115,295 research outputs found

    United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Kenya

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    The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2014-2018) for Kenya is an expression of the UN's commitment to support the Kenyan people in their self-articulated development aspirations. This UNDAF has been developed according to the principles of UN Delivering as One (DaO), aimed at ensuring Government ownership, demonstrated through UNDAF's full alignment to Government priorities and planning cycles, as well as internal coherence among UN agencies and programmes operating in Kenya. The UNDAF narrative includes five recommended sections: Introduction and Country Context, UNDAF Results, Resource Estimates, Implementation Arrangements, and Monitoring and Evaluation as well as a Results and Resources Annex. Developed under the leadership of the Government, the UNDAF reflects the efforts of all UN agencies working in Kenya and is shaped by the five UNDG programming principles: Human Rights-based approach, gender equality, environmental sustainability, capacity development, and results based management. The UNDAF working groups have developed a truly broad-based Results Framework, in collaboration with Civil Society, donors and other partners. The UNDAF has four Strategic Results Areas: 1) Transformational Governance encompassing Policy and Institutional Frameworks; Democratic Participation and Human Rights; Devolution and Accountability; and Evidence-based Decision-making, 2) Human Capital Development comprised of Education and Learning; Health, including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Environmental Preservation, Food Availability and Nutrition; Multi-sectoral HIV and AIDS Response; and Social Protection, 3) Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth, with Improving the Business Environment; Strengthening Productive Sectors and Trade; and Promoting Job Creation, Skills Development and Improved Working Conditions, and 4) Environmental Sustainability, Land Management and Human Security including Policy and Legal Framework Development; and Peace, Community Security and Resilience. The UNDAF Results Areas are aligned with the three Pillars (Political, Social and Economic) of the Government's Vision 2030 transformational agenda

    The Brazilian experience in design for health: Interdisciplinary and Bioethics

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    Health design in Brazil has been characterized historically by replacing imported products with others that are locally manufactured on a small scale. The formation of interdisciplinary groups has never been submitted to specific norms, particularly at universities. In January 2007 the Health Design Group was created at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, a partnership between people from the design group at the authors’ Institutions: Architecture and Urbanism School and School of Medicine. Aiming at documenting some important experiences on the Brazilian scene to provide historical and methodological subsidies for research done by this group, a survey was conducted to find the pioneer experiences that, using the technology available at the time they were developed, paved the way for the current research. We selected some experiments that began at the end of the 1950s lasting until the 90s, along with their researchers; among them are the Brazilian Foundation for the Development of Science Teaching (FUNBEC), the department of bioengineering of the Heart Institute (InCor) of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) Medical School, the medical equipment at Rede Sarah, and some experiences in the field of Ophthalmology. Besides the historical documentation, the results of the Health Design Group specifically include the development of two products, a high-optical-quality magnifying glass and the innovative reading stand associated with a magnifying glass that has already been successfully tested in accordance with ethical standards by low vision patients at authors’ Institution. Thus, the creation of the Health Design Group fosters cross-disciplinary integration of subjects such as medicine and design. Based on the previously cited experiences and looking forward to implementing new research methods at authors’ Institutions, this group is getting the first results, such as the inclusion of interdisciplinary work and the implementation of bioethics in research on the design of medical equipment. Keywords: health design; ethics; cross-disciplinary integration; bioengineering; ophthalmology; low vision; medical equipment.</p

    African Universities: Stories of Change

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    Profiles successful foundation initiatives in Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda that are reforming the higher education landscape in Africa

    Adapting integrated agriculture aquaculture for HIV and AIDS-affected households: the case of Malawi

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    The WorldFish Center in conjunction with World Vision Malawi carried out a project to improve income and nutrition status of households affected by HIV and AIDS with funding from the World Bank. The project was implemented in Southern Malawi particularly in the West of Zomba District from July 2005 to June 2006. Through participatory approaches, the project identified constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households’ realisation of the benefits from fish farming and adapted technologies and practices for the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. Specifically, the project sought (1) to identify the constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households to realise the benefits from fish farming and based on the constraints, (2) to adapt technologies and practices for use by the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. (PDF cotains 17 pages

    Social Entrepreneurship Collaboratory: (SE Lab): A University Incubator for a Rising Generation of Leading Social Entrepreneurs

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    How can universities help create, develop and sustain a rising generation of social entrepreneurs and their ideas? What new forms of learning environments successfully integrate theory and practice? What conditions best support university students interested in studying, participating in, creating and developing social change organizations, thinking through their ideas, and connecting with their inspiration? What is the intellectual content and the rationale for a curriculum addressing this at a university

    Innovations in Compassion - The Faith-Based and Community Initiative: A Final Report to the Armies of Compassion

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    [Excerpt] This Final Report to the Armies of Compassion prepared by the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives offers an account of President Bush’s Faith-Based and Community Initiative (FBCI or Initiative) to the dedicated faith-based and other community organizations (FBCOs) that have joined in the battles against poverty, disease, and other social ills. The report emphasizes what matters most about the FBCI: measurable results achieved for millions in need across America and around the world through vibrant partnerships with the “armies of compassion” – the thousands of FBCOs that have partnered with government to serve their neighbors in need. It also offers a look at key government reforms and innovations that made these results possible. The report finishes with a glimpse toward the future of the FBCI and the foundation upon which the next generation of government and community leaders can build to achieve even greater good in the decades to come. Changing Lives highlights twelve areas of critical human need that have been particularly affected through expanded Federal partnerships with faith-based and other frontline nonprofits. The chapter highlights key results across these wide-ranging areas of need and stories revealing the deeper impact of the FBCI for individual organizations and the people they serve. Transforming Government explains how reforms led by the FBCI have secured a level playing field for faith-based organizations and reduced barriers to help small FBCOs or those new to partnering with government compete for Federal funds. The chapter also highlights some of the innovative funding models advanced by the FBCI that enable more effective partnerships between government and grassroots nonprofits, such as vouchers, mini-grants, and intermediary model grants. Strengthening Partners describes the Initiative’s diverse methods for building the capabilities of nonprofit organizations and the social entrepreneurs who lead them. These efforts range from technology-based instruction and in-person training events to the hundreds of millions of dollars invested in capacity- building and technical assistance grants. Volunteerism and Private Giving highlights President Bush’s efforts to expand volunteer service and private financial support for America’s FBCOs. Taking Root in States and Cities reveals how the principles of the FBCI are being replicated outside of Washington. Governors and mayors across America are embracing the vision championed by the FBCI as a practical way to engage the toughest challenges faced by their communities. These “laboratories of innovation” will play a key role in the future of the FBCI

    Innovative Corporate Social Responsibility in Botswana: The Debswana Mining Company Study Case

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    This paper presents a study case on innovative corporate social responsibility as a very important aspect of management planning and, in the process, explores some trends and new ideas pertaining to corporate social responsibility in mining industries. Some pertinent literature is reviewed as a theoretical frame to introduce the presentation of the Debswana Mining Company case to show innovative corporate social responsibility in the mining industries in Botswana

    Triple Wins from Foreign Direct Investment: Potential for Commonwealth countries to maximise economic and community benefits from inward investments case studies of Belize and Botswana

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    The findings of the case study on Botswana indicate that mining companies in Botswana have adopted the philosophy of CSR and are prepared to link social and environmental initiates to their core business. Particularly impressive is the comprehensive approach taken by the diamond mining company Setswana to develop and decentralise its strategy on Corporate Social Investment. In so doing, the company demonstrated preparedness to go beyond business as usual' approach of merely creating jobs and provide Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

    Lasker Foundation: 2014 Annual Report

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    Lasker Foundation 2014 Annual Report, highlighting this years achievements which include, the leadership of the Foundation, current scientific advances and the importance of sustained support for biomedical research

    Kerangka rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran

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    Kajian ini merupakan sebuah kajian terhadap Kerangka Rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran. Tujuan kajian ini dilakukan adalah bagi mencadangkan sebuah Kerangka Rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran yang sesuai diaplikasikan oleh bakal guru dan juga guru bagi sebuah sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berkesan dan seterusnya meningkatkan kefahaman dan pengetahuan pelajar dalam mata pelajaran yang diajar oleh guru. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan Model ADDIE iaitu peringkat analisis, peringkat rekabentuk, peringkat pembangunan, peringkat implimentasi dan peringkat penilaian. Hasil daripada dapatan kajian yang menggunakan model TAM melihat persepsi dari kebergunaan (tahap tinggi dan min 3.02), kesenangan mengguna (tahap tinggi dan min 3.03) dan sikap penggunaan ( diterima dan min 2.65) terhadap Kerangka Rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran. Dapatan tersebut menunjukkan bahawa ia digunakan dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran di bilik darjah oleh responden pada masa hadapan. Cadangan kajian pada masa hadapan adalah berkaitan spesifikasi dan teknikal kerangka rekabentuk supaya dapat memudahkan pembinaan kerangka, menjimatkan kos dan masa