4 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Survey on Predictive Analysis using Multiple Regression for Invoice Generation System

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    The research is exploring the opportunities available for the application of Predictive analysis using multi regression for invoice generation systems. We work by analyzing the data generated and saved in the database of the clinic. This database contains the financial operations along and also contains other useful information that is being gathered about the patients. We are proposing a different approach for a billing system to make the task easier for the generation of invoices for the clinic. The mapping of the relational data and using a predictive model that is based on a regression analysis that will predict the future values involved in the business. We found that predicting the future scope of the treatments can be done using a multi-regression model. In this Bibliometric study, Different Evolutionary algorithms have been used for prediction. Different clustering techniques are carried out on bibliographic datasets which leads to getting a higher silhouette of data. The analysis based on these algorithms will be focused on further work. The advantage of our study is that we have worked on world data to generate models. These models are relatively easy to implement

    Reto de las mipymes para incursionar en el marketing digital en tiempos de COVID-19

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    This article describes the crisis that micro, small and medium enterprises have experienced throughout the country during the health emergency (COVID-19), due to low production and reduced sales. It aims to examine the effects of incorporating digital business marketing that becomes a mechanism to deal with this problem and to fill the digital gap of these companies. This issue is addressed considering the socioeconomic difference between those communities that have access to information and communication technologies and those that do not. 聽In order to collect information, an exploratory comparative descriptive analysis was carried out of the main research studies on the relationship between business digital marketing and the outcomes in business development, employee commitment, positioning, consumer satisfaction and financial performance. Additionally, the authors propose criteria to help bridge this digital gap. The findings show that, despite the existence of great divergences, the companies that today, in face of the current crisis, attempt to leverage their digital technology and connectivity capacity are going to be benefited by an increase in sales and market sustainability with international exposure.Este art铆culo describe la crisis que las micro, peque帽as y medianas empresas han experimentado en todo el pa铆s durante la emergencia sanitaria (COVID-19), a ra铆z de la baja producci贸n y la reducci贸n en las ventas. Se busca observar los efectos de la incorporaci贸n del marketing digital empresarial que se convierte en un mecanismo para solucionar la problem谩tica y para romper la brecha digital en estas empresas, entendida desde la diferencia socioecon贸mica entre aquellas comunidades que tienen accesibilidad a las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n y aquellas que no. Para la compilaci贸n de informaci贸n se emplea un an谩lisis exploratorio, comparativo y descriptivo de las principales investigaciones sobre la relaci贸n entre marketing digital empresarial y el rendimiento obtenido en el desarrollo empresarial, compromiso de los trabajadores, posicionamiento, satisfacci贸n del consumidor y rendimiento financiero; adem谩s los autores de este estudio plasman sus criterios para contribuir a eliminar esta brecha digital. Los resultados demuestran que, a pesar de la existencia de grandes divergencias, las empresas que hoy debido a la crisis est谩n tratando de mostrar su capacidad tecnol贸gica digital y de conectividad van a ser beneficiadas con un aumento en sus ventas y su sostenibilidad en el mercado con una prospectiva internacional

    Propuesta de metodolog铆a para el desarrollo de proyectos de anal铆tica prescriptiva a partir de un Metaan谩lisis

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    Trabajo de investigaci贸nEste trabajo propone una metodolog铆a para el desarrollo de proyectos de Anal铆tica Prescriptiva a partir de un Metaan谩lisis, en cual se reviso de manera sistema虂tica el estado del arte, metodologi虂as y usos en distintas a虂reas del conocimiento de dicha anal铆tica, encontrando patrones en sus procesos que son comunes a metodologi虂as orientadas a Data Mining como KDD, CRISP-DM y SEMMA.GLOSARIO RESUMEN INTRODUCCI脫N 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 2. JUSTIFICACI脫N 3. OBJETIVOS 4. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 5. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 6. MARCO TE脫RICO 7. ESTADO DEL ARTE 8. METODOLOG脥A 9. DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO 10. CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIAS ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema