19,443 research outputs found

    Developing Strategy Maps for the Formulation of Digital Divides Strategies

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    Prior investigations commented that almost no country is completely ready to bridge digital divide due to the absence of the balance between strategizing, coordination and action. In the e-government sector, the links among strategic objectives, action plans, and performance measures related to strategies for reducing digital divides had been constantly overlooked. This paper aims at adopting and combining the concepts of strategy map and the balanced scorecard to fill up the absences. A generic model of digital divide strategy maps is presented and the steps of developing strategy maps are illustrated in detail as well

    Analyzing Students’ Perceptions From Their Interests and Rights’ Protection Perspective Within Various International Contexts

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    The research originated from comprehending the way students, as consumers; perceive the involvement of bodies empowered to protect their rights and interests, including consumption-modernizing programmes. Among the cross-scientific research methods used by our research, the survey has been chosen and applied in three universities from various countries: Constantin Brancoveanu University of Pitesti – Management – Marketing in Economic Affairs Faculty, Romania, Fernando Pessoa - Business Science Faculty, Portugal and University Degli Studi di Milano – Political Sciences Faculty, Italy. For data processing, comprehensive methods of analysis and statistic-mathematical methods have been used, while for data analysis the method of comparing interviewed students’ opinions and the causal explanation have been used. The paper’s originality consists in drafting a direct, quantitative research, based on the scientific research of students’ opinions, future opinion originators, in three countries with various development levels. In addition, Romanian profile literature does not enlist many scientific papers approaching the analysed topics, while international research papers exist, but only to a small extent. The main results of research reveal the occurrence of dissimilarities and similarities relevant to students’ perceptions, regarding the approached subject.consumers` protection, consumers` rights, international research, students, analysis of perceptions, different national contexts

    R&D in China and the implications for industrial restructuring

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    The nation-wide introduction of foreign technology in China has been going on for over 20 years. This paper examines the R&D incentive of the Chinese innovators by analyzing the patent data for the period from 1985 to 1999. The following findings were obtained. First, individual innovators, as opposed to industrial enterprises and research institutes, have been supplying over 70% of all patent applications filed domestically. Second, innovators in China, including the industrial enterprises, have been devoting their R&D resources disproportionately to small innovations, rather than major ones. Third, the large and medium-sized enterprises are not yet the main force for innovation in China. The impacts of industrial structure on R&D incentive are emphasized. Regression analysis for 37 manufacturing industries in China shows that R&D output, measured by the number of patents per firm, is positively related to the eight-firm concentration ratio. I also analyze the microeconomic channels through which the vertical structure of an industry affects firm incentive to absorb imported technologies. “Excessive competition” and a low degree of vertical integration in Chinese industries are major factors leading to small-scale innovation, high propensity to purchase foreign technologies, and low propensity to absorb them. Establishing enterprise groups that are truly subject to market discipline can speed up the “imitation-first-and-then-innovate” process

    The Reasons for and the Impact of Antidumping Protection: The Case of People's Republic of China

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    Over the past few decades, the liberalization in international trade has progressed at a rapid speed. While tariffs and quotas have been and continue to be reduced, another type of trade barrier, antidumping, is being used more and more frequently as a measure of protection. This paper focuses on the case of China, explores the characteristics, the reasons for and implications of antidumping. China is the largest targeting economy of antidumping (AD) trade disputes and there is evidence that China is more susceptible to antidumping than other economies, even after controlling for factors such as the non-market economy (NME) status. Our paper analyzes the reasons for China being so broadly and intensively targeted. In particular, the domestic characteristics of exports structure and industrial structures are examined. Our analysis also reveals that foreign direct investment (FDI) may be a significant factor explaining AD cases against China. There is also evidence that low concentration ratios in Chinese industries have contributed to the competitive price and low profit margins. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the APEC Capacity-Building Workshop on Quantification of NTMs and Trade Facilitation, October 8-10, 2003, in Bangkok, Thailand.

    Surveillant institutional eyes in South Korea

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    노트 : This article was originally presented at the workshop, 10–11 February 2006, The Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany

    Transforming work : feminist perspectives on the COVID-19 crisis and recovery

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    This paper examines social and economic disparities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic within the context of neoliberal capitalism. The gendered, racialized, and other social inequities that were evident during this health crisis are linked to shifting work conditions and activities of labor and capital within the workplace and at the household level. The analysis draws from feminist economic geography to examine the social dimensions, spatial dynamics, and economic processes that are highlighted by changes in work and social relations during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion demonstrates how economic upheavals such as those that occurred alongside the pandemic are embedded in social reproduction, with particular emphasis on the precarity of labor and contested household dynamics. Furthermore, ongoing crises in neoliberal capitalism provide the conditions for social movements that challenge inequities and oppressive conditions for labor. The conclusion offers strategies for future directions of work that support inclusive and transformative ideals of feminist economic geography.Aquest article examina les desigualtats socials i econòmiques al voltant de la pandèmia de COVID-19 en el context del capitalisme neoliberal. Les desigualtats de gènere, racials i altres desigualtats socials, les quals s'han evidenciat durant aquesta crisi sanitària, estan relacionades amb els canvis en les condicions del treball i del capital en el lloc de treball i a la llar. L'anàlisi es basa en la geografia econòmica feminista per examinar les dimensions socials, les dinàmiques espacials i els processos econòmics que es reflecteixen a travÊs de canvis en el treball i en les relacions socials durant la pandèmia de COVID-19 i mÊs enllà. La discussió demostra que les turbulències econòmiques com les que s'han esdevingut durant la pandèmia estan integrades en la reproducció social, concretament en la precarietat del treball i les relacions de gènere a la llar. A mÊs, les crisis actuals del capitalisme neoliberal afavoreixen els moviments socials que desafien les desigualtats i les condicions de treball opressives. La conclusió presenta estratègies per a les futures direccions del treball, associades als ideals inclusius i transformadors de la geografia econòmica feminista.Este artículo examina las desigualdades sociales y económicas alrededor de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el contexto del capitalismo neoliberal. Las desigualdades de gÊnero, raciales y otras desigualdades sociales, las cuales se han evidenciado durante esta crisis sanitaria, estån relacionadas con los cambios en las condiciones del trabajo y del capital en el lugar de trabajo y en el hogar. El anålisis se basa en la geografía económica feminista para examinar las dimensiones sociales, las dinåmicas espaciales y los procesos económicos que se reflejan a travÊs de cambios en el trabajo y en las relaciones sociales durante la pandemia de COVID-19 y mås allå. La discusión demuestra que las turbulencias económicas, como las que han tenido lugar durante la pandemia, estån integradas en la reproducción social, concretamente en la precariedad del trabajo y las relaciones de gÊnero en el hogar. Ademås, las crisis actuales del capitalismo neoliberal favorecen los movimientos sociales que desafían las desigualdades y las condiciones de trabajo opresivas. La conclusión presenta estrategias para las futuras direcciones del trabajo, asociadas a los ideales inclusivos y transformadores de la geografía económica feminista

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    Chinese Overseas M&A: Overcoming Cultural and Organizational Divides

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    This article contributes to the existing knowledge on the difficulties and critical aspects of the post-acquisition phase of an emerging market multinational. To establish the context, a literature review on multinational companies from emerging countries, and specifically on the internationalization initiatives of Chinese companies, is provided, along with a framework to analyze cultural and management-related differences related to mergers and acquisitions (M&As). This review and framework is followed by a case study of a Chinese motorbike M&A in Italy. The case illustrates how Chinese companies use Italy to access Western markets (and strategic logistical services), as well as a wide range of distinct skills/intangible assets, such as brands, know-how and technology, particularly in the manufacturing industries. The findings suggest that while superficial product-portfolio and cost benefits can accrue due to the acquisition, cultural and administrative differences and lack of synergies between the two companies prevented the acquirer from fully integrating the intangible assets, particularly human resource talent, of the acquired firm
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