Achieving Body Representation Illusions in Virtual Reality

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    Advances in computer graphics algorithms and virtual reality (VR) systems, together with the reduction in cost of associated equipment, have led scientists to consider VR as a useful tool for conducting experimental studies in fields such as neuroscience and experimental psychology. In particular virtual body ownership, where the feeling of ownership over a virtual body is elicited in the participant, has become a useful tool in the study of body representation, in cognitive neuroscience and psychology, concerned with how the brain represents the body. Although VR has been shown to be a useful tool for exploring body ownership illusions, integrating the various technologies necessary for such a system can be daunting. In this paper we discuss the technical infrastructure necessary to achieve virtual embodiment. We describe a basic VR system and how it may be used for this purpose, and then extend this system with the introduction of real-time motion capture, a simple haptics system and the integration of physiological and brain electrical activity recordings

    An Untethered Multimodal Haptic Hand Wearable

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    Haptic primary colors correspond to temperature, vibration, and force. Previous studies combined these three haptic primary colors to produce different types of cutaneous sensations without the need to touch a real object. This study presents a low-cost untethered hand wearable with temperature, vibration, and force feedback. It is made from low-cost and commercial off-the-shelf components. A 26 mm annular Peltier element with a 10 mm hole is coupled to an 8 mm mini disc vibration motor, forming vibro-thermal tactile feedback for the user. All the other fingertips have an 8 mm disc vibration motor strapped on them using Velcro. Moreover, kinesthetic feedback extracted from a retractable ID badge holder with a small solenoid stopper is used as force feedback that restricts the fingers’ movement. Hand and finger tracking is done using Leap Motion Controller interfaced to a virtual setup with different geometric figures developed using Unity software. Therefore, we argue this prototype as a whole actuates cutaneous and kinesthetic feedback that would be useful in many virtual applications such as Virtual Reality (VR), teleoperated surgeries, and teleoperated farming and agriculture

    A Novel Untethered Hand Wearable with Fine-Grained Cutaneous Haptic Feedback

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    During open surgery, a surgeon relies not only on the detailed view of the organ being operated upon and on being able to feel the fine details of this organ but also heavily relies on the combination of these two senses. In laparoscopic surgery, haptic feedback provides surgeons information on interaction forces between instrument and tissue. There have been many studies to mimic the haptic feedback in laparoscopic-related telerobotics studies to date. However, cutaneous feedback is mostly restricted or limited in haptic feedback-based minimally invasive studies. We argue that fine-grained information is needed in laparoscopic surgeries to study the details of the instrument’s end and can convey via cutaneous feedback. We propose an exoskeleton haptic hand wearable which consists of five 4 ⇄ 4 miniaturized fingertip actuators, 80 in total, to convey cutaneous feedback. The wearable is described as modular, lightweight, Bluetooth, and WiFi-enabled, and has a maximum power consumption of 830 mW. Software is developed to demonstrate rapid tactile actuation of edges; this allows the user to feel the contours in cutaneous feedback. Moreover, to demonstrate the idea as an object displayed on a flat monitor, initial tests were carried out in 2D. In the second phase, the wearable exoskeleton glove is then further developed to feel 3D virtual objects by using a virtual reality (VR) headset demonstrated by a VR environment. Two-dimensional and 3D objects were tested by our novel untethered haptic hand wearable. Our results show that untethered humans understand actuation in cutaneous feedback just in a single tapping with 92.22% accuracy. Our wearable has an average latency of 46.5 ms, which is much less than the 600 ms tolerable delay acceptable by a surgeon in teleoperation. Therefore, we suggest our untethered hand wearable to enhance multimodal perception in minimally invasive surgeries to naturally feel the immediate environments of the instruments

    Realistic Interaction with Virtual Objects within Arm's Reach

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    The automotive industry requires realistic virtual reality applications more than other domains to increase the efficiency of product development. Currently, the visual quality of virtual invironments resembles reality, but interaction within these environments is usually far from what is known in everyday life. Several realistic research approaches exist, however they are still not all-encompassing enough to be usable in industrial processes. This thesis realizes lifelike direct multi-hand and multi-finger interaction with arbitrary objects, and proposes algorithmic and technical improvements that also approach lifelike usability. In addition, the thesis proposes methods to measure the effectiveness and usability of such interaction techniques as well as discusses different types of grasping feedback that support the user during interaction. Realistic and reliable interaction is reached through the combination of robust grasping heuristics and plausible pseudophysical object reactions. The easy-to-compute grasping rules use the objects’ surface normals, and mimic human grasping behavior. The novel concept of Normal Proxies increases grasping stability and diminishes challenges induced by adverse normals. The intricate act of picking-up thin and tiny objects remains challenging for some users. These cases are further supported by the consideration of finger pinches, which are measured with a specialized finger tracking device. With regard to typical object constraints, realistic object motion is geometrically calculated as a plausible reaction on user input. The resulting direct finger-based interaction technique enables realistic and intuitive manipulation of arbitrary objects. The thesis proposes two methods that prove and compare effectiveness and usability. An expert review indicates that experienced users quickly familiarize themselves with the technique. A quantitative and qualitative user study shows that direct finger-based interaction is preferred over indirect interaction in the context of functional car assessments. While controller-based interaction is more robust, the direct finger-based interaction provides greater realism, and becomes nearly as reliable when the pinch-sensitive mechanism is used. At present, the haptic channel is not used in industrial virtual reality applications. That is why it can be used for grasping feedback which improves the users’ understanding of the grasping situation. This thesis realizes a novel pressure-based tactile feedback at the fingertips. As an alternative, vibro-tactile feedback at the same location is realized as well as visual feedback by the coloring of grasp-involved finger segments. The feedback approaches are also compared within the user study, which reveals that grasping feedback is a requirement to judge grasp status and that tactile feedback improves interaction independent of the used display system. The considerably stronger vibrational tactile feedback can quickly become annoying during interaction. The interaction improvements and hardware enhancements make it possible to interact with virtual objects in a realistic and reliable manner. By addressing realism and reliability, this thesis paves the way for the virtual evaluation of human-object interaction, which is necessary for a broader application of virtual environments in the automotive industry and other domains.StĂ€rker als andere Branchen benötigt die Automobilindustrie realistische Virtual Reality Anwendungen fĂŒr eine effiziente Produktentwicklung. WĂ€hrend sich die visuelle QualitĂ€t virtueller Darstellungen bereits der RealitĂ€t angenĂ€hert hat, ist die Interaktion mit virtuellen Umgebungen noch weit vom tĂ€glichen Erleben der Menschen entfernt. Einige ForschungsansĂ€tze haben sich mit realistischer Interaktion befasst, gehen aber nicht weit genug, um in industriellen Prozessen eingesetzt zu werden. Diese Arbeit realisiert eine lebensnahe mehrhĂ€ndige und fingerbasierte Interaktion mit beliebigen Objekten. Dabei ermöglichen algorithmische und technische Verbesserungen eine realitĂ€tsnahe Usability. Außerdem werden Methoden fĂŒr die Evaluation dieser Interaktionstechnik vorgestellt und benutzerunterstĂŒtzende Greiffeedbackarten diskutiert. Die verlĂ€ssliche und gleichzeitig realistische Interaktion wird durch die Kombination von robusten Greifheuristiken und pseudophysikalischen Objektreaktionen erreicht. Die das menschliche Greifverhalten nachbildenden Greifregeln basieren auf den OberflĂ€chennormalen der Objekte. Die Reduktion negativer EinflĂŒsse verfĂ€lschter Normalen und eine höhere GriffstabilitĂ€t werden durch das neuartige Konzept der Normal Proxies erreicht. Dennoch bleibt fĂŒr manche Nutzer das Aufnehmen von dĂŒnnen und kleinen Objekten problematisch. Diese FĂ€lle werden zusĂ€tzlich durch die Einbeziehung von FingerberĂŒhrungen unterstĂŒtzt, die mit einem speziellen Fingertracking GerĂ€t erfasst werden. Plausible Objektreaktionen auf Benutzereingaben werden unter BerĂŒcksichtigung typischer ObjekteinschrĂ€nkungen geometrisch berechnet. Die Arbeit schlĂ€gt zwei Methoden zur Evaluierung der fingerbasierten Interaktion vor. Ein Expertenreview zeigt, dass sich erfahrene Benutzer sehr schnell in die Technik einfinden. In einer Benutzerstudie wird nachgewiesen, dass fingerbasierte Interaktion im hier untersuchten Kontext vor indirekter Interaktion mit einem EingabegerĂ€t bevorzugt wird. WĂ€hrend letztere robuster zu handhaben ist, stellt die fingerbasierte Interaktion einen deutlich höheren Realismus bereit und erreicht mit den vorgeschlagenen Verbesserungen eine vergleichbare VerlĂ€sslichkeit. Um Greifsituationen transparent zu gestalten, realisiert diese Arbeit ein neuartiges druckbasiertes taktiles Feedback an den Fingerspitzen. Alternativ wird ein vibrotaktiles Feedback am gleichen Ort realisiert und visuelles Feedback durch die EinfĂ€rbung der griffbeteiligten Fingersegmente umgesetzt. Die verschiedenen FeedbackansĂ€tze werden in der Benutzerstudie verglichen. Dabei wird Greiffeedback als Voraussetzung identifiziert, um den Greifzustand zu beurteilen. Taktiles Feedback verbessert dabei die Interaktion unabhĂ€ngig vom eingesetzten Display. Das merklich stĂ€rkere Vibrationsfeedback kann wĂ€hrend der Interaktion störend wirken. Die vorgestellten Interaktionsverbesserungen und Hardwareerweiterungen ermöglichen es, mit virtuellen Objekten auf realistische und zuverlĂ€ssige Art zu interagieren. Indem die Arbeit Realismus und VerlĂ€sslichkeit gleichzeitig adressiert, bereitet sie den Boden fĂŒr die virtuelle Untersuchung von Mensch-Objekt Interaktionen und ermöglicht so einen breiteren Einsatz virtueller Techniken in der Automobilindustrie und in anderen Bereichen

    Realistic Interaction with Virtual Objects within Arm's Reach

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    The automotive industry requires realistic virtual reality applications more than other domains to increase the efficiency of product development. Currently, the visual quality of virtual invironments resembles reality, but interaction within these environments is usually far from what is known in everyday life. Several realistic research approaches exist, however they are still not all-encompassing enough to be usable in industrial processes. This thesis realizes lifelike direct multi-hand and multi-finger interaction with arbitrary objects, and proposes algorithmic and technical improvements that also approach lifelike usability. In addition, the thesis proposes methods to measure the effectiveness and usability of such interaction techniques as well as discusses different types of grasping feedback that support the user during interaction. Realistic and reliable interaction is reached through the combination of robust grasping heuristics and plausible pseudophysical object reactions. The easy-to-compute grasping rules use the objects’ surface normals, and mimic human grasping behavior. The novel concept of Normal Proxies increases grasping stability and diminishes challenges induced by adverse normals. The intricate act of picking-up thin and tiny objects remains challenging for some users. These cases are further supported by the consideration of finger pinches, which are measured with a specialized finger tracking device. With regard to typical object constraints, realistic object motion is geometrically calculated as a plausible reaction on user input. The resulting direct finger-based interaction technique enables realistic and intuitive manipulation of arbitrary objects. The thesis proposes two methods that prove and compare effectiveness and usability. An expert review indicates that experienced users quickly familiarize themselves with the technique. A quantitative and qualitative user study shows that direct finger-based interaction is preferred over indirect interaction in the context of functional car assessments. While controller-based interaction is more robust, the direct finger-based interaction provides greater realism, and becomes nearly as reliable when the pinch-sensitive mechanism is used. At present, the haptic channel is not used in industrial virtual reality applications. That is why it can be used for grasping feedback which improves the users’ understanding of the grasping situation. This thesis realizes a novel pressure-based tactile feedback at the fingertips. As an alternative, vibro-tactile feedback at the same location is realized as well as visual feedback by the coloring of grasp-involved finger segments. The feedback approaches are also compared within the user study, which reveals that grasping feedback is a requirement to judge grasp status and that tactile feedback improves interaction independent of the used display system. The considerably stronger vibrational tactile feedback can quickly become annoying during interaction. The interaction improvements and hardware enhancements make it possible to interact with virtual objects in a realistic and reliable manner. By addressing realism and reliability, this thesis paves the way for the virtual evaluation of human-object interaction, which is necessary for a broader application of virtual environments in the automotive industry and other domains.StĂ€rker als andere Branchen benötigt die Automobilindustrie realistische Virtual Reality Anwendungen fĂŒr eine effiziente Produktentwicklung. WĂ€hrend sich die visuelle QualitĂ€t virtueller Darstellungen bereits der RealitĂ€t angenĂ€hert hat, ist die Interaktion mit virtuellen Umgebungen noch weit vom tĂ€glichen Erleben der Menschen entfernt. Einige ForschungsansĂ€tze haben sich mit realistischer Interaktion befasst, gehen aber nicht weit genug, um in industriellen Prozessen eingesetzt zu werden. Diese Arbeit realisiert eine lebensnahe mehrhĂ€ndige und fingerbasierte Interaktion mit beliebigen Objekten. Dabei ermöglichen algorithmische und technische Verbesserungen eine realitĂ€tsnahe Usability. Außerdem werden Methoden fĂŒr die Evaluation dieser Interaktionstechnik vorgestellt und benutzerunterstĂŒtzende Greiffeedbackarten diskutiert. Die verlĂ€ssliche und gleichzeitig realistische Interaktion wird durch die Kombination von robusten Greifheuristiken und pseudophysikalischen Objektreaktionen erreicht. Die das menschliche Greifverhalten nachbildenden Greifregeln basieren auf den OberflĂ€chennormalen der Objekte. Die Reduktion negativer EinflĂŒsse verfĂ€lschter Normalen und eine höhere GriffstabilitĂ€t werden durch das neuartige Konzept der Normal Proxies erreicht. Dennoch bleibt fĂŒr manche Nutzer das Aufnehmen von dĂŒnnen und kleinen Objekten problematisch. Diese FĂ€lle werden zusĂ€tzlich durch die Einbeziehung von FingerberĂŒhrungen unterstĂŒtzt, die mit einem speziellen Fingertracking GerĂ€t erfasst werden. Plausible Objektreaktionen auf Benutzereingaben werden unter BerĂŒcksichtigung typischer ObjekteinschrĂ€nkungen geometrisch berechnet. Die Arbeit schlĂ€gt zwei Methoden zur Evaluierung der fingerbasierten Interaktion vor. Ein Expertenreview zeigt, dass sich erfahrene Benutzer sehr schnell in die Technik einfinden. In einer Benutzerstudie wird nachgewiesen, dass fingerbasierte Interaktion im hier untersuchten Kontext vor indirekter Interaktion mit einem EingabegerĂ€t bevorzugt wird. WĂ€hrend letztere robuster zu handhaben ist, stellt die fingerbasierte Interaktion einen deutlich höheren Realismus bereit und erreicht mit den vorgeschlagenen Verbesserungen eine vergleichbare VerlĂ€sslichkeit. Um Greifsituationen transparent zu gestalten, realisiert diese Arbeit ein neuartiges druckbasiertes taktiles Feedback an den Fingerspitzen. Alternativ wird ein vibrotaktiles Feedback am gleichen Ort realisiert und visuelles Feedback durch die EinfĂ€rbung der griffbeteiligten Fingersegmente umgesetzt. Die verschiedenen FeedbackansĂ€tze werden in der Benutzerstudie verglichen. Dabei wird Greiffeedback als Voraussetzung identifiziert, um den Greifzustand zu beurteilen. Taktiles Feedback verbessert dabei die Interaktion unabhĂ€ngig vom eingesetzten Display. Das merklich stĂ€rkere Vibrationsfeedback kann wĂ€hrend der Interaktion störend wirken. Die vorgestellten Interaktionsverbesserungen und Hardwareerweiterungen ermöglichen es, mit virtuellen Objekten auf realistische und zuverlĂ€ssige Art zu interagieren. Indem die Arbeit Realismus und VerlĂ€sslichkeit gleichzeitig adressiert, bereitet sie den Boden fĂŒr die virtuelle Untersuchung von Mensch-Objekt Interaktionen und ermöglicht so einen breiteren Einsatz virtueller Techniken in der Automobilindustrie und in anderen Bereichen

    Fine-grained Haptics: Sensing and Actuating Haptic Primary Colours (force, vibration, and temperature)

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    This thesis discusses the development of a multimodal, fine-grained visual-haptic system for teleoperation and robotic applications. This system is primarily composed of two complementary components: an input device known as the HaptiTemp sensor (combines “Haptics” and “Temperature”), which is a novel thermosensitive GelSight-like sensor, and an output device, an untethered multimodal finegrained haptic glove. The HaptiTemp sensor is a visuotactile sensor that can sense haptic primary colours known as force, vibration, and temperature. It has novel switchable UV markers that can be made visible using UV LEDs. The switchable markers feature is a real novelty of the HaptiTemp because it can be used in the analysis of tactile information from gel deformation without impairing the ability to classify or recognise images. The use of switchable markers in the HaptiTemp sensor is the solution to the trade-off between marker density and capturing high-resolution images using one sensor. The HaptiTemp sensor can measure vibrations by counting the number of blobs or pulses detected per unit time using a blob detection algorithm. For the first time, temperature detection was incorporated into a GelSight-like sensor, making the HaptiTemp sensor a haptic primary colours sensor. The HaptiTemp sensor can also do rapid temperature sensing with a 643 ms response time for the 31°C to 50°C temperature range. This fast temperature response of the HaptiTemp sensor is comparable to the withdrawal reflex response in humans. This is the first time a sensor can trigger a sensory impulse that can mimic a human reflex in the robotic community. The HaptiTemp sensor can also do simultaneous temperature sensing and image classification using a machine vision camera—the OpenMV Cam H7 Plus. This capability of simultaneous sensing and image classification has not been reported or demonstrated by any tactile sensor. The HaptiTemp sensor can be used in teleoperation because it can communicate or transmit tactile analysis and image classification results using wireless communication. The HaptiTemp sensor is the closest thing to the human skin in tactile sensing, tactile pattern recognition, and rapid temperature response. In order to feel what the HaptiTemp sensor is touching from a distance, a corresponding output device, an untethered multimodal haptic hand wearable, is developed to actuate the haptic primary colours sensed by the HaptiTemp sensor. This wearable can communicate wirelessly and has fine-grained cutaneous feedback to feel the edges or surfaces of the tactile images captured by the HaptiTemp sensor. This untethered multimodal haptic hand wearable has gradient kinesthetic force feedback that can restrict finger movements based on the force estimated by the HaptiTemp sensor. A retractable string from an ID badge holder equipped with miniservos that control the stiffness of the wire is attached to each fingertip to restrict finger movements. Vibrations detected by the HaptiTemp sensor can be actuated by the tapping motion of the tactile pins or by a buzzing minivibration motor. There is also a tiny annular Peltier device, or ThermoElectric Generator (TEG), with a mini-vibration motor, forming thermo-vibro feedback in the palm area that can be activated by a ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ signal from the HaptiTemp sensor. The haptic primary colours can also be embedded in a VR environment that can be actuated by the multimodal hand wearable. A VR application was developed to demonstrate rapid tactile actuation of edges, allowing the user to feel the contours of virtual objects. Collision detection scripts were embedded to activate the corresponding actuator in the multimodal haptic hand wearable whenever the tactile matrix simulator or hand avatar in VR collides with a virtual object. The TEG also gets warm or cold depending on the virtual object the participant has touched. Tests were conducted to explore virtual objects in 2D and 3D environments using Leap Motion control and a VR headset (Oculus Quest 2). Moreover, a fine-grained cutaneous feedback was developed to feel the edges or surfaces of a tactile image, such as the tactile images captured by the HaptiTemp sensor, or actuate tactile patterns in 2D or 3D virtual objects. The prototype is like an exoskeleton glove with 16 tactile actuators (tactors) on each fingertip, 80 tactile pins in total, made from commercially available P20 Braille cells. Each tactor can be controlled individually to enable the user to feel the edges or surfaces of images, such as the high-resolution tactile images captured by the HaptiTemp sensor. This hand wearable can be used to enhance the immersive experience in a virtual reality environment. The tactors can be actuated in a tapping manner, creating a distinct form of vibration feedback as compared to the buzzing vibration produced by a mini-vibration motor. The tactile pin height can also be varied, creating a gradient of pressure on the fingertip. Finally, the integration of the high-resolution HaptiTemp sensor, and the untethered multimodal, fine-grained haptic hand wearable is presented, forming a visuotactile system for sensing and actuating haptic primary colours. Force, vibration, and temperature sensing tests with corresponding force, vibration, and temperature actuating tests have demonstrated a unified visual-haptic system. Aside from sensing and actuating haptic primary colours, touching the edges or surfaces of the tactile images captured by the HaptiTemp sensor was carried out using the fine-grained cutaneous feedback of the haptic hand wearable

    Recent Advancements in Augmented Reality for Robotic Applications: A Survey

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    Robots are expanding from industrial applications to daily life, in areas such as medical robotics, rehabilitative robotics, social robotics, and mobile/aerial robotics systems. In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has been integrated into many robotic applications, including medical, industrial, human–robot interactions, and collaboration scenarios. In this work, AR for both medical and industrial robot applications is reviewed and summarized. For medical robot applications, we investigated the integration of AR in (1) preoperative and surgical task planning; (2) image-guided robotic surgery; (3) surgical training and simulation; and (4) telesurgery. AR for industrial scenarios is reviewed in (1) human–robot interactions and collaborations; (2) path planning and task allocation; (3) training and simulation; and (4) teleoperation control/assistance. In addition, the limitations and challenges are discussed. Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for working in the field of AR and robotic research, offering insights into the recent state of the art and prospects for improvement

    Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, held in Hamburg, Germany, in May 2022. The 36 regular papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 129 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: haptic science; haptic technology; and haptic applications
